The causes of a miscarriage can be very different - from embryo disease, through viral infections, hormonal disorders or pregnancy complications. It also happens that the cause of a miscarriage is external factors: alcohol, drugs or too hard physical work. What other causes of a miscarriage may be?

The causes of miscarriagemust be known to be able to remove them and enable the womanto get pregnant againand deliver a he althy baby.

Causes of miscarriage: embryo disease

Embryo disease - the most common cause of early miscarriage (up to 12 weeks gestation) is an embryo disease that dies due to severe chromosomal defects or other genetic abnormalities that prevent normal development. Even if a child were miraculously born from this embryo, it would have very severe birth defects. So nature corrects the error that arose at fertilization. It is estimated that this happens in about 50 percent. early spontaneous miscarriages; such natural selection takes place as early as 6-7. week of pregnancy.

Causes of miscarriage: viral infection

Viral infections - this is the second most frequent cause of embryo death. Sometimes a banal viral infection - a two-day runny nose, aching muscles, sometimes diarrhea - after a few or several days results in spotting, and the ultrasound shows that the embryo is dead.

Causes of miscarriage: hormonal disorders

Hormonal disorders - both the deficiency of sex hormones that support pregnancy, as well as other disturbances in the hormonal economy related to diabetes or thyroid diseases; such miscarriages usually occur up to the 12th week of pregnancy.

Causes of miscarriage: changes in the reproductive organs

Changes in the reproductive organs - anatomical defects of the uterus (with a septum, two-horns), fibroids, cervical damage, cervical insufficiency; damage to the endometrium, the lining of the uterus; in such cases, the miscarriage usually takes place later, in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Causes of miscarriage: infectious diseases

Some infectious diseases - rubella, toxoplasmosis, chlamydiosis and other bacterial and fungal infections, especially with high temperature.

Causes of miscarriage: immune-related disorders

Disorders of oimmunological background - primarily the antiphospholipid syndrome (ASP), also called lupus, when antibodies from the mother's blood prevent the formation of a proper placenta.

Causes of miscarriage: pregnancy complications

Complications of pregnancy - ectopic pregnancy, molar (degenerative change in the tissue forming the placenta), and in the 2nd and 3rd trimester: rupture of the fetal bladder, intrauterine infection, premature detachment of the placenta.

Causes of miscarriage: external and environmental factors

In addition to the causes mentioned above, there are external and environmental factors that greatly increase the risk of miscarriage. These include: poor nutrition, heavy physical work (e.g. lifting heavy objects), alcohol, nicotine, X-rays and ionizing radiation, certain medications, and a pregnant woman experiencing severe psychological shock.
