How to do an enema? It is enough to go to a clinic specializing in such procedures or prepare it yourself. When should you use an enema, what are the contraindications for its implementation and most importantly - how to do an enema yourself?
Enema,otherwiserectal enemaorhydrocolonotherapyis one of the oldest medical treatments, which allows you to get rid of feces, i.e. undigested food debris, exfoliated cells, bacteria, water, etc.
Some people call it "fecal deposits", which, together with toxins, supposedly accumulate for years and poison the body. In their opinion, onlyenemais able to remove them. However, there is no scientific evidence supporting this theory.
Enema - when indicated
According to specialists, the human body is constantly cleansing itself of toxins thanks to the kidneys, liver, skin and lungs. Otherwise, the body would be seriously poisoned. Consequently, the enema does not clear the body of the purported toxins and "fecal deposits". The indications for an enema areconstipation . It is also used to prepare the patient for somediagnostic tests(e.g. endoscopy of the lower gastrointestinal tract). An enema can also be donebefore labor .
Importantly, it is advisable tomedical consultation .
- Rectal enema - colon examination
Enema - contraindications to the procedure
The enema is not harmful to the body, as long as it is done correctly and at intervals. However, there are some contraindications to the procedure:
- colon perforation
- ulcerative colitis
- intestinal obstruction
- cardiovascular failure
- kidney failure
- unknown cause abdominal pain
- nausea
- vomiting
The temperature of the water needed for the enema should not exceed 40 degrees Celsius, as hot water can irritate the intestinal mucosa, resulting in swelling and pain in the kidney area. Also, do not use cold water as it can cause inflammationthe genital system or inflammation of the bladder. The most suitable water temperature is the one close to the temperature of the human body, i.e. around36 degrees Celsius .
How to do an enema at home?
It is best to get thedisposable setfor rectal enema, which is available at any pharmacy. The kit includes: an enema tip, a tube and a fluid bag.
Performing the enema step by step:
- Pour approx. 2 liters of water into the fluid bag, preferably with lemon juice, which will aid the cleansing process;
- spread the oilcloth on a hard surface (preferably on the floor) and then lie on its side;
- brush the end of the hose with petroleum jelly or oil and insert it into the anus (it should contain approx. 8 cm of tube);
- unblock the access of water from the bag to the tube and pour the water into the intestine;
- after introducing all the contents of the bag, wash the tube;
- lie on your back and do a light abdominal massage (preferably clockwise);
- After a few minutes, get up and make light jumps - probably only then will the bowel movement occur.
Thanks to an enema, you will remove not only fecal stones and sand, but also mucus, spines, shreds and even pieces resembling sausage skin.