We are happy to believe that HIV does not affect us. Only 9 percent. Poles were tested for the presence of the virus once in their lives. Meanwhile, we are at the forefront of Europe in terms of the number of infected people who do not know about their infection. Specialists emphasize that anyone can catch the virus, and the number of infections in Poland is growing.
About how to protect yourself fromHIV,When to doHIV testand how to avoidinfection- we are talking toprof. Alicja Wiercińska-Drapało,Head of the Department of Hepatology and Acquired Immunological Deficiency of the Medical University of Warsaw.
HIV infection - higher risk groups
Who exactly is at risk of HIV infection?
There is still a stereotype that HIV concerns only the so-called risk groups - homosexuals, prostitutes or injecting drug users, as well as young people. It's time to change your mind and believe that anyone who has sex or is in contact with blood contaminated can become infected. Currently, in the world and in Poland, more and more infections are diagnosed in 50-year-olds who are experiencing their second youth. Raised children, good professional position, financial status, so it's time to learn from life. We travel the world, all this is conducive to taking risky behavior. Because when we are relaxed and in a good mood, if only because of the sun and free time, we assess the real threats completely differently.
In an atmosphere of fun, it is difficult to think about the consequences of casual sex or even a single use of drugs. Reflections come later. Today we know that HIV infection can affect anyone, because even living in a stable relationship, it cannot be ruled out that the partner is infected. Unless, before starting a life together, he has taken an HIV test for himself and remains faithful to his new relationship.
However, it is impossible to live in constant fear.
It must be made clear that the point is not to be afraid, because various viruses have always been and will always be, and the world will not change from that, but at the same time it should be remembered that when you reach for flammable toys, you can start a fire. Fear paralyzes. People withfear they do not do the tests because they may turn out to be infected. Therefore, it is best to use common sense and learn to function in the shadow of the virus.
The dynamics of infections in the world decreased in the 1990s, during the period of great powerlessness over HIV and the first high-profile victims of AIDS, but only for a short time. In fear of a fatal disease, people started to turn away from slogans promoting free love, to use condoms, disposable needles and syringes. But after 2000, the number of those infected rose again.
We are always afraid of the new and the unknown. Not only in medicine. Today we know more about HIV, we can keep the immune system destroyed by HIV under control, and we can maintain the balance between drugs and the virus. Perhaps this lulled our vigilance - in Poland in 2011 the number of detected infections increased from 600-800 in previous years to over 1000.
Maybe people get infected more often, because there are many homosexuals, and in recent years the virus is spreading mainly among this group. Its transfer is favored by the opening of borders and risky behavior in places where it is spreading by avalanche - in Africa, the countries of the former Soviet Union, and Southern Europe. Or maybe we are just more aware and we do tests more often.
60 percent people with HIV in Poland may not know about the infection. This is a record number
3-4 new people learn about HIV infection in our country every day. HIV is transmitted through sexual contact (both homosexual and increasingly heterosexual). Anyone who has an active sex life or comes into contact with HIV-infected blood can contract the virus - regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation. As it turns out, we still test ourselves too rarely - it is estimated that up to 60 percent. people living with HIV in Poland may not know about their infection
Worth knowingHIV in numbers
- by the end of 2015, the number of people infected with HIV in the world was almost37 million ;
- Every day, about4,500 people die from reasons related to HIV and AIDS ;
- in Poland from the beginning of the epidemic (1985) to August 2016,20 756 people were infected(including3 408 AIDS cases);
- every day3-4 new peoplein Poland learn about their infection;
- co4. persontreated for HIV iswoman ;
- even60%infected may not know they have HIV;
- it is estimated that in reality about35 thousand people are HIV positive. Poles ;
- HIV may be asymptomatic for up to8-10 yearsfrom infection .
Source: aids.gov.pl
What not to do to avoid HIV
What are the routes of HIV infection?
Through sex, blood, from an infected mother to her child. For the virus to enter the body, the skin must be disrupted and the infected blood or body fluid (sperm, erectile fluid, vaginal and cervical discharge, including menstrual blood) come into direct contact with the wound, fresh skin rubbing or mucosa, a scratch.
HIV is an unstable virus and dies quickly outside the human body.
For infection to occur, blood must be fresh, not clotted. The same is true for other secretions. The virus is destroyed by the usual disinfectants and the temperature of 56 ° C. It doesn't actually transfer easily.
The main route today is sexual contact (almost 90%), of which 29% are applies to heterosexual people. Anal sex is the greatest risk for a passive partner. The rectal mucosa is thin and prone to injury, so it is often damaged during intercourse, and the virus can enter the body in this way. Traditional relations are listed next. Other sexually transmitted diseases increase the risk of infection. We see syphilis bloom, accompanied by tiny sores on the genitals, paving the way for HIV. You can get infected by injecting yourself with drugs or other substances with a contaminated needle or syringe. All these situations
This means that the greater the number of partners, the greater the risk?
In a way, yes. Usually, the risky person becomes infected first and then transmits the virus to partners outside the suspect circle. A moment of forgetfulness on a business trip or on vacation is enough to complicate your life. But not all contact with contaminated blood is equal to infection. If the virus spread so easily, it's hard to imagine how many people would have HIV.
In Warsaw alone, during the night in agencies, clubs and bars, probably several hundred, maybe a thousand people engage in risky behavior. And there are 4,000 in the capital. infected. If the virus spread easily, there would be many more of these people. In Poland, from 1985 to 2015, over 20 thousand. infections. Perhaps twice as many infected do not know about it. It is estimated that 1 in 100-200 sexually contacts with an infected person is contagious. Someone will think it's not much. But such reasoning can be deceptive. Because one person may not catch the virus at all, despite changing partners, and another - become infected during the first contact with an infected person. There are cases of infection with the virus from the first and only male.
Check what the HIV test looks like:
Are women more likely to be infected with HIV?
Women get infected more easily. Firstly, this is due to their structure - they have a larger area of the genital mucosa through which HIV penetrates, secondly, there is more virus in the secretions of men than women, and thirdly, sperm after ejaculation remains in the woman's organs, which prolongs the contact of the virus with sensitive mucosa. The risk of infection increases with inflammation of the intimate parts and insufficient vaginal lubrication. As there are more infections among men in developed countries, a woman is also more likely to meet an infected man than the other way around.
How to protect yourself from the virus?
Everyone should know that the only one hundred percent way is to avoid risky behavior, and therefore one he althy partner, one he althy partner. When deciding to have sexual contact with a person you do not know, or frequently changing partners, you need to follow the principle of limited trust. The risk of infection is reduced by a condom. Good quality, produced by a company that complies with control procedures and properly used, protects over 90 percent. Today, intravenous drug addiction is being replaced by other forms of intoxication, but the rule is to use disposable needles, also for tattoos. Cosmetic procedures should also be performed in a trusted place where disposable or sterilized tools are used.
ImportantWhat are the symptoms of HIV infection?
Some people do not have any he alth problems. Cold-like symptoms (fever, broken bones, general breakdown), allergic rash, and enlarged lymph nodes may appear within 6 weeks of risky behavior. After a week or two, everything goes away and we feel fine. In one asymptomatic period lasts 5 years, in another 10 or 15. During this period, a person can infect others, but he is still he althy himself. Until specialized tests are done, the doctor will not recognize the infection.
U 96 percent those infected sooner or later develop AIDS symptoms associated with a decrease in immunity caused by the virus. These can be: recurrent bacterial pneumonia, diarrhea, weight loss, headaches, purulent lesions on the face. But that doesn't mean that if a person has seborrheic dermatitis, he or she is HIV positive. However, this must always be ruled out. An unjustified fever or pneumonia twice a year should also prompt you to do tests to make sure it's not HIV. When the presence of the virus is confirmed, we begin treatment. In some, it ranges from HIV infection toIt only takes a few months for the onset of symptoms.
How can you not get infected with HIV?
What does not infect?
It is known that HIV is not transmitted by mosquitoes or other insects. You won't get infected by drinking from the same glass, by shaking hands, by a friendly kiss, by touching common equipment. It is safe to swim in the pool, use the bathroom. The virus is also not transmitted by airborne droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. There is no evidence of infection through saliva. Although contamination is possible, fresh blood in saliva, such as from an injured gum, is introduced into the wound during kissing or oral sex.
How do I know if I am infected?
A simple vein blood test is enough. In fact, such a test should be done by every he alth-conscious person. They absolutely must be performed if there is a suspicion that an infection may have occurred. I recommend HIV testing to every couple who is about to start a life together. This is the case in France and many Western countries. They can be done free of charge, without a referral and anonymously at one of the specialist diagnostic and consultation points located in larger cities, as well as at the infectious diseases clinic and some sanitary and epidemiological stations. On the basis of the interview preceding the test, the advisor will determine if it is a good time to take the test.
Sometimes men who are getting married in a week and want to take a test come to this point, because during a bachelor party they might have intercourse with a person providing such services, but they do not remember because they drank too much. Meanwhile, a reliable test result can be obtained only 3 months after a risky event. Until then, if you want to protect your fiancée or wife from possible infection, you must avoid sexual contact with her or use condoms to reduce the risk. Searching for HIV is pointless, but the problem must not be underestimated. Women most often have sex with men they know and trust. Therefore, they are less likely to test for HIV than men. Meanwhile, the number of infected women in Europe is growing.
This will be useful to youRisk of HIV infection - prophylactic treatment
To be effective, it must be started within 72 hours of a risky incident in which HIV infection could have occurred. Treatment is only reimbursed in the event of rape or other serious mishap. In other situations, you have to pay 3-5 thousand. PLN.
The decision about treatment is made by the doctor and the patient. First, however, the degree of risk must be assessed.If someone was in the agency and thought: maybe I was unlucky, he should get the person he had an adventure with to get tested. If she is found to be infected, medication will need to be taken. You should be aware that these types of drugs are toxic and not indifferent to the body. Therefore, prophylactic treatment should not be treated as an antidote to risky behavior.
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