Imbalance is a feeling of instability, an incorrect position in space, usually accompanied by dizziness. Balance disorders can be a signal of both minor diseases and serious, dangerous diseases, the early diagnosis of which improves the prognosis for the patient's he alth and life. Find out which diseases are manifested by imbalances.
Disturbance of balancemay be in the form of spinning of the environment, one's body or head, a feeling of sinking or wobbling, swaying, floating, staggering, the feeling of walking on cotton wool, weakness of the legs. Balance problems are usually accompanied by dizziness. Some people may also experience nausea, sometimes vomiting, hearing loss or loss, and tinnitus. These symptoms may be the result of:
- abnormal operation of the equilibrium system (vestibular system), which includes the labyrinth, vestibular nerve, vestibular nuclei and a set of centers and connections between them in the cerebellum, brain stem and cortex, the organ of vision and deep sensory receptors (proprioreceptors) located in the joints , tendons, muscles, ligaments and joint capsules
- systemic diseases
- mental illness
Balance disorders - diseases of the vestibular system
Balance disorders indicate diseases of the labyrinth, which is responsible for the sense of balance and orientation in the field. These can be motion sickness, inflammation of the vestibulocochlear nerve, inflammation of the labyrinth, tumors of the sternocerebellar angle
Imbalance - systemic diseases
- stroke - paresis or paralysis of half of the body, speech disorders, visual disturbances (or double vision), dizziness and headaches with a spinning feeling accompanied by nausea, vomiting
Imbalance is a condition frequently reported by patients, as often as headache, low back pain, insomnia, cough, and digestive disorders.
- brain tumor - focal (local) symptoms of brain cancer vary depending on the location of the tumor. An imbalance can occur when the cancer has spread to the posterior-lower part of the brain (the cerebellum). Accompanying symptomsthere are difficulties in maintaining a standing position and inability to perform precise movements, e.g. holding a pen and writing efficiently
- Addison-Biermer disease, i.e. anemia resulting from vitamin B12 deficiency - apart from imbalance, there are also other symptoms of the nervous system, such as a feeling of suffering, numbness or pain in the limbs. Other symptoms include mouth inflammation, unpleasant body odor, menstrual discomfort, deterioration of mood
- low blood pressure - spots appear in front of the eyes, increased heart rate, pale face, cold hands and feet, bouts of nausea, night sweats, fatigue, weakness, malaise when the weather changes, trouble concentrating
- poisoning - with various substances, including alcohol and drugs
Balance disorders - mental disorders
Nervousness, stomach and heart pains, nausea, balance disorders, anxiety may be related to neurosis and even depression.