Sesame and sesame oil made from it have numerous nutritional properties, thanks to which they have been used in medicine, cosmetics and cooking. Sesame seeds are a treasury of bone-strengthening calcium, which they contain more than milk. They are also a rich source of antioxidants and phytosterols - substances necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and preventing certain types of cancer. Check what other he alth effects of sesame seeds and sesame oil.
The healing properties of sesamewere already known in ancient India, from where it traveled to the Middle East, Africa and other regions of Asia. In the 17th century its he alth effects were discovered in the United States. Today sesame is known all over the world. It has foundapplicationin medicine, cosmetics and cooking, where sesame seeds are used, which - depending on the species - are white, red, brown or black in color. Two varieties - white and black - are the most popular.White sesame seedshas a slightly nutty, sweet taste.Black sesame seedsis also sweet, but has a much more intense aroma. All sesame seed varieties share an extraordinary resistance to rancidity, which is due to the presence of sesamol and sesamoline - natural antioxidants. Thanks to them, sesame seeds - as well assesame oilmade from them - also exhibit numerous healing properties.
Sesame and sesame oil - anti-cancer properties
Studies on human lymphocytic leukemia cells have shown that the use of sesame extract - sesamoline - inhibits the growth of these cells, triggering their apoptosis (cell death).
Another study, conducted on malignant melanocytes of human origin, showed that sesame oil selectively inhibits the development of a dangerous skin cancer - melanoma.
Sesame seeds have also been found to be a rich source of lignans, which can inhibit the growth of cancers caused by abnormal hormone levels in the body, especially breast and prostate cancer.
Worth knowingNutritional value of sesame seeds (in 100 g / one teaspoon - 9 g)Energy value - 573/52 kcal Total protein - 17.73 / 1.60 g Fat - 49.67 / 4.47 g Carbohydrates -23.45 g / 2.11 (including simple sugars 0.30 / 0.03) Fiber - 11.8 / 1.1 gVitaminsThiamine - 0.791 / 0.071 mg Riboflavin - 0.247 / 0.022 mg Niacin - 4.515 / 0.406 mg Vitamin B6 - 0.790 / 0.071 mg Folic acid - 97/9 µg Vitamin A - 9/1 IU Vitamin E - 0.25 / 0.02 mgMineralsCalcium - 975/88 mg Iron - 14.55 / 1.31 mg Magnesium - 351/32 mg Phosphorus - 629 / 57 mg Potassium - 468/42 mg Sodium - 11/1 mg Zinc - 7.75 / 0.70 mg
Fatty acids
saturated - 6.957 / 0.626 g monounsaturated - 18.759 / 1.688 g polyunsaturated - 21.773 / 1.960 gData source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
Sesame - a we alth of phytosterols
Sesame is one of the richest sources of phytosterols. These are plant sterols that lower the level of bad cholesterol, thus preventing the development of atherosclerotic changes in the blood vessels. In addition, phytosterols prevent certain types of cancer (e.g. prostate cancer).
Sesame contains the most phytosterols of all seeds.
The content of phytosterols in sesame oil is 360-473 mg / 100 g². Only sunflower, rapeseed, soybean and olive oil have more phytosterols. In turn, sesame seeds contain 231-1900 mg / 100 g² of phytosterols. Thus, they contain the most of all seeds.
Sesamoline contained in sesame also has a positive effect on the circulatory system, which reduces blood pressure, oxidative stress and prevents the formation of blood clots. This is the result of studies carried out on rats suffering from hypertension.
ImportantSesame can cause allergies
Sesame can cause food allergy. After eating it, gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, cramping abdominal pain, diarrhea may appear. Sesame is dangerous for allergy sufferers also for another reason - it belongs (right after peanuts) to the foods most often causing life-threatening anaphylactic shock. It is worth knowing that an allergy to sesame may be accompanied by an allergy to flour (wheat, rye and oat), kiwi fruit and nuts (the so-called cross allergy).
Sesame for strong bones
Sesame seeds are a treasury of calcium, which is the basic building material of bones and teeth. Calcium is also necessary for the proper functioning of the heart and vascular system, as it is involved in blood clotting and contributes to lowering blood pressure. The daily requirement of calcium in women and men is 800-1000 mg (depending on age). Meanwhile, 100 g of sesame seeds provide as much as 975 mg of this element. This is much more than a glass of milk (300 mg).
Sesame for wet cough
Sesameit has an expectorant effect, which is why in natural medicine it is used for wet, persistent cough. It is enough to add 15 g of sesame seeds to 250 ml of water, a tablespoon of linseed, a pinch of s alt and a little honey. You should drink this mixture every day to help remove phlegm from the respiratory tract.
Expression - sesame, open up! - it comes from the fact that ripe sesame seeds burst and open by themselves.
Sesame oil for constipation
Sesame oil is a proven home remedy for constipation. To find out, add a tablespoon of honey and a little sesame oil to a cup of water. This mixture should be drunk before breakfast every day.
Worth knowingNutritional value of sesame oil (in 100 g / one tablespoon - 13.6 g)Energy value - 884/120 kcal Fat - 100.00 / 13.60 gVitaminsVitamin K - 13.6 / 1.8 µg Vitamin E - 1.40 / 0.19 mg
Fatty acids
saturated - 14,200 / 1,931 g monounsaturated - 39,700 / 5,399 g polyunsaturated - 41,700 / 5,671 gData Source: USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference
We recommend
Author: Time S.A
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Find out moreSesame oil for pain ailments
Modern phytotherapy recommends the use of sesame oil also in pain. Grated ginger juice should be mixed with an equal amount of sesame oil. Then you need to dip a cotton cloth in the mixture and rub it into the sore spot.
Sezam and diabetes
Sesame - like flaxseed and poppy seeds - has a low glycemic index (IG=35), therefore it can be consumed by people with diabetes without fear.
Sesame is very caloric - a teaspoon of sesame has 52 kcal (573 kcal / 100 g), and a tablespoon of sesame oil has as much as 120 kcal (884 kcal / 100 g).
Sesame oil - use in cosmetics
The already mentioned sesamol is an active antioxidant that "scavenges" free radicals from the body. Therefore, sesame oil, as well as cosmetics with its addition, protect the skin against aging processes. Sesame oil can also be used by people with dry skin that requires regeneration and intensive hydration. It should not be reached by people with dilated capillaries,because it warms the skin. Apart from that, sesame oil can be used on hair - it makes it smoother, stronger and well-arranged. In turn, a full body massage with warm sesame oil will cleanse the body of toxins and give the skin a glow and silky smoothness.
Sesame - use in the kitchen
Sesame seeds can be eaten raw or roasted. You can roast them yourself, spreading them on a baking tray and baking in the oven at 175 degrees C for 10-15 minutes or until they are lightly golden brown.
Sesame seeds can be added to home-made bread, cookies and muffins. In combination with tamarisk, rice vinegar and crushed garlic, they make an excellent salad dressing.
Sesame is also the main ingredient in sweetness. The best known are halva and sesame seeds.
RECIPE FOR>>Homemade halva
In Middle Eastern cuisine, Tahini is made on the basis of slightly toasted sesame seeds -sesame butter (paste) , used in the preparation of many dishes, incl. hummus. Tahini is also a great alternative to butter or margarine. RECIPE FOR>>Hummus
Sesame is also an ingredient ingomasio , a spice called sesame s alt. Gomasio comes from Japan, where it is used instead of traditional s alt. Bibliography: 1. Grotto D.,101 products for he alth and life , trans. Olejnik D., ed. Vesper, Poznań 20102. Nowak A.,Phytosterols in the daily diet , "Postępy Phytoterapii" 2011, No. 13. Szajdek A., Borowska J.,Antioxidant properties of food of origin plant , "Food. Science. Technology. Quality" 2004, No. 4