Sex addiction, or sex addiction, is the same addiction as alcoholism or drug addiction, and is therefore very destructive. Excessive, pathological need to engage in sexual activity completely takes over the power over a given person and with time becomes for him, and often also for his relatives, a source of suffering. What are the causes and symptoms of sex addiction? How is this addiction treated?

Sex addiction , otherwiseerotomania , stands forsex addiction . Sexholism belongs to the group of behavioral addictions and is the same addiction as alcoholism, drug addiction and gambling. A sex addict is dependent on certain sexual behaviors, which manifests itself in the periodic or constant compulsion to engage in them in order to elicit excitement and euphoria (e.g. in a drug addict, such action provokes the use of intoxicants).


  1. Sexholism - causes
  2. Sex addiction - symptoms
  3. Sexholism - treatment

Sex addiction (sex addiction, erotomania) - causes

Some researchers argue that the causes of sex addiction should be sought in childhood. Sexaholics often come from dysfunctional families (where parents were addicted to drugs, alcohol, or sex, psychologically abusive, etc.). Such childhood will often lead to a feeling of loneliness, anxiety, low self-esteem, distrust of others and the inability to enter into deep interpersonal relationships, which are a very significant risk factor for the development of sexholism in adulthood. In addition, research shows that the vast majority of sex addicts were sexually abused in their childhood.

According to data from the American Association on Sexual Problems, 10-15 percent of sex addicts are. Americans, or about 25 million people. About 80 percent. sexaholics are men.

Pathological intensification of sexual activity and excessive interest in sex can be a problem for people who are already addicted to, for example, alcohol and / or drugs or gambling.

Besides, erotomania can coexist with other disordersmental disorders, e.g. anxiety or depression.

Compulsive sexual behavior can also be the result of changes in the brain, e.g. damage to the parts of the brain responsible for sexual responses, disturbance of the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain that regulate mood (serotonin and dopamine).

Neurological diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, and fluctuating sex hormone levels can also cause sex addiction. Increased sex drive is also seen with damage to the frontal lobes and the amygdala in the brain (the so-called Klüver-Bucy syndrome).

Worth knowing

Sex like a drug

Sex addiction is very similar to drug addiction. All because sex, like drugs or alcohol, affects the so-called the reward system in the brain. During orgasm, after drinking alcohol, taking drugs or winning a casino (in the case of gambling), the level of endorphins, i.e. happiness hormones, which improve well-being and increase the level of satisfaction in the body increases sharply. Although for some sexaholics it may be the thrill of hunting and acquiring that drives the euphoria, not the sexual act itself.

Sex addiction (sex addiction, erotomania) - symptoms

A sex addict is a person who more and more often decides to engage in sexual behavior, until he finally loses control over it, cannot stop it, despite the negative consequences of such behavior.

A sex addict has a strong need to engage in sexual activity, which over time turns into a compulsion.

As a result, sex addicts more and more often want to have intercourse, preferably with new partners, are constantly looking for opportunities to seduce someone, even though they know that the consequences of such behavior may be the breakdown of the relationship and family, loss of job and loss of respect environment, and even contracting a sexually transmitted disease (e.g. HIV). After the sexual act, the sex addict tries to leave his partner as quickly as possible. He is often ashamed and guilty. In addition, sexual behavior can make him feel hopeless and lonely.

A sex addict is aware of his addiction, suffers from it, and may even try to quit, but they usually end up just like other addictions. A person who is morbidly addicted to sex experiences all the symptoms of "hunger": excruciating muscle aches, irritability, panic, lack of concentration, depression and even suicidal thoughts. Only sexual activity can provide relief.

The sex addict constantly needs new stimulisexual.

It should be noted, however, that in sexuality, sexual behavior may take the form of not only fleeting romances, but also, inter alia, masturbation and cybersex. Erotomania is also a strong interest in pornography, which a sex addict can watch for hours. According to doctors, sexaholics tend to be addicted to more than one type of sexual behavior, for example, they may be forced to masturbate, as well as watch pornography and use prostitutes.

  • Porn Addiction: Symptoms, Treatment
  • Addiction to masturbation - symptoms, effects, test

Sexholism is a disease

In 2022. The World He alth Organization (WHO) has included sex addiction in the International Classification of Mental Diseases (ICD-11). WHO has also defined the guidelines on the basis of which this disease is diagnosed, which are:

  • systematically engaging in repetitive sexual activities so that they become the meaning of life and lead to neglect of he alth, family, relationships with other people, work, daily duties and interests;
  • Make multiple attempts to control or significantly reduce repetitive sexual behavior, but fail;
  • repeating one's sexual behavior and the inability to give it up, even though their negative consequences increase, e.g. a sick person loses his job, falls into debt, his relationship breaks up;
  • engaging in repetitive sexual behavior, even if the person gets little or no satisfaction from it.

Sex addiction (sex addiction, erotomania) - treatment

A sex addict can seek help from a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, addiction specialist or sexologist. The solution for a sex addict is psychotherapy (preferably cognitive behavioral therapy). During the therapy, the patient learns, inter alia, building a lasting relationship, establishing he althier relationships with people, and dealing with problems and stress. It is worth including the partner of the addicted person in the therapy. In addition, some patients require medication.

In the United States, where sex addiction was defined as early as the 1970s, the same therapy is used as for people addicted to alcohol, i.e. 12 steps to recovery.

Unfortunately, it takes years to develop resistance to stimuli that can lead to old pathological behavior and return to normal sex. The first normal close-ups are usually possible after fiveyears of therapy.

A complete recovery is not possible. There is always the possibility of relapse, so avoid certain people and situations that could lead to this.

Where to go for help

There is a Sex and Love Addicts Community in Warsaw, which brings together people who have a problem with sex. Details can be found at

People with sex addiction can also seek help from the Sexaholics Anonymous Community (SA). Closed meetings are held all over Poland. Detailed information can be found at
