Potency pills can be prescription or over-the-counter - it depends on the type of active substance they contain. Prescription pills are considered to be more effective, but if the preparation is widely available, but contains sildenafil, it should also give good results. Check how potency pills work, are they safe and how to use them.


  1. How do potency pills work?
  2. Which potency pills should you choose?
  3. Are potency pills safe?
  4. How to use potency pills?
  5. Can you become addicted to potency pills?

Potency pillscan be taken by men of all ages, but not everyone can help. These specificities improve sexual performance, but only when potency problems are caused by organic factors, such as, for example, cardiovascular diseases. Even the best potency pills will not help when the cause of the disorder lies in the psyche or is caused by environmental factors.

How do potency pills work?

In older men, the lack of erection or its unsatisfactory quality may be associated with prostatic hyperplasia, hypertension or coronary artery disease. Among twenty-year-olds, impotence is associated with the use of anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass. An important factor that affects the potency in men under 40 is also a poor diet and lack of exercise, which results in reduced testosterone levels and problems with the circulatory system.

As many as 40 percent of men with erectile dysfunction are heavy tobacco smokers.

In a situation where potency disorders are caused by the above factors, pills can significantly help a man regain self-confidence. Drugs that improve erection have an effect on the circulatory system, increase the patency of the vessels, thanks to which (due to natural excitement) also a sufficient amount of blood can flow to the penis. And this is enough for it to increase in size and achieve the proper hardness.

It should be emphasized, however, that drugs used in the pharmacological treatment of potency disorders do not increase the desire for sex as they do, e.g. aphrodisiacs. The sex drive level will remain atunchanged level. They will also not help in a situation where impotence is caused by depression, chronic stress, conflict in a relationship, in other words - emotional and mental problems.

Which potency pills should you choose?

There is such a large selection of potency pills on the market that it is easy to come across a measure with a weak, unconfirmed effect. Therefore, to really see the results of the treatment, you should buy similar productsalways in pharmacies , never in bazaars or, for example, at online auctions.

Another issue is the availability of tablets - some can be bought immediately, without a prescription, others can only be obtained with a prescription. Of coursethe latter will be much more effective , because drugs - unlike over-the-counter dietary supplements - must meet strict quality standards, and their effectivenessmust be confirmed in scientific research.

Over-the-counter potency pills are usually supplements, so their manufacturer does not have to show that they have any effects in the treatment of potency disorders. Their composition is usually based on herbs, in addition in such low concentrations that swallowing 1 or 2 tablets a day will have practically no therapeutic effect.

In conclusion, if you really want to improve your sexual performance, go to the doctor (primary care, urologist or sexologist) and ask for the prescription of the appropriate drug. When buying over-the-counter potency pills, you must take into account that the effects may not appear at all or may be very slight.

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Are you looking for over-the-counter potency pills? Select the ones with sildenafil

The active substance with a scientifically proven effect on potency issildenafil . In simple terms, it improves blood flow in the blood vessels, which makes it easier to achieve an erection. It is sildenafil that is responsible for the effective action of the most popular potency drug - Viagra.

Until recently, this substance was covered by a patent, but a few years ago the patent expired and sildenafil is now also used in over-the-counter potency pills. So if we come across a specific that will contain sildenafil - even if the preparation can be bought over the counter - it will probably be effective.

Are potency pills safe?

Drugs for erectile dysfunction are completely safe for the cardiovascular system. Before they are released for sale, they undergo detailed tests. Viagra alone was dedicated to 130research studies and none have confirmed such concerns. Quite the opposite - it has been proven that drugs from this group increase blood flow through the vessels, have a beneficial (regenerative) effect on the vascular epithelium and in many cases are used in the prevention of ischemic heart disease.

It is worth adding that erectile dysfunction is often the first sign that the circulatory system is not working properly and that it is necessary to start therapy, e.g. to balance the sugar level. There is also no evidence that erectile dysfunction medications cause high blood pressure. On the contrary, they are used to treat primary pulmonary hypertension.

See also: Penis enlargement methods (treatments, gadgets, exercises, pills)

How to use potency pills?

Potency pills without a prescription, containing plant extracts, are most often used regularly for a period of about 10 weeks, 1-2 tablets a day. This is the time that - according to the manufacturer - is needed for the product to affect the body and improve potency. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated.

Tablets containing sildenafil should be taken at least one hour before intercourse, as they have a temporary effect.

In both cases, patience and regularity are key. Erectile dysfunction is the same disease as high blood pressure and stomach ulcers. So you cannot expect ( although it can happen anyway) that after taking one tablet there will be a definite improvement. It also happens that this type of therapy will not improve a man's condition at all. Then it is necessary to find out the true causes of the ailments and apply a different type of treatment. The doctor should always decide about it.

However, one should not expect a return to youthful vigor and fitness. Preparations from this group of drugs improve erection and its quality, but only if the body is able to (anatomically and physiologically) match the age. However, they can certainly contribute to the satisfaction of sexual intercourse.


Sweet end?

Death in the partner's arms happens, but its cause is not the use of erection enhancers. Usually the reason is very prosaic - neglected treatment (or lack thereof) of coronary artery diseases. With such ailments, considerable physical exertion or severe stress (caused by contact with an attractive, often younger partner or the fear that she will not meet her expectations) may end fatally. Successful sex does not always depend on a man's performance. For many women, foreplay is more important than the act of love itself.

Can you become addicted to potency pills?

If you take erection enhancers often, you can get addicted in some way. But it is only a psychological addiction that can be explained by the fear of unsuccessful intercourse, that is, of embarrassment. You cannot become addicted to these drugs, just like alcohol or drugs - drugs for erectile dysfunction do not act on the central nervous system. But this does not mean that they should be used without moderation. It is dangerous to take medications to improve erection and drink alcohol. This combination can have a detrimental effect on the liver. In addition, a large amount of alcohol, especially strong alcohol, delays or prevents ejaculation. In such a situation, even double doses of erectile dysfunction drugs will not help. Intercourse will fail.

The text uses excerpts from Anna Jarosz's article from the monthly "Zdrowie".
