It is true that allergy is a very troublesome disease, and living with it requires a lot of sacrifice. But it is not true that an allergy sufferer is not allowed to do anything, and there is no effective cure for allergy. There are still many myths about allergies. So let's explain what's true and what's not.
Allergiesis a common problem - the number of people suffering from allergic diseases increases every year. Almost half of Poles suffer from them. But although allergy is one of the diseases of civilization, it is by no means a modern disease.
Mention of allergy and asthma was already discovered in ancient Egyptian papyri, and because of the latter disease (allergic in nature) he suffered, among others, from Seneca and the Roman Emperor Octavian Augustus. The very word "allergy" comes from Greek and is a combination of two words: allos (other) and ergos (reaction), which perfectly describe the mechanism of the formation of an allergic reaction. An allergy is an abnormal reaction of the body to a factor that is completely harmless - the allergy's immune system treats it as something that threatens him, as a result of which there is a reaction aimed at neutralizing the threat and expelling the allergen from the body.
Although almost every adult Pole will experience at least one episode of an allergic reaction, there are still many myths about allergies that may affect the approach of patients to diagnosing and treating this disease. So it's time to deal with them.
MYTH: Allergy is a childhood disease
Allergy is very common in childhood - especially food allergy. This does not mean, however, that only then: contact allergies, e.g. to nickel contained in jewelry or to the ingredients of colored cosmetics, may appear in teenagers. The first episodes of allergy may also occur in adults - this is the case, for example, in the case of sun allergy or alcohol allergy.
FACT: Some allergy sufferers developed allergic tendencies after their ancestors
There is a hypothesis that we all have a genetic predisposition to allergies - but so far it has not been sufficiently proven. It is now known that 40 to 80 percent of the inheritance of allergies is common. sick. However, inheritance is only one of the possible causes of allergies: environmental factorsand lifestyle.
MYTH: An allergic reaction occurs immediately after contact with an allergen
An allergic reaction can be immediate (it is called a type I allergic reaction) - this type of reaction occurs, for example, in the case of allergic rhinitis or anaphylactic reaction. It may also appear some time after contact with the allergen (minimum 48-72 hours) - this is the so-called type IV allergic reaction - an example of which is e.g. contact dermatitis.
FACT: Too much hygiene can lead to the development of allergies
Excessive sterility means reducing the amount of bacteria that naturally inhabit our skin and mucous membranes, as well as - as well as limiting contact with parasites and other pathogens on which the immune system can "train". The organism, deprived of the need to fight pathogens present in the dirt, turns against neutral particles (e.g. components of house dust, plant pollen, secretions of animal glands) and after contact with them, it can react with an allergic reaction. This thesis may be confirmed by the fact that allergies mainly affect the inhabitants of developed countries, but they hardly occur in poorer countries.
MYTH: Every allergy grows out of
Much depends on the type of allergy. For example, symptoms of food allergy tend to improve with age, whereas symptoms of food mite allergy can get worse and, if ignored or treated improperly, may lead to the development of asthma. Some allergies appear with age.
- Patients are often surprised when they are diagnosed with allergies. I hear then that they never had such problems. Unfortunately, this is an increasingly common scenario - inhalation and food allergies affect adults who have not had any symptoms during their life so far - explains Dr. Marta Kołacińska-Flont, MD, specialist in allergology, expert of the campaign "Protect your eyes against allergies".
MYTH: Every allergy has the same symptoms
The symptoms of allergies depend, among other things, on the type of allergy. For example, the symptoms of food allergy are the most common hives, nausea, rapid vomiting, diarrhea, swelling in the mouth, symptoms of mite allergy - stuffy nose (especially in the morning) and discharge running down the back of the throat, shortness of breath and wheezing. Animal hair allergy is usually manifested by watery eyes, red conjunctiva, runny nose, shortness of breath, and the symptoms of mold allergy are rhinitis, wheezing, shortness of breath, recurrent laryngitis.
MYTH: Chamomile or other herbal compresses work well for irritated eyes
Cosmetic pads orswabs soaked in herbal infusions are a well-known home remedy for irritated eyes. Meanwhile, if our eyes are watering, itchy and burning, these are most likely symptoms of an allergy. By using herbal compresses, these ailments can be aggravated, because herbs can be strong allergens.
- Many allergy sufferers try to relieve bothersome ailments with eye compresses. However, chamomile and firefly can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it is much better to rinse your eyes with drops without preservatives, such as artificial tears, you can also use drops with ectoine - a natural substance that creates a delicate coating that protects the eye against the penetration of allergens - explains Dr. M. Kołacińska-Flont.
MYTH: To reduce the symptoms of allergies, it is enough to take medications regularly
In addition to proper treatment, it is also necessary to avoid allergens. If mites cause troublesome symptoms, you should ensure that you have as little contact with them as possible - clean them frequently, use anti-allergic bedding, etc. In the case of food allergies, in consultation with your doctor, eliminate allergenic ingredients from the diet.
MYTH: People with allergies shouldn't have pets
With caution and following the rules of hygiene, an allergy sufferer may have an animal, although it should be agreed in advance with an allergist, as it is not advisable in every case. Some species and breeds of animals are safe for allergy sufferers - from dogs they are, for example, dachshunds or Labradoodle, and from cats, Russian blue cats and Sphynx cats.
FACT: Allergies can kill
Allergy can cause anaphylactic shock - a violent, generalized reaction in the body that can be fatal. An anaphylactic reaction may occur within half an hour to several hours of contact with an allergen. Its symptoms include Sudden malaise, palpitations, nausea, dizziness, coughing, wheezing, headache, sudden drop in blood pressure.
In this case, you need to call an ambulance immediately - the person with anaphylactic shock must receive an adrenaline injection as soon as possible. Anyone who has ever experienced anaphylactic shock should always have an adrenaline injection kit with them - just in case.
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FACT: You may be allergic to water
It seems unlikely, but water allergy does exist - although our immune system should theoretically be very familiar with it, as water is found in every cell of the human body. However, it is extremely rare -its first case was reported in the 1960s, and so far there have been less than 100 cases of water allergy worldwide.
Water allergy manifests itself in different ways - from migraine and dizziness to swelling, hives on the skin and its burning sensation, or a rash that appears after contact with water. Sometimes the skin reaction is not caused by the water itself, but depends on the temperature of the skin - this is the case, for example, in cold hives.
FACT: Washing hands and showering can reduce symptoms of certain allergies
This method is recommended especially for inhalation allergies. By washing our hands and taking a shower after returning home, we get rid of any allergens present on the skin and hair - pollen from flowers, grass or trees, animal skin, etc., which helps to alleviate the symptoms of allergy.
MYTH: Allergy and intolerance are one and the same
The terms allergy and intolerance are sometimes used interchangeably in the case of food allergy. This is a mistake. Allergy is associated with an abnormal, overreaction of the body, in which the mechanisms of the immune system are involved. Intolerance, on the other hand, has a different background: most often it is associated with the lack of an enzyme necessary to digest a specific nutrient.
MYTH: Cooking neutralizes food allergens
A lot depends on the type of product, but cooking, baking or frying may not always neutralize the allergen. In some cases, heat treatment increases the allergenic properties (e.g. roasted peanuts). Depending on which molecule of the allergen we are allergic to, cooked or baked foods can be as dangerous as raw or, on the contrary, they become well tolerated.
This is the case, for example, in the case of milk molecules - people allergic to casein do not tolerate cow's milk in any form, and those allergic to whey proteins (ß-lactoglobulin and α-lactalbumin) can usually eat milk-based baked goods or drink milk after boiling. That is why it is so important to perform a complete allergological diagnosis, taking into account the latest achievements of allergology, i.e. component diagnostics.
MYTH: Desensitization is a therapy for everyone
Contraindications for desensitization include age under 5, pregnancy (during this time desensitization cannot be started, but therapy can be continued), malignant neoplastic diseases, unstable autoimmune diseases.