An elimination diet should be followed after the onset of food allergy symptoms. Following the rules of an elimination diet may lead to complete resolution of the allergy, as it is the only form of causal treatment. Find out what the elimination diet for food allergy is. What can and cannot be eaten on an elimination diet?
Who is the elimination diet for?
The elimination diet is intended primarily for people who develop symptoms of food allergy. It is also a method of treating an already recognized disease process. It is also used in people with food allergies to restore tolerance to food that causes allergies.
Elimination diet - types of elimination diets
There are three types of elimination diets: a diet consisting in the complete exclusion of one or more ingredients harmful to the patient, an elemental diet and an oligoantigenic diet.
Elimination diet: complete exclusion of one or more ingredients
The first type of elimination diet is to completely exclude one or more potentially allergenic ingredients for a period of about two weeks. Products suspected of causing an allergic reaction should be turned off one at a time until the symptoms of the allergy have resolved. Then we know which ingredient is allergic.
An elimination diet should be properly balanced in terms of calories and nutrition. However, the complete elimination of a given product may be associated with deficiencies in its nutrients. To prevent this from happening, substitutes should be used - products with equivalent nutritional values. For example, in the case of a dairy-free diet, attention should be paid to the composition of any available substitutes, especially the calcium content and the calcium-phosphate ratio. This type of diet is most commonly used in infants who are allergic to cow's milk proteins (not to be confused with cow's milk protein intolerance). Complementary foods can be introduced after the child is 5 months old.
ImportantElimination diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding
An elimination diet is not recommended for pregnant women as it may be the causenutrient deficiencies, and thus - may adversely affect the he alth of the future mother and the child's development. Doctors also do not recommend an elimination diet during the lactation period to prevent allergies.
CHECK>>Food allergy and breastfeeding. Can a breastfed baby have a food allergy? Elementary diet is used when the above-mentioned type of elimination diet did not answer the question which ingredient is harmful to he alth. Its characteristic feature is the introduction of only single amino acids, which can be a source of energy for the body. The oligoantigenic diet is used when disease symptoms appear after eating many different foods. Then the diet can only include the so-called safe foods that cause allergies extremely rarely, such as lamb meat, rice, corn, boiled apples, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, lettuce, potatoes, s alt, sugar, wine vinegar and olive oil. Please note that this diet should only be used for one to four weeks. When it does not bring certain effects, return to the previous diet. If improvement is noticed, it is advisable to conduct a food challenge by introducing the harmful food into the diet. Author: Time S.A An individually selected diet will allow you to eat he althy and tasty, even if your doctor has prescribed a therapeutic diet. Take advantage of JeszCoLisz, an innovative online dietary system from the He alth Guide and take care of your he alth and well-being. Enjoy a professionally composed menu and constant support from a dietitian today! Allergenic products Products with reduced allergenic properties cow's milk eggs fish crustaceans mollusks peanuts soybeans wheat Fruits: apples, currants, blueberries, apricots Vegetables: pumpkins, carrots, potatoes, beets, leeks, onions, kohlrabi, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, green peasElimination diet: elemental diet
Elimination diet: oligoantigenic diet
Elimination diet - which products are the most common cause of food allergy?