Photosensitizing and phototoxic herbs are herbs that increase sensitivity to sunlight. People who take them should avoid sunbathing and protect the skin with preparations with UV filters. Otherwise, they may have sunburn-like symptoms when exposed to UV rays.
Photosensitizing herbs - what are they?
Photosensitizing herbsandphototoxicare herbs that, when exposed to sunlight, cause unwanted reactions on the skin resembling strong sunburns, that is:
- burning skin,
- erythema,
- swelling,
- painful blisters.
We call this skin reactionphotoallergic eczemaorphototoxic . Importantly, these herbs can be harmful both when used internally and externally.
Photoallergic eczemaoccurs when the skin transforms a tolerated substance into a sensitizing substanceunder the influence of sunlight .
These compounds only harm people with a specifichypersensitivity , the vast majority of people will tolerate the same dose of substances and radiation. Inflammatory skin lesions usually appear 1-2 days after exposure and last for anotherfor several days .
The situation is different forphototoxic eczema . Phototoxic substances contained in herbs release free radicals when exposed to the sun, which leads to cell damage andacute inflammatory reaction . They can harm any person. The phototoxic reaction occurs very quickly - from a few minutes to several hours after sun exposure.
Photosensitizing herbs - St. John's wort
The photosensitizing effect of St. John's wort is caused by thehypericincontained in it. It's also worth knowing that St. John's wort interacts with many commonly used medications. It can reduce the effectiveness of, for example, contraceptive pills, drugs that reduce blood clotting, lower blood pressure, and even anti-cancer drugs.
One of the more dangerous effects of combining St. John's wort with certain medications can beserotonin syndrome- a condition that can even lead to death.
Photosensitizing herbs - angelica, amineand ruta
Other substances in herbs that have a strong photosensitizing and phototoxic effect arefuranocoumarins .
- They are found in such plants as: angelica, greater amine and rue. Aminka greater and angelica belong to plants from theof the celery family , as well as, inter alia, parsnips, celery, carrots, parsley and dill. They can also cause sensitization when the skin is exposed to sunlight, so in summer it is better to eat themin the eveningor simply not to go out in the sun after eating them.
- However, the greatest threat are two other plants of the celery family - Mantegazzi's borscht and Sosnowski's borscht.
- Other plants in the family of ruta (ruta) that can cause a photoallergic or phototoxic reaction are bergamot orange and lemon. It is worth knowing that evenbergamot oil , which is present as one of the perfume ingredients, can cause phototoxic dermatitis .
Photosensitizing herbs - chamomile, calendula, arnica
Chamomile, daisy and calendulaare plants belonging to the familyCompositae -the largest group of flowering plants (25,000 species), of which as many as200causes allergies.
This group also includes:
- chrysanthemum,
- dahlia,
- mountain arnica,
- yarrow,
- wrotycz,
- goldenrod,
- mugwort,
- lettuce,
- chicory.
The substances responsible for the sensitizing properties of plants in this family arelactone sesquiterpenesfound in leaves, flowers, stems, roots and pollen.
Photosensitizing herbs - field horsetail
So far, the photosensitizing properties of horsetail have not been scientifically proven (there is no known substance that would have such an effect). However, there are rare cases of sun sensitivity that can occur after consuming this plant.
That is why some people advise taking a preventive break from using this herb during periods of intense sunbathing.
- Drugs and sun can cause allergies and burns
- Sun allergy: symptoms and treatment
- Herbs - their excess can also be harmful