Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterium that is spread sexually. Chlamydia infection is usually asymptomatic, so we do not know that we get sick, risking unpleasant consequences, such as infertility or miscarriage. However, there are genetic tests that can detect chlamydia.
Chlamydia trachomatisis a bacterium which, after entering the body, attaches to cells, penetrates them and multiplies there. Usuallychlamydiado not give any symptoms, so if you suspect infection (unprotected sex with a random person) it is worth doingchlamydia test .
Chlamydia - blood test for chlamydia
Detecting this bacteria is not easy, and laboratory tests are expensive. As part of the National He alth Fund, blood tests can be performed - the level of IgM and IgG immunoglobulins, and a test for the presence of chlamydia in a swab from the cervix, vulva area or urethra mouth. Cellular testing is performed using several methods. The most common of cell culture has an efficiency of up to 80 percent. that is, it may not detect the presence of bacteria even though they are there (e.g. due to cell death during transport). Other tests involve viewing the specimen fixed on a slide under a microscope or in a spectrophotometer. However, these tests are also 80 percent effective. Attempts are made to test for the presence of chlamydia using enzyme tests. They can be performed in the gynecologist's office, but their sensitivity is low and the result is unreliable.
Chlamydia - DNA test for chlamydia
The most effective test for detecting the presence of chlamydia is molecular testing (DNA testing, also known as PCR or genetic testing). It is this test as the most reliable and recommended. According to the doctor, the PCR test for chlamydia should be performed by every sexually active person once a year. Unfortunately, the study is not reimbursed.
What to do to perform a PCR test on chlamydia
You have to buy the download kit at a pharmacy or through the website. Take this kit to a gynecologist or urologist who will take a sample of the material for examination. The sample must then be sent to the laboratory for testing within 10 days. The cost of the entire test with the kitamounts to PLN 157. However, one sample taken can also be tested for HPV (human papillomavirus), HSV (herpes virus) and Mycoplasma genitalis (microbes that cause infections of the reproductive organs and urinary tract).