Scientists from Duke University Medical Center have developed a new HIV test. It is a thousand times more sensitive than previously used and enables the detection of individual HIV mutations, thanks to which the doctor can more easily decide which drugs will be effective in a given case.
The HIV virusmutates very easily and multiplies rapidly, making it difficult to treat. The new virusHIVdetection test is highly sensitive and identifies its strain. This allows doctors to predict which drugs (out of the approximately 20 currently available) will be most effective. The newHIV testwill also help scientists understand how the virus acquires resistance to drugs, enabling the development of more effective treatments.
HIV virus
Most people infected have different forms of the virus at the same time. Sometimes they have increased resistance to antiretroviral drugs. Standard treatment destroys the underlying viruses, but new mutants keep emerging. HIV does not show any visible symptoms for years, but it gradually destroys the immune system. Its final form is AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It's impossible to get rid of the virus, but medication can slow its growth and improve the quality of life of those infected.
HIV detection test - what does it look like?
HIV infection
HIV is mainly transmitted through blood and sexual contact. In addition to being faithful to a constant partner and avoiding accidental (especially anal) sexual contact, the use of condoms is an important preventive measure. Around 68 million people have become infected with HIV worldwide. In Poland, statistically two people a day find out that they are infected with HIV. From 1985 to the end of October 2006, about 10.5 thousand people were detected in Poland. HIV infections. It is estimated that nearly 20,000 people do not know about their infection.