A male potency diet should be rich in ingredients conducive to maintaining sexual performance, incl. he althy fats, zinc, selenium and vitamin D. They affect the level of testosterone in the body, which in turn is responsible for sex drive and … the level of attractiveness. See the advice of dietitian Mikołaj Choroszyński, who suggests which products should be included in the potency diet.
Diethas a great influenceon potencyand the ability to maintain an erection, but few men are aware of this. This is partly the fault of today's times that it does not favor being a man in the full meaning of the word.Pace of life, environmental pollution, junk diet, low physical activitycontribute to the occurrence of many disorders. Some of them lead to the development of dangerous civilization diseases, while almost all affect mental and physical he alth. These are by no means optimal conditions for maintaining a high level of typically male characteristics, such as sexual performance.
In this article, we will look at the factors that reduce potency and improve it. You will also learnwhich ingredients should appear in your diet regularlyto maintain sexual performance longer. The article is aimed mainly at men aged 19 to 59, although everyone is able to get something out of it.
What is sexual potential?
Desire makes a man very bold, but love is always accompanied by intimidation -French proverb.
According to various statistical datalack of libido may affect up to 15% of men , and these indicators are growing every year1 . Such people do not feel fully satisfied with their sex life. This often leads to the development of low well-being or even depression. However, looking from the other side, the very presence of depression has a negative effect on potency in 70% of men! The environment is therefore extremely unfavorable, but does it mean that there is nothing we can do about it?
Well, no! There are solutions to help improve male potency. But first, let's explain how we understand potency?
Sexual potencyin sexology meansthe ability of the (organism) to react sexually, measured byfrequency of sexual reactions per unit of time (day, week, month, year) . That is the man's ability to have sexual intercourse.
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What reduces male potency?
There are modifiable factors with which we can influence the level of potency. By limiting the negative and lifting the beneficial, it is possible to significantly improve sexual function. In light of current problems, such knowledge is worth its weight in gold.
What negatively affects male potency?
- Long-term stress
Stress is essential. Getting out of stressful situations unscathed may contribute to an increase in libido. However, nowadays we deal with long-term stress much more often. In this case, the fight-or-flight mechanism does not work, because the body is exposed to stress hormones for a long time. These, in turn, have an extremely negative effect on potency.
Take care of the environment in which you live, the people you surround yourself with and how you approach stressful situations. Keep your stress level to a minimum and you will see positive changes from week to week.
In light of the current state of knowledge, ingesting supplements to improve potency compared to a balanced diet is ineffective.
- Processed foods
Everything in our body is made of bricks. You can get the blocks under normal conditions only by eating and drinking. By not caring for valuable food, you are depriving yourself of many additional benefits. Remember that deficiencies don't hurt. However, if you have problems, pay attention to whether you eat colorful and varied. It is worth ensuring that you eat 5 servings of vegetables a day, include valuable sources of fats and wholesome protein.
Worth knowingPotency killers
These products are often featured on the men's menu. If eaten daily, they ruin men's he alth and reduce sexual performance. First of all, they have a bad effect on the cardiovascular system, increasing the level of cholesterol in the blood - and the worse the circulation, the greater the risk of erectile dysfunction. If you want to be a good lover, you better limit them.
- alcohol- dilates blood vessels and thus prevents blood from being retained in the corpora cavernosa of the penis. In addition, it damages the liver, which is largely responsible for the metabolism of testosterone.
- sausages and other processed meat products-it's best to eat them sporadically, because instead of pure meat, they often contain MOM (mechanically separated meat), a lot of trans fats, preservatives and artificial flavors.
- cheese- is a good source of calcium, but full of fat, especially if you choose the cheapest "cheese-like" products. If eaten daily, it harms the circulatory system.
- ready-made meals- ready-made pizzas, casseroles, lasagne, Chinese soups - all these products are made from the cheapest, worst-quality ingredients and are rich in palm fat that is the most harmful to he alth. They owe their taste only to artificial flavorings, and not to natural ingredients. If you don't want to have problems with potency, eliminate them completely from your diet.
- Excess sugar
Fast life, fast food, snacks, sweet drinks. Do you know it from somewhere? A high-sugar diet lowers the levels of important gonadotropic hormones (a group of hormones that affect the functioning of the gonads, i.e. the ovaries and testes). This causes an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen. To clarify: men have higher testosterone levels, women have estrogen, and we don't want to upset this balance.So by consuming products with high glucose and fructose content, you directly affect the hormonal balance2 . Limit sugars in their place, choose starchy foods.
- Lack of physical activity
physical activity is necessary to maintain he alth at all levels. He alth is a lifestyle. If you want to maintain sexual performance in this area, you cannot save. Walk 10,000 steps a day and engage in strength training 3-4 times a week.
Do you want to start exercising? We recommend these workouts:
RUNNING: 10-week training plan for beginners
FBW training - training plan for beginners and advanced
Calisthenics, or strength training without equipment - training plan
- Environmental toxins
With the development of civilization, our environment changes. Contaminants from water, air and food enter the body, binding there, for example, with fat particles, and then embedding themselves in cell membranes. This is dangerous because such particles stay with us for years. On the other hand, they are reactive themselves, which means that they willingly react by changing the functioning of other cells and enzymes.
It is worth paying attention toBPA concentrationand its similar forms.BPA (bisphenol A)it is a compoundused for the production of plastics. It has astructure that resembles female estrogens . To prevent its absorption, avoid disposable packaging, do not heat food in plastic containers, do not refill disposable water bottles, use fresh and unwrapped food as much as possible.
Read more: Bisphenol A (BPA) - where does it occur and how to avoid it?
Potency diet
Necessary ingredients in a potency diet are:
- EFAs, i.e. essential unsaturated fatty acids
Sometimes called vitamin T because of its extensive properties. The essential fatty acids are omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids. They show anti-inflammatory properties.
It is important to maintain a proper proportion of O3 to O6 of no more than 1: 53 . To achieve this ratio, includefish and seafood as well as nuts and seedsin your diet. Especiallychia seeds , hemp orlinseed . When it comes to nuts,walnut .
A zinc-deficient diet contributes to a decrease in libido. Supplementing this ingredient is associated with an increase in testosterone levels. However, this effect is only noticeable when the deficiencies are corrected. According to studies, in people with normal zinc levels, additional supplementation did not bring any benefits.
It is worth mentioning that many natural aphrodisiacs are naturally high in zinc. These include:oysters, seafood, sea fish, nuts and seeds(especiallypumpkin seeds ),whole grains .
Potency diet should contain selenium. It is a powerful antioxidant that increases the body's immunity. In addition, it supports the binding and removal of heavy metals from the body. More than half of the selenium content in the body is found in … the testes!offaland seafood:crustaceans and fishare particularly rich in selenium. Additionally, it is worth includinggarlic ,mushroomsorlegume seeds .
Vitamin D is known as the sun's vitamin. It is directly responsible for the level of testosterone in the blood. It is partially synthesized by the skin under the influence of UV sun rays. However, in our latitude, it is worth supplementing this vitamin with products such ascountry eggs, fatty salmon fish, herring, mackerel . Turn a few small portions of the fish inweek as an addition to salads or sandwiches to improve your potency naturally. However, since September it is worth supplementing with vitamin D3 throughout the entire fall-winter period4 .
Check: Vitamin D dosage for children and adults
Potency diet should also contain glycine and proline. These are two amino acids found in abundance in connective tissues. They affect the balance of neurotransmission in the brain, which will translate into more efficient sleep, which is a key element in the context of sexual performance.
So don't forget aboutjellies, legs and gelatinein your daily menu. They show anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. They affect the synthesis of collagen, and the body regenerates faster thanks to them.
Several brain neurotransmitters are responsible for the cerebral drive.acetylcholineplays a key role here. Its high level in the brain and nervous system ensures an adequate supply of choline, its best sources areegg yolks, liver or wheat germ5 .
This substance is sometimes referred to as vitamin B8. It is estimated that100 g of sperm contains 53 mg of inositol . Inositol is abundant in lecithin, so an additional portion of lecithin-rich foods such asegg yolks, liver, beans, sunflower seeds, nuts and green vegetableswill definitely increase your potency6 .
This is an important hormone secreted by the thyroid gland. It is responsible, inter alia, for vitality and sexual performance. For the proper production of thyroxine, you need choline, iodine, as well as proteins and vitamins from groups B, C and E. To provide all these ingredients, it is best to compose a valuable meal, e.g. salmon salad served with wholemeal bread.
ImportantWhat else improves potency?
It is not only your diet that is crucial to the quality of your sex life. To increase potency, also take care of :
- Dream
It is recommended to sleep 7-8 hours a night. Sleep is one of the most important factors in influencing sexual performance. During sleep at certain times during the day, the body's reactions of secretion (secretion) of important hormones take place.Circadian sleep disorder will contribute to a decrease in testosterone levels . Lack of sleep is also associated with decreased well-being and a greater desire for unhe althy snacks.
- Correctbody weight
Adipose tissue is a powerful endocrine organ. This means that it itself affects the hormonal level of the body. As you may have guessed, the excess is extremely unfavorable. To take care of the proper level of male sex hormones, it is worth getting rid of extra pounds. Research shows thatreducing excess weight contributes to an increase in testosterone levels by up to 50%!7

Sexual performance is the image of the whole organism. It reflects both physical and mental he alth. In order to take care of high sexual potency, it is worth paying special attention tothree basic aspects, i.e. sleep, physical activity and diet . These are elements that are more and more often overlooked in everyday realities. This is also reflected in the statistical data I cited at the beginning of the article.
Unfortunately, so far no miracle pill has been developed that can replenish the lack of sleep, physical activity or a poorly balanced diet. Therefore, nothing can replace everyday, he althy habits that determine physical, mental and sexual condition.
1. Data based on classification - DSM III (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders).
2. Child & Family Research Institute. "Too Much Sugar Turns Off Gene That Controls Effects Of Sex Steroids." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 21 November 2007.
3. A. Obiedzińska, B. Waszkiewicz-Robak, "Essential unsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 series - characteristics, occurrence, biological and he alth importance", Food. Science. Technology. Quality, no. 1 (80), 2012.
4. Pilz S, Putz-Bankuti C, Gaksch M, Spindelboeck W, et al. "Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation on Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations in Cirrhotic Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial". Nutrients. 2016 May
5. Zeisel, Steven H. "Gene Response Elements, Genetic Polymorphisms and Epigenetics Influence the Human Dietary Requirement for Choline". IUBMB life59.6 (2007): 380-387. PMC. Web. 1 Aug. 2022.
6. Barbara Michalik. Choline and inositol. "Let's Live Longer". 5/2000, May 2000.
7. Endocrine Society. "Overweight men can boost low testosterone levels by losing weight." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 25 June 2012.
About the authorMikołaj Choroszyński, nutritionist and gastrocoach Master of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, Psycho-dietician, Youtuber. Author of the first book on the Polish market about a diet counteracting neurodegenerative diseases "MIND Diet. A Way for a Long Life". He realizes himself professionally by running his own dietetic clinicBdieta, because nutrition has always been his passion. She helps her patients by telling them what to eat to stay he althy and look good.