Studies show that having oral sex can cause mouth cancer. The culprit is HPV, which is also responsible for cervical cancer.

Oral sexhas both die-hard supporters and opponents. Many people, especially young people, are convinced that it is a safer form of sexual contact than classic sex, mainly due to the elimination of the risk of unwanted pregnancy. However, popular French sex comes with serious he alth risks. Until now, little was known about them not only to ordinary participants of amorous frolics, but even to doctors who deal with sexology in a scientific way.

Oral sex can be a source of HPV infection

Statistical data from the National Cancer Institute in the United States based on the analysis of data on over 17,000 cases of oral cancer cases showed that one of the risk factors is having oral sex with people infected with the human papillomavirus. About 630 million people are infected with HPV worldwide. The infection is most common among young people aged 18-28. Most infections are asymptomatic and resolve within 2 years due to the body's immune defense mechanisms. However, in cases of infection with the most dangerous types of the virus, the further course of the infection may lead to the development of neoplastic changes in the cervix or other organs in the genitourinary system.

Oral sex and cancers of the oral cavity (tonsils, tongue, palate)

Until now, it was known that if a man is a carrier of HPV and has classic sex, his partner is at risk of developing cervical cancer. It is now known that any way of having sex can transmit an infection to your partner.

Research on the relationship between oral sex and oral cancer was undertaken in connection with the observed increase in the incidence of cancer of the palate, base of the tongue and tonsils, especially among young Americans, between 1973 and 2004. The incidence of the disease increases by 3% each year. The most common locations for cancer are the tonsils and the base of the tongue. In a study by the famous American John Hopkins Hospital, in which130 patients with this type of neoplasm were analyzed in detail, it was found that with HPV infection and oral sex, the possibility of cancer development increases up to 32 times.

The following factors causing an increased risk of developing malignant tumors within the oral cavity are also mentioned:

  • poor hygiene,
  • smoking,
  • drinking alcohol (over 15 drinks per week),
  • marijuana use,
  • of course oral sex with people who had multiple partners.

The authors of the study emphasize that the relationship between oral cancer and oral-genital sex is well documented by science.


HPV viruses

There are many types of HPV with varying degrees of strength in increasing the risk of developing cancer. And so, microorganisms of the type 6,11 - pose a low risk of developing benign lesions. Type 33, 35, 39, 40, 43, 51-56.58 give a moderate risk of developing neoplastic changes. On the other hand, viruses type 16, 18, 31 and 45 pose a high risk of cancer development.

HPV - are you a carrier of it?

Daily genital hygiene is very important, but does not protect against human papillomavirus infection. The risk increases if the partners have previously or currently had other lovers, and the greater the number of partners, the greater the risk of becoming infected.

In order to make sure that you are not a carrier of a dangerous virus, it is advisable to perform a special test - it is the molecular examination of HPV DNA by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). It is based on the use of the polymerase chain reaction, which allows the virus to multiply very quickly. It is a very sensitive measurement that enables the detection of HPV at a very early stage of infection.

To perform the test, contact the institution that performs the tests. The facility must order a sample tube with a special medium in which a swab from the genital mucosa will be placed. The waiting time for the test result is from 7 to 21 days (it is a very complicated modern genetic test).
