Sexually transmitted diseases, also known as sexually transmitted diseases, can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. Infection can occur not only during traditional intercourse, but also during oral and anal intercourse. Find out what the symptoms of the 15 most common STIs are.
Sexually transmitted (venereal) diseasesis a group of diseases that can be infected through sexual intercourse: vaginally, orally or anal. More rarely, contamination occurs through the use of infected items - especially damp towels, sponges or erotic accessories.
Factors that increase the risk of developing a sexually transmitted disease include: a large number of sexual partners, failure to use condoms or abuse of psychoactive substances, which increase the tendency to engage in risky sexual behavior. It has been proven that people between 15 and 24 years of age, with a low financial status, living in large urban agglomerations, as well as homosexual men who are not in a stable relationship, suffer more often from venereal diseases.
Read about the symptoms of the most common STDs and how you can catch them.
STDs caused by bacteria
1. Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is caused by gram-negative gonorrhea bacteria ( Neisseria gonorrhoea ). Infection almost always occurs through sexual contact. A special case is when a sick mother infects her child during childbirth. Non-sexually transmitted infections are extremely rare and can occur through the use of contaminated items such as a damp sponge or towel (bacteria can persist for 3 to 24 hours). Gonorrhea in women is usually asymptomatic, but there may be purulent vaginal discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, burning intimate areas, disturbances in the menstrual cycle and heavy menstruation. In men, the disease manifests itself as purulent discharge from the urethra, burning sensation and pain when urinating.
2. Syphilis
Syphilis is caused by the spirochete bacterium. The infection occurs mainly through sexual contact (vaginal, oral, rectal). If the bacteria are present inthroat of an infected person, it is possible to get infected through a kiss. In half of people, syphilis does not cause any symptoms, but even in its latent form it is harmful to he alth and, if left untreated, can lead to damage to the nervous system, cardiovascular system, bones, joints, mental disorders, and blindness. In other cases, it may be symptomatic - in the first phase, there is an ulcer on the genitals or vulva, then a rash on the palms and soles of the feet, which disappears by itself. Then the disease runs in hiding.
3. Chlamydiosis
The bacteriumChlamydia trachomatisis responsible for the development of chlamydiosis. In 50% of men and 75% of women, it shows no symptoms and is diagnosed only when it causes complications - epididymitis in men or adnexitis in women. Infection can occur not only through sexual contact, but also through damaged skin and mucous membranes. Untreated chlamydiosis leads to fertility problems.
4. Lymphoedema of the groin (LGV)
Bacterial diseaseChlamydia trachomatis . It is mainly found in tropical and subtropical countries. It manifests as ulcerations, vesicles or lumps on the genitals, causes inflammation of the lymph nodes, joint pain, abscesses.
5. Venereal ulcer
Venereal ulcer, also known as soft ulcer, is much more common in men than in women. The cause of its formation are bacteriaHaemophilus ducreyi . Its primary symptom is a painful ulceration on the genitals that resembles lentil grains with a bright red border. It is accompanied by enlargement of the lymph nodes. In Europe, infection with venereal ulcers is rare, and the disease is more common in developing countries.
6. Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU)
Non-gonococcal urethritis is a disease that is more common in women. It is mostly caused byChlamydia trachomatis(30% of cases), less often by vaginal trichomoniasis,Ureaplasma urealyticumorMycoplasma genitalium . Symptoms that can occur in both women and men are pressure on the bladder and pain and burning when urinating. Additionally, women may experience unpleasant-smelling vaginal discharge, and men may experience purulent discharge from the urethra.
Sexually transmitted diseases caused by viruses
AIDS is the final stage of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. In the initial phase, the disease shows no symptoms and may remain hidden for up to 10 years. Only in the advanced stages of AIDScauses increased incidence of diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, and cancer. Sexual contact is the most common cause of infection, but it can also be transmitted through the blood (e.g. when using non-sterile medical instruments) and during childbirth when the mother infects her newborn baby. People who have sexual relations with multiple partners should get HIV testing regularly, as the absence of symptoms may result in unconsciously infecting other people.
8. Genital herpes
The HSV-2 virus is responsible for the development of genital herpes. It causes small clusters of painful blisters to form around the genitals or the anus. The lesions continue to enlarge over a period of 1-2 weeks, and then burst and transform into shallow ulcers. Treatment consists of administering oral preparations or lubricating infected areas with anti-inflammatory ointments. In pregnant women who are carriers of the herpes virus, delivery by caesarean section is indicated to eliminate the risk of infecting the newborn.
9. Hepatitis
Hepatitis B occurs mainly through the blood, but transmission through sexual contact is also possible. Not only is the intercourse itself risky, but also direct contact with the sperm or vaginal discharge of the sick person. The infection is prevented (though not 100%) by the use of condoms.
10. Genital warts (HPV)
Genital warts is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). It manifests as lumps and warts around the anus and genitals (both outside and inside, e.g. in the vagina). In rarer cases, condylomas can occur in the oral cavity - on the tongue, on the mucosa of the throat, larynx, lips. If left untreated, eruptions turn into whitish cauliflower-like creations over time. Treatment consists of the use of ointments, creams and cryotherapy (freezing). In the case of large lesions, surgery or laser cutting is necessary.
11. Contagious mollusk
The contagious mollusk is caused by the smallpox virusPoxviridae . In adults, it is most often transmitted through sexual contact, less often through contact with infected objects. A characteristic symptom of this disease is the appearance of hard, translucent, flesh-colored, pearly or yellow nodules filled with a spherical substance. In men, the changes are located on the penis, and in women on the pubic mound, labia, groin,anal area. The contagious mollusk is not dangerous and usually the changes caused by it disappear spontaneously after a few months. Usually, however, treatment is implemented with the use of ointments, creams and oral preparations. Larger lesions are excised, removed by laser or electrocoagulation.
- Penis mycosis. Causes, symptoms and treatment of penile mycosis
- HIV - how to protect yourself from HIV infection
- Vaginal itching - causes. How To Cure Vaginal Itching?
Sexually transmitted diseases caused by protozoa and fungi
12. Trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis is caused by protozoaTrichomonas vaginalis . The main route of infection is intercourse, less often contact with infected objects (especially toilet accessories that retain moisture, e.g. towels, sponges). The symptoms of trichomoniasis appear mainly in women (in the case of men, the disease is usually asymptomatic) and include yellow-green, foamy discharge, vaginal itching and burning, pain around the urethra, and a strong urge to urinate.
13. Genital candidiasis
Candidiasis, or fungal infection of the genital organs, is most often caused by yeastsCandida albicans . People taking antibiotics and people whose skin is damaged as a result of friction, various types of trauma or contact with detergents are more likely to develop the disease. In women, candidiasis causes troublesome itching of the intimate areas, burning and cheesy discharge. The disease rarely affects men, but when it develops, it causes symptoms such as burning and itching of the genitals, red spots and blisters on the foreskin, discomfort during intercourse.
Sexually transmitted diseases caused by parasites
14. Scabies of intimate areas
Scabies in intimate areas is caused by an external parasite - human scabies. The first symptoms of the disease appear 1-2 months after the parasite starts living in the body. They mainly include severe itching of the skin - in men around the scrotum and penis, and in women around the labia and pubic mound. Parasites are invisible to the naked eye and reproduce by building tubules (scabies corridors) in the epidermis, where they lay their eggs. Treatment of scabies involves lubricating the infected areas with special preparations.
15. Pubic head lice
In the course of lice of intimate areas, there is a specific species of lice on the pubic hair. It causes chronic itching affecting not only the genitals, but also the pubic mound, abdomen, groin, and thighs. Downinfection with this type of head lice usually occurs during sexual contact, but the parasites can also spread to the pubic area from clothing, bedding or towels belonging to the infected person. Treatment of head lice involves the use of special ointments, lotions and shampoos.