Urinary tract infections are more common in women than in men. Why are women prone to inflammation of the urinary tract? What are the symptoms of urinary tract inflammation and how to treat them, explains Prof. Włodzimierz Baranowski from the Department of Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology of the Military.

Urinary tract infectionsusually start out the same. First, when you urinate, you feel a slight burning sensation. Then the strong pressure on the bladder makes you run to the toilet every now and then. Once in it, you can hardly squeeze out a few drops. Quite often it is accompanied by severe burning and pain in the urethra area. But sometimes the infection is asymptomatic (asymptomatic bacteriuria) and then we find out about the disease by accident by doing a urinalysis.

Urinary tract inflammation - causes

- Urinary tract inflammation (UTI) is the most common bacterial inflammation in humans, usually caused by Escherichia coli, says Prof. Włodzimierz Baranowski from the Department of Gynecology and Military Oncological Gynecology. Both women and men suffer from urinary tract infections, but for anatomical reasons, women are most at risk, especially those between the ages of 20-30, who are sexually active and after the menopause.

The short urethra helps germs reach the bladder quickly. In addition, it is directly adjacent to the vaginal opening and the anus - the habitat of microorganisms. In their natural environment, they are harmless, but when transferred to the urethra, and then to the bladder and kidneys, they can cause inflammation. On the other hand, after the menopause, the lower amount of estrogens causes the mucous membranes of the intimate areas to be poorly moisturized, and the genitourinary system is atrophied, which is more prone to infection.

According to prof. Baranowski, the infection is also favored by:

  • urogenital abnormalities
  • diabetes (which increases the risk threefold, but only for women)
  • genetic factors
  • family presence
  • high sexual activity - especially before the age of 15
  • using spermicides in the form of foam (fivefold increase in risk)
  • pregnancy
  • presence of abnormal bacteria in the vagina (bacterial vaginosis,BV)
  • surgery
  • postoperative complications (fistulas)
  • diseases with dementia (largely due to the need for catheterization)

Urinary tract inflammation - symptoms

  • dysuria, i.e. pain when urinating
  • pollakiuria
  • pains in the lower abdomen
  • nocturia - the need to get up at night to urinate
  • rarely hematuria
  • fever
  • low back pain

Similar symptoms can be caused by nephrolithiasis and neoplasms of the urinary system - emphasizes prof. Baranowski.

Inflammation of the urinary tract - complications

  • residual urine (pelvic floor static disorders - POP)
  • the need for permanent or frequent catheterization (30-70%)
  • urinary reflux, valves
  • frequent recurrences of infection (40-60%) - if the cause has not been removed

Urinary tract inflammation - treatment

Treatment with antibiotics is used in urinary tract infections.

It is also important to follow a few simple rules in everyday life, which significantly reduce the risk of lower urinary tract infections. These include, among others

  • proper personal hygiene
  • drinking the right amount of fluids
  • preventing lower body cooling
  • proper hygiene (also of the partner's) before and after intercourse
  • change of spermicides to a different method of contraception

In addition to changes in everyday habits, the use of preparations that prevent recurrence of infections is also important. Such a preparation should have a comprehensive effect restoring the proper functioning of the lower urinary tract: diuretic, preventing bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls (anti-adhesive), anti-inflammatory, diastolic. After the use of an antibiotic or furagin, the urinary tract is sterilized and more prone to re-infection, which is why prophylaxis is necessary to rebuild their natural protective barrier - said Prof. Baranowski.

According to an expertprof. Włodzimierz Baranowski, EvaClinic

Urinary tract inflammation - myths

One of the myths about UTI is that infections would be "favored" by more frequent bathing instead of showering, the influence of the type of underwear (if it is made of natural fibers) or "excessive" hygiene of intimate areas. It is also not harmful to use condoms and birth control pills. The sexual partner is also a rare source of infection. The frequency of urination is also irrelevant in this case. Inflammation of the urinary tract does notwill prevent urination after intercourse - it doesn't matter.


The risk of urinary tract infections increases during pregnancy

This is because during this period, hormones relax the tissues so that the baby can grow freely inside the womb and then be born through the narrow birth canal. The problem is that not only the woman's reproductive organ expands, but also the ureters, bladder and urethra, making it easier for microbes to travel through the urinary tract. In addition, the enlarging uterus puts more pressure on the urinary tract, which causes urine to be retained in the bladder. It's just as easy to get nephritis when you're pregnant. Sometimes it happens even when the woman does not feel any symptoms of infection before. Therefore, it is important for the expectant mother to systematically analyze the urine. If bacteria appear in it, the doctor usually recommends treatment with an antibiotic to prevent the development of the disease.

Urinary tract inflammation - home treatments

If you react immediately, the chances are that the infection will be mild and will pass quickly. Above all, drink a lot. At the beginning, even a glass of liquid every half an hour to speed up the flushing of microorganisms from the urinary tract. Diluted urine will not cause a burning sensation when peeing. Mineral still water is the he althiest, but the type of drink does not really matter. Just avoid coffee and black tea as they irritate the bladder. Diluted chokeberry or blackcurrant juice is good for it, which, thanks to the high content of vitamin C, inhibits the multiplication of bacteria.

Taking dehydration medications and taking additional diuretics can harm you. Also, pregnant women should not be treated with herbal preparations without the knowledge of a doctor.

Reach for herbal mixtures (Uropatia, Urtica fix, Urosan fix, Urosan) or paste for suspending (Debelizyna, Fitolizyna). And if infusions and pastes do not pass your throat, you can save yourself with tablets or granules of a similar composition (Urosal, Urosept, Urogran, Albotyl). They all have anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects. Use them as recommended in the leaflet. If you have a heart disease or circulatory problems, consult your doctor beforehand.

Take a hot water bottle, hide under the covers. The heat improves the blood supply to the urinary tract mucosa, which speeds up the treatment. You will be warmed up by herbal chamomile and sage cups (they also have antibacterial properties). Include cranberries in your diet as they are anti-inflammatory and preventivethe deposition of bacteria on the walls of the urinary tract. You can eat preserves, drink 2 - 3 glasses of juice a day or add fresh fruit to your food. Reach for the preparation with cranberry extract (Vitabutin, Urinal). Eat parsley, celery root and sticks, as well as juniper berries. They cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract well.

Prof. Włodzimierz Baranowski, every sixth Pole suffers from overactive bladder syndrome

Source: lifestyle.newseria.pl

Worth knowing

Urinary tract inflammation - types

  • acute (episodic) cystitis
  • acute pyelonephritis
  • recurrent, uncomplicated UTIs (more than 3 times a year)
  • complicated urinary tract infections
  • asymptomatic urinary tract infections

What to do if the urinary tract infection doesn't go away

If the symptoms do not improve within two days of home treatment, see a doctor. Don't delay your visit, especially if you have a fever, low back pain or blood in your urine. You will need to do a urine analysis along with the culture. Based on the result, the doctor will prescribe a treatment. Urinary tract infections must not be underestimated, because any cystitis can develop nephritis. Therefore, after completing the therapy, it is worth doing a urinalysis to check whether the bacteria have been destroyed. If the infection is neglected, it may cause recurrent inflammation of the kidneys or reproductive organs. And from here is a straightforward path to kidney failure and infertility.