The healing properties of poppy seeds were known already in antiquity. At that time, it was discovered that poppy seeds are not only an additive to food, but also a base for the production of drugs. Nowadays, poppy seeds are produced, among others, drugs with a sedative effect. Check the he alth and nutritional properties of poppy seeds.
The properties of poppy seedsare most often used in the kitchen. Poppy seed, and more specifically the poppy seed mass made from it, is the basis for Christmas cakes and desserts. However, poppy seeds are a component of not only kutia, łazanki or poppy seed cake, but also commonly known drugs such as morphine and codeine. Moreover,mak , when consumed in greater amounts, works likedrug .
Types of poppy
There are several types of poppy seeds. The best known isblue poppy seed , which is used for culinary purposes. It should not be confused withopium poppy seed,from which opium is made (a base for drugs such as morphine and codeine). A rare type of poppy seed is the more delicate flavorwhite poppy seed , which is an indispensable ingredient of the famous Poznań Marciński croissants. In turnfield poppyis used in folk medicine and cosmetology.
He alth and nutritional properties of poppy seeds
Poppy seed is rich in a set of fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E, and also vitamin C. It is also an excellent source of calcium - a bone building material. 100 g contains as much as 1266 mg of calcium - this portion covers 140% of the body's daily requirement for this element. The poppy seeds are also high in iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.
Blue seeds of medicinal poppy are pressedpoppy seed oil , which, among others, regulates the work of the kidneys and liver, and also accelerates the healing of wounds. All thanks to the content of unsaturated fatty acids, mainly those from the omega-6 group (especially linoleic acid), which also have a positive effect on the heart and help restore the balance between "good" (HDL) and "bad" (LDL) cholesterol. Poppy seed oil can be purchased at he alth food stores. It is best added to salads.
However, you should remember about the appropriate proportions of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in the diet (preferably 5: 1). Fish, linseed oil and walnuts eaten during Christmas meals are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids,therefore, the proportions of both acids are favorable. After Christmas, poppy seeds and poppy seed oil are best consumed in moderate amounts.
ImportantPoppy seed may interact with medications. Therefore, if you take medications regularly, consult your doctor or pharmacist before consuming poppy seeds.
Poppy seed is a rich source of non-digestible carbohydrates, i.e. fiber that is not digested by the stomach. This type of fiber has a specific function in the digestive system, including accelerates the intestinal passage. Thereforemakcan be a good meansto cleanse .
How many calories does poppy seed have?
Poppy seeds, although it has a positive effect on intestinal peristalsis, which is desirable during weight loss, is not recommended for people who are on a diet. Almost half of poppy seed consists of fat (18-25% is protein, approx. 25% - carbohydrates), which is why it is very caloric - 100 g of poppy seeds have as much as 478 kcal.
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreImportantPoppy seed for children. Since when can you give poppy seeds to children?
Poppy seed, but only in small amounts, can be given to children from the age of two. Poppy seeds are a rich source of magnesium, an element extremely needed by developing children.
Poppy - healing properties. Poppy as a drug
Blue poppy seed , which is mainly used in the food industry, is characterized by a very low content of narcotic alkaloids. A variety of poppy, which has a strong influence on the nervous system, ismedicinal poppy . His dried milky poppy-seed juice,opium , is the basis of drugs such as: morphine, codeine, narcotic, papaverine.
- morphineis the oldest drug with a sedative and analgesic effect - it is used to relieve very severe pain, e.g. cancer pain. In addition, morphine slows down the perception and association, blocks the proper functioning of the digestive tract, weakening the work of smooth muscles.
- codeineis a sedative, analgesic drug that inhibits the cough reflex, especially the painful, paroxysmal one.
- drugalso has an antitussive effect and stimulates the respiratory center at the same time.
- papaverineblocks the nerve stimuli causing contraction of the smooth muscles of the digestive system, therefore it is used in the case of intestinal and hepatic colic or contractile states of smooth muscles in the intestines.
Field poppy , unlike the common poppy, has little use in medicine. In traditional folk medicine, poppy seed petals can be used to prepare an infusion for cough, diarrhea, painful menstruation or insomnia. In addition, poppy seed flakes are included in various herbal mixtures, and the extract is used to produce intimate hygiene lotion.
- What to do if the poppy seeds are bitter? WAYS FOR BITTER POPPY
- How to make a poppy seed cake? What to add to the poppy seeds?
Poppy in pregnancy. Is it possible to eat poppy seeds when pregnant?
Small amounts of poppy seeds, which are found in bakery and confectionery products, should not harm your baby. Doctors, however, advise against eating large amounts of poppy seed cakes because it is difficult to digest.
Poppy seed in the lead role. Anna Starmach recommends simple dishes with poppy seeds
Source:ń Dobry TVN