Treating erectile dysfunction will do nothing when there is no desire that arises in the head. However, if impotence is not psychologically based, other treatments are needed: surgery, pills, injections, vacuum pumps.
If the problems withpotencyare psychological - the man does not believe in his own abilities, "because he has failed once again" or his beloved partner has left him, he has injuries from childhood (e.g. he was sexually abused) or emotional ties have loosened because the partner has gone away for a longer period, or is experiencing stress or depression - psychotherapy can be effective. To be successful, it must be run by a good, experienced specialist (psychologist or sexologist). Usually, psychotherapy lasts at least six months. Often, a partner also takes part in it. However, sometimes other forms of treatment are needed.
Erectile dysfunction treatment - injections
The man injects into the corpora cavernosa with a needle-thin substance (e.g. caverject), which relaxes the cavernous muscles of the penis and dilates its arteries. As a result, 5-20 minutes after the injection, an erection occurs, which lasts about an hour (depending on the dose of the drug). The injections should not be given more often than every 24 hours and not more than three times a week. Price: PLN 70-100 per dose.
ImportantThree wires run along the penis: two are the cavernous bodies and the third is the spongy body that wraps around the urethra. Inside the corpora cavernosa there are many pits separated by strands of smooth muscles. The ends of the so-called erectile nerves. When the male brain sends them an order to the penis: "Be ready", the corpus cavernosum will fill with blood and the penis will rise.
Erectile dysfunction treatment - pump
The man puts the plastic cylinder on the penis so that it fits tightly to the root of the penis. Then, with a small pump, he draws the air out of the cylinder. The negative pressure created in this way causes the blood to gradually fill the cavernous bodies of the penis. When the man senses that he has an erection, he has to slide off the rubber pressure ring at the end of the cylinder. It will block the outflow of blood from the penis during the sexual intercourse. It is not advisableso thaterectionsustained by the pressure of the ring lasts longer than 20-30 minutes.
Erectile dysfunction treatment - silicone bypass and endoprosthesis
If the large blood vessels of the penis are damaged, e.g. by atherosclerotic plaque, and the blood can barely flow through them, doctors may suggest performing a so-called bypass. The procedure involves taking veins (mainly from the thigh) and transplanting them into the penis. In this way, his blood supply is significantly improved, but if a man does not, for example, follow an anticholesterol diet, erectile dysfunction will probably come back in some time.
The only salvation for men who have undergone major pelvic surgery and their sexual performance has suffered significantly, sometimes silicone prostheses. Elongated, elastic pieces of silicone are placed in the cavernous bodies. Erection occurs when a man (or his partner) gently pulls his penis upwards. Then the endoprostheses straighten and the erection is ready. Due to the fact that the silicone is flexible, the member can perform all movements, just like in a natural, spontaneous erection.
Another type of erectile prosthesis is the hydraulic apparatus. Two empty silicone cylinders are placed in the penis, a saline reservoir is implanted just behind the pubic bone, and a tiny pump is inserted under the scrotum. When a man wants to have a close-up, with the help of this pump he pumps saline from the reservoir into the silicone cylinders.
Erectile dysfunction treatment - enjoy the moment
Men suffering from erectile dysfunction declare that before such problems occurred, they lacked sex when the mood was right, when it did not require prior planning or early morning physiological erections. They also complained about the lack of a closer, definitely more romantic relationship with their partner, which - as an editor - we give our readers' consideration. Instead of regretting later that you missed the opportunitydarling, it's better to tempt the man in advance. Good luck!
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