Methamphetamine (crystal, pico in drug slang) is an amphetamine derivative with a very strong stimulating effect. At the same time, it is one of the most toxic and devastating drugs for the organism - it damages the brain, overloads the heart, leads to psychosis, delusions, suicidal thoughts, hinders wound healing, and accelerates the aging process. Addiction to methamphetamine is difficult to treat and almost always leads to permanent changes in the nervous system.
Methamphetamine(slang names:crystal , finish, ice,pico , crank, ice, quartz) is an organic chemical compound, a derivative of amphetamine, which differs from it by the presence of an N-methyl group. Although the two substances are chemically similar, methamphetamine has a greater influence on the central nervous system, giving a more euphoric, long-lasting sensation.
The popularity of methamphetamine has been increasing since the 1980s, but has recently peaked. This is due to the simple and cheap production process (the drug can be obtained at home), its appetite-suppressing properties (often used as a slimming substance), and … the fashion for TV series. The growing interest in this substance was observed with the release of the American series "Breaking Bad", the main character of which deals with the illegal production of methamphetamine.
Methamphetamine - appearance
Methamphetamine can exist in several forms:
- white, odorless powder with a tart-bitter taste, easily soluble in water
- pure methamphetamine hydrochloride with the appearance of clear crystals
- in the form of a white and yellow powder with the scent of eggs
If the substance is extremely contaminated, it can be yellow to brown in color, a sticky texture, and may look like wet, dirty snow. This form of methamphetamine is most commonly found among street dealers.
Methamphetamine - routes of administration
Methamphetamine is taken in several ways:
- smoking with a pipe (only drug crystals)
- nasal
- intravenously
- orally
- intramuscularly
- subcutaneously
- rectally
The first four forms of administration are the most popular. The fastest and strongest euphoric effect is obtained with intravenous administration (the so-called "flash" occurs within a few to several seconds after taking it). Oral or nasal (sniffing) use causes a weaker reaction, which appears after several to several minutes.
Methamphetamine - action
Methamphetamine has an effect similar to amphetamine, i.e. it causes strong psychomotor and sexual arousal. The euphoric state, however, lasts longer and is more intense.
The subjectively positive effects of methamphetamine use include:
- feeling of pleasure, bliss
- energy surge, increased mental and physical activity
- sense of strength, power - sexual arousal (sometimes with loss of control over sexual reflexes) -
- appetite reduction
- no feeling tired, no need to sleep
Operating time depends on individual factors, but usually ranges from 3 to 24 hours.
ImportantMethamphetamine - how to recognize addiction?
A person who has taken methamphetamine is clearly agitated, restless, nervous, has dilated pupils poorly reacting to light, does not need sleep or rest, seems more confident and outgoing than before.
In the advanced stage of addiction she is emaciated, has an unhe althy, sallow skin tone, visible blemishes, open wounds and ulcers, bad breath, dental problems.
It is also worth paying attention to whether there are small foil bags of white powder, injection equipment (needles, syringes), pipes, tubes, dirty mirrors in the environment of the person we suspect.
Methamphetamine side effects
Methamphetamine is a very toxic drug that leads to complete destruction of the body in a relatively short time. It has a particularly negative effect on the nervous system of the addicted person. Methamphetamine causes a sudden release of dopamine and norepinephrine, the excess of which destroys nerve cells. Long-term use of the drug leads to the death of entire nervous structures. Damaged cells are no longer able to regenerate, which disrupts the flow of impulses to the brain and impairs thought processes.
Methamphetamine is also cardiotoxic: it causes continuous fluctuations in heart rate and pressure, and disrupts the work of the heart and the entire circulatory system. As a result, taking the substance may result in a heart attack or stroke.
Long-term use of methamphetamine also leads to the occurrence of disordersmental disorders: hallucinations, paranoia, hallucinations (also known as methamphetamine psychosis), anxiety, phobias, insomnia. The tendency to aggression, fights, demolition and brawls may also increase.
The symptoms of organism exhaustion are also visible on the outside: because the drug poisons the body and impairs cell regeneration, the skin becomes gray and dry, and wrinkles form faster. Ulcers and pustules are visible. Addicts often scratch themselves to the blood, so their skin is covered with extensive, difficult to heal wounds. The drug reduces the production of saliva, which, combined with the acidic nature of the substance, leads to tooth decay. Reduced appetite causes rapid weight loss.
Methamphetamine - withdrawal symptoms
Frequent use of methamphetamine leads to the development of tolerance to the drug. An addicted person, to obtain the same euphoric effect, must reach for ever greater doses of the substance. In the absence of access to the next "plot", withdrawal symptoms appear: anxiety, depression, apathy, decreased muscle tone, headaches, drowsiness, depression, suicidal thoughts. There are no physical symptoms of addiction.