Ugly vaginal discharge, itching, burning in an intimate place are symptoms of inflammation. It can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, but also … allergy-prone. So if you are allergic and suffer from recurring vaginal infections frequently, please tell your gynecologist.

Women prone to allergies often have inflammation of the genital tract, especiallyvaginaand vulva. Usually,itching , swelling and redness of the labia appear.
These reactions sometimes occur after contact with washing powder, panty liners or sanitary towels, soap or intimate hygiene. Condoms can also be the cause ofallergies : firstly, the agents used to dye or perfum them, and secondly, the latex they are made of. Interestingly, latex allergy, manifested by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, can also occur after eating kiwi. This fruit belongs to the rubber tree family, which is the same as the rubber tree from which the raw material for latex production is obtained.

The effect of allergies is inflammation

Sensitization is a consequence of disturbances in the functioning of the immune system: after contact with a substance that is neutral to he alth (allergen), an increased systemic defense reaction occurs. Inflammation is the result. However, it is treated differently than that caused by pathogenic microbes.
Therefore, if you are allergic and prone to inflammation of the genital tract, tell your gynecologist about it. In order to determine the cause of "gynecological" allergies, it is also worth visiting an allergist. If a specialist determines that your intimate ailments have an allergic background, he may recommend special pessaries for local treatment. It is not uncommon to take oral antihistamines. However, the most effective way is to avoid contact with the allergen, so also use products for intimate hygiene.

If you are prone to allergies

  • Wear only underwear made of natural fibers - synthetic ones are allergenic.
  • When washing yourself, use special intimate hygiene fluids containing lactic acid, allantoin or other irritation-soothing ingredients. Also, give up washing and sponges.
  • Do not use someone else's towel, because it is easier then for additional trouble in the characterinfections, e.g. mycosis.
  • When washing your underwear, use delicate powders intended for babies or allergy sufferers and remember to rinse multiple times.
  • Replace long baths with fragrant liquids and oils with a shower.
  • Avoid perfumed toilet paper and perfumed panty liners.
  • Occasionally use pharmacy-bought preparations with lactobacilli, which are a natural ally in preventing intimate infections.
  • Watch your body's reactions carefully - you will find out what makes you allergic.

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