Drugstore shelves are full of various intimate hygiene products. Even those dedicated to girls. Is their use good for our he alth? How to properly care for intimate hygiene? We talked about it with an expert, Dr. Tadeusz Oleszczuk.
Patrycja Pupiec: Intimate hygiene fluids have their supporters and opponents. Is their use good for our he alth?
Tadeusz Oleszczuk:Female physiology works in such a way that the 3.7-4.2 pH of the vagina is acidic and rich in lactic acid bacteria, thanks to which the development of all pathogens, from viruses through bacteria and fungi, it is hindered. Intimate cleansers have an expiry date, which means that they contain preservatives, sometimes also a dye, because they must smell and look nice, and have the right consistency.
Generally speaking, when taking a bath, we use specific cleansing agents on the entire surface of the body, even though, for example, our stomach is not dirty, but we wash it with various chemical compounds anyway, without thinking that some of them are absorbed by our skin, so these chemical additives will circulate in the blood to a greater or lesser degree. Their structure may even resemble hormones or foreign proteins causing reactive reactions.
You rather don't use them?
It is best to use water for washing, and use a paper towel for drying, because the less interference in the microflora environment, the better. For hundreds of thousands of years, only water was enough. I encourage you to try it, but of course you should use common sense.
If a woman absolutely wants to use intimate hygiene fluid, which one should she choose?
I know that many women can feel stale and use a variety of measures. When looking for niches, manufacturers come up with separate products for washing hands, face, hair, the whole body, and for intimate hygiene. Due to the fact that it is a sensitive and delicate area, it is prone to irritation.
If necessary, I would recommend products with a delicate scent, preferably those that will help maintain the appropriate pH of the skin of intimate areas and maintain the balance of bacterial flora. Preferably of natural origin, ecological.
And the soap?
Soap, on the other hand, has an alkaline reaction, so if you want to use soap for intimate hygiene, it is best to choose gray, without additives. There is also an organic olive soap.
Are there any contraindications to using intimate hygiene products?
These products occasionally cause allergic and reactive reactions. There is itching, redness, burning, swelling and even pain. It is easy to fall into a vicious circle and use more and more different means, and they will more and more irritate the intimate area. Sometimes it's not your diet that causes problems with vaginal infections but your diet.
You can eat too much sugar, fruit and this may cause a tendency to develop mycosis and vaginal discharge, for which the vaginal environment is ideal, i.e. moist and warm. Often these infections have a tendency to recur, because our habits and behavior prepare an ideal environment for them to live.
They are also more common in people with immunodeficiency, impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes. In the case of relapses, it is worth excluding these conditions, but also looking at the diet and the manner of dressing. Windproof clothing increases the risk of developing recurring he alth problems.
How much is too much unhe althy?
Exactly, and you should be aware of that. If a woman uses a product excessively, let's assume a few or a dozen times a day with each wash, it may disturb the pH balance and easily fall into this vicious circle. Recently, I see such patients less and less, but still. The woman tries to act aggressively at all costs, causes dryness and inflammation.
Then he tries to do the same even more, instead of not disturbing nature, protecting the quality of the vaginal and intimate environment. Of course, it is always worth consulting with a specialist if you have any doubts.
How to properly care for a woman's intimate area?
We disturb the vaginal environment by excessively using soap or other agents with a large amount of chemical additives. By consuming large amounts of sugar, we feed pathogens even more. Additionally, if a woman has a typically sedentary job and sometimes she is wearing pants, tight underwear, often made of unnatural fabrics all day long. And when we add stress, which reduces immunity, and after washing, we wipe the area with a cotton towel …
So change the cotton towel into a paper one?
A cloth, damp towel is a habitat for the possible development of pathogens, and when we dry the intimate areas with it, we move them, and they have something to live on.Let us not hurt ourselves unconsciously. Nature invented it differently. You can, however, sometimes use probiotics. Also vaginally, especially after taking an antibiotic and try to rebuild the bacterial flora in the vagina.
When we are at home, it is possible not to put on underwear while sleeping - just so that the surface has access to air and can breathe. During the day, a better dress, skirt than pants for hours.
Why a paper towel and not toilet paper?
Usually, toilet paper has a lot of chemical additives, for example fragrances, often contains dyed elements or can be saturated with something - everything depends on the manufacturer. On the other hand, a paper towel, an ordinary kitchen towel or one used in gynecological offices, usually does not contain any additives. That is why there are no cotton towels in public toilets, because, as I mentioned, this material is a great place for breeding many pathogens.
As you mentioned, diet is also of great importance.
Infections do not come from the air, but from what our immunity is, how we live. It matters what we use as intimate hygiene products, but also what we eat, because immunity depends on it. When the pathological flora is predominant, and not the lactic acid bacteria, which are mainly found in organic vegetables, we influence our immunity.
You have to realize that our immunity depends mainly on food. Lactic acid bacteria are the natural enemy of many pathogens. When immunity decreases, when we have disorders of the bacterial flora, we pave the way for viruses, yeasts and bacteria to cause inflammation.
Intimate hygiene products for girls - are they just a marketing gimmick or do they really help? Or maybe they are harmful?
For me, this is a bit of an exaggeration. Instead of using such things, I would suggest that parents take care that their children do not eat too much sweets and sweet fruit. Today, children and adolescents eat it mostly, which can be seen in the statistics of childhood obesity.
Manufacturers use a marketing niche, because an intimate hygiene product dedicated specifically to girls sounds interesting, but if a few things overlap that lead to a fungal infection, this specificity will not have a positive effect on this situation and certainly won't heal her. The safest thing to do is to use water and a paper towel.
Is the washing direction important for proper intimate hygiene?
Absolutely. The main thing is not to "pull" pathogens fromanus towards the vagina - this is what you need to remember when washing.
Does urination also matter?
First of all, we shouldn't delay urinating. If we have a pressure several times a day, it may be cystitis. Then it is best to culture the urine and see a doctor. Usually bacteria are the cause, but diet also matters.
How often do I wash my private area? After using the toilet each time?
Yes, there are even shower toilets nowadays. We also have the option of using bidets. Let's just use common sense. The world is moving forward. The use of water for hygiene purposes is available to everyone.
What should intimate hygiene look like after intercourse?
It is definitely worth rinsing with water and drying the washed area with a paper towel to get rid of these remnants of mucus and semen. There are, after all, abrasions after intercourse - it will definitely be good. It is worth at least rinsing the perineum area with only water. Some women don't, and it's easy to get an infection. Some doctors recommend a globule after sex if intimate infections recur.
Washing with water will not hurt, as it will cleanse the area of various intercourse residues, so that they will not be able to survive and will not be a breeding ground for pathogens. Please also remember that a man should also take care of hygiene after intercourse - he should wash the area of the foreskin to eliminate the possibility of developing an infection.
And during menstruation - how to take care of hygiene?
The same principle of water and towel drying will always work, because it is the simplest, cheapest and safest solution.
Which is better - sanitary napkin or tampon?
Definitely pads. The blood flows out of its own accord and the woman gets rid of the dirty sanitary napkin and changes it again. If necessary, of course, application of a tampon, but for a few hours, not for many hours when the bleeding is more abundant. Of course, washing water is also the best solution for replacement. You can also use menstrual cups.
Lingerie rather made of natural fibers, right?
Yes. The point is that these intimate areas should be able to breathe freely. Of course, you can wear underwear made of unnatural materials or wear thongs, but such solutions are good for a short time. In summer, I would also advise against wearing a wet swimsuit all day long.
If a woman has the option not to wear panties at home, put on a dress or a skirt instead so that this area can breathe, because the compounds contained inin the air are optimal for her. Oxygen destroys anaerobic bacteria.
Does smell matter? Can it inform about he alth problems?
Ma, even very large ones. Most of all, this neighborhood shouldn't smell bad. Usually pathological anaerobic has an unpleasant odor, so if we smell something, it shouldn't be, because these bad bacteria are the cause of the bad smell. Then you need to visit a specialist and apply medications. Vaginally or orally to get rid of ailments, and thus eliminate this unpleasant smell.
However, the most important prophylaxis and adherence to appropriate rules of counteracting and strengthening immunity. Physical activity also strengthens immunity because it reduces the level of stress. The quality and length of sleep are also important.

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- Pain in the intimate areas. Is it normal to feel pain?
- Sexually transmitted diseases. How to take care of your safety?
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- Gynecological visit during a pandemic. What has changed?
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