Mephedrone (like metaphedrone) is a drug similar to amphetamines, cocaine and ecstasy. It has appeared on the market of psychoactive substances relatively recently, and the effects of its use have not been scientifically researched so far. In Poland, mephedrone was banned in 2010 - nevertheless, it can be easily purchased online, in shops with boosters, as well as in clubs and discos. Metaphedrone was initially legal, but was also banned from distributing it in 2015. Read about the consequences of taking mephedrone and how it differs from metaphedrone.
- Mephedrone: appearance
- Mephedrone: action
- Mephedrone: symptoms of taking
- Mephedrone: long-term effects of drug use
- Mephedrone and metaphhedrone
- Metaphedrone: is it legal?
Mephedrone(colloquial names: mef, mefka, mefcia) is a type of afterburner whose effects are similar to amphetamines and ecstasy, and due to the short duration of action also to cocaine . It is included in the group of stimulants (stimulating substances) and empathogens (they cause characteristic emotional and social reactions, e.g. they increase empathy and openness to people). Mephedrone is very psychologically addictive - just one dose makes you need to reach for another one. A person taking this drug usually quickly becomes addicted to the addiction and submits his whole life to gaining money for the purchase of new doses.
Mephedrone: appearance
Mephedrone is most often sold in the form of crystals, tablets, capsules or powder. It is usually taken by sniffing the powder through the nose or orally - swallowing a tablet or dissolving it in a drink.
Pure mephedrone is odorless and colorless. However, it is often included in legal highs, i.e. mixtures of various psychoactive substances. When contaminated (then it has a color and smell) it can be very dangerous and may intensify side effects.
Mephedrone: action
The effects of mephedrone have not yet been reliably toxicologically tested. However, based on the descriptions of people who have taken the drug, as well as doctors who have rescued victims of overdose, a list of the most common symptoms can be drawn up. They are:
- strong psychomotor agitation;
- feelingeuphoria;
- empathy and openness to others (need to talk to people, describe your emotions, share stories);
- sense of strength and energy;
- word of mouth.
The duration of the drug is 2 to 5 hours.
Mephedrone: symptoms of taking
A person after taking mephedrone has dilated pupils, flushing on the face, dry mouth. Her hands are cold, sometimes blue. He may be sweating vigorously, shivering, and getting goose bumps. Typical symptoms are also suppressed appetite and increased heart rate. Up to a few days after taking mephedrone in the urine and sweat of the addicted person, you can smell a characteristic, unpleasant smell.
In addition to somatic symptoms and euphoric effects on the psyche, mephedrone use may cause a number of side effects. The likelihood of their occurrence increases with the amount of dose taken. It is also dangerous to combine mephedrone with alcohol and other psychoactive substances.
The side effects include:
- body temperature changes,
- shivering from cold alternating with sweating,
- short-term memory loss,
- hallucinations,
- palpitations,
- insomnia,
- nystagmus,
- szczękościsk,
- dizziness.
Extremely negative effects may also occur during the congress, i.e. the final stage of the drug's action. As you consume more and more mephedrone, your symptoms of descent worsen. An addicted person feels so eager for the next "plot" that he is able to do everything to get the desired dose of the drug.
Characteristic for the exit are:
- feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, sadness;
- very strong desire to take the next dose of the drug;
- accelerated heartbeat;
- nausea;
- weakening;
- insomnia;
- lack of appetite.
About how dangerous drug mephedrone is, is evidenced by deaths after taking this substance. Although the drug is illegal across Europe, the number of deaths from overdoses of mephedrone is increasing.
The largest market for this drug is Great Britain. There, in 2011, there were 9 deaths after taking mephedrone, and in 2013 - 22 cases. Since the substance was banned, consumption has increased by 300% in the UK.
Mephedrone: long-term effects of drug use
The effects of long-term mephedrone use may appear up to several months after complete withdrawal of the substance. Includeheart rhythm disturbances, uncontrolled pressure surges, anxiety, psychosis and delusions. There is a known case of a 22-year-old woman who developed acute persecution mania after a few months of taking mephedrone. The family brought her to a mental hospital, complaining about the girl's strange behavior - she was convinced that someone was following her and wanted to kill her. She refused to take food, believing that they were poisoned, she was psychomotor very agitated, vulgar, tense. It turned out that for many months she had been taking an afterburner called "Kokolino", the main ingredient of which was mephedrone.
A common side effect of long-term drug use is significant weight loss. There were reports in the foreign press where addicts lost 30 kg in two weeks. This symptom, combined with insomnia, quickly leads to complete exhaustion of the body, impairment of its key functions, and even death.
Worth knowingMephedrone and metaphhedrone
Metaphedrone (3MMC) is a derivative of mephedrone, a kind of its replacement, which appeared on the legal highs market after the first was made illegal. Metaphedrone works in a similar way to that of amphetamines and cocaine, and is also ingested by sniffing.
A person after taking metaphedrone is agitated, full of energy, but also aggression and fear. Metaphedrone causes heart problems, increases body temperature and causes high blood pressure. Those who have taken metaphedrone have dilated pupils and often trismus.
Metaphedrone: is it legal?
Metaphedrone is as dangerous as mephedrone, so although it appeared on the market later, it was also banned on July 1, 2015.