Genital warts, or genital warts, are one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. The genital warts are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) viruses, similar to the viruses that cause normal skin warts. What do genital warts look like and what is the treatment like? How can you get infected with them?
Genital warts , i.e.genital warts , most often caused by HPV 6 and / or HPV 11 infection. so far more than 100 typesof HPV , of which approximately 30 are sexually transmitted.
In Poland, a slow but steady increase in the number of such infections has been observed for several years. The genital warts resulting from the infection account for over 30% of all consultations in skin and venereology clinics. Among sexually active people with multiple partners, the risk of condyloma infection exceeds 60%. It is not accompanied by any symptoms - the virus remains in the latent or latent phase. But when inflammation develops, for example as a result of mechanical irritation of the genitals, HPV takes action.
Genital warts - symptoms
Condylomas are small lumps that may appear singly or blend together. Most often they are light pink, less often brown. If left untreated, they take the form of cauliflower-like structures that can cover a large amount of genital skin.
Where do genital warts appear?
Condylomas can be infected by any type of sexual contact - vaginal, oral, anal intercourse. The changes usually develop between 3 weeks and 8 months after contact with the virus, i.e. with an infected partner. In over 75 percent people who have had sexual contact with a partner who has genital warts, symptoms of the disease develop within 3 months. In men, they most often occur on the glans (mainly under the foreskin, which can lead to complications in the form of phimosis), on the middle part of the penis, sometimes on the scrotum.
It is suspected that genital warts may be a precancerous condition of cancer of the cervix and other organs.
Kłykcinyfinches like warmth
The development of condylomas is favored by heat and moisture, and under their influence, they quickly grow, become larger and take the form of cauliflower. They grow even faster during pregnancy, possibly under the influence of progesterone. If the nipples are on the vaginal wall and they are very numerous and large, the vagina may become less flexible, which can make labor difficult.
Generally, genital and anal warts tend to persist or enlarge and disappear over the years. Spontaneous resolution occurs in 10 to 30 percent. infected. In most cases, the changes are recurrent and the therapy can only bring about temporary remission.
ImportantNote: The presence of genital warts in minors who have not yet started sexual intercourse should attract the attention of guardians, as it is often associated with a well-founded suspicion of sexual abuse. The virus is also transmitted on the hands.
Home treatment for condylomas
Treatment of condylomas is necessary because, if not treated, they can lead to serious complications: disorders in urination, infiltration of surrounding tissues. All patients should monitor their he alth every 4 weeks for a minimum of 6 months. It is also routine to control other sexually transmitted infections.
If the changes are minor, the doctor may recommend treatment with home preparations:
- podophyllotoxinis a strong extract from conifers and barberry plants, which causes necrosis of epithelial cells. It is applied to the nipples twice a day for 3 consecutive days of the week. After a 4-day break, the treatment is repeated. It should last 3-6 weeks. The therapy is less effective in women than in men and causes side effects: pain, burning, erythema and erosions. The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy.
- in the case of women,imiquimodis more effective as it eliminates cells infected with the HPV virus. The preparation in the form of a cream is applied topically, 3 times a week for 16 weeks. Side effects include skin irritation and severe inflammation.
- effective is alsogreen tea extract , has antiviral and anti-cancer properties, also acceptable for pregnant women. The preparation is applied to the condylomas 3 times a day until the eruptions disappear, but not longer than 16 weeks. During the therapy, the following may appear: erythema, itching, swelling, and erosions.
The struggle with genital warts is difficult
- It is true that natural (and not only) medicine has its own waystreatment of genital warts, mainly those that are visible (urine compresses, applying white citrus parts, previously soaked in vinegar, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar), but they should not be used on your own . The more that these methods can (and only in consultation with a doctor) complement basic therapy.
- Supplementary preparations that strengthen the immune system, e.g. garlic capsules or Echinacea extract. But also in such cases, the attending physician should be informed about it.
- If the disease recurs and your own observations confirm that it occurs under stress, it is worth focusing on methods of fighting stress. In the case of this disease, you should monitor your body more closely, as it may be the basis for the treatment method chosen later.
Outpatient treatment of genital warts
- Laser therapythe procedure is performed under local anesthesia with the help of a colposcope, which makes it easier to see the surgical field. Laser therapy is very effective and does not cause relapses. With numerous condylomas, the procedure is repeated after a week.
- Cryotherapy- freezing changes with liquid nitrogen is applied at weekly intervals. After cryotherapy, discoloration or scarring develops. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the experience of the doctor.
- Trichloroacetic acid- is a strong caustic agent that causes tissue necrosis and is applied to the lesions. This method of fighting condylomas is effective with minor changes, and its statistical effectiveness is estimated at 51-81%. Relapses occur in 36% of patients. Side effects are - with too abundant use of the preparation - deep ulcers and scars.
- Surgical methods- the procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia. Curettage and electrosurgery give the highest cure rates; Condylomas regenerate in 19% of cases.
- Photodynamic therapy- using 5-aminolevulinic acid. It can be used alone or in combination with laser therapy, cryotherapy or curettage. The advantage is a negligible percentage of side effects and a high rate of successful cure.
How not to get infected with condylomas?
- Prophylaxis mainly consists of using a condom during sexual intercourse and possibly other preventive measures. However, a condom does not protect against infection in 100% … It reduces the risk of infection by about 75%.
- Men whose sexual partners havediagnosed changes caused by HPV, urine tests should be performed. If microscopic hematuria is detected in it, it most often indicates the presence of a papilloma.
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