Problems with bowel movements often bother you? Find out what are some proven ways to get rid of them. Every fourth man and every second woman has problems with defecation - find out the causes of these ailments!

Problems with bowel movementsoccur when the intestines do not function properly and cause a lot of discomfort. We can talk about problems with bowel movements when the bowel movement occurs less than 3 times a week, the stool is difficult to pass and is often accompanied by a feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

As the cause of these disorders can be both an improper diet or stress, as well as a serious illness, in the case of persistent constipation, it is worth asking a doctor for help.

If the interview with the patient and the basic examination do not explain the problem, the doctor will refer you to additional tests - biochemical (e.g. fecal examination for occult blood), endoscopy (e.g. rectoscopy, colonoscopy), ultrasound or contrast examination of the large intestine. Only when the disease is ruled out, it can be considered that these are the so-called habitual constipation caused by poor nutrition and lifestyle.

It is worth remembering that long-term problems with defecation are not only the cause of malaise, but can lead to serious diseases of the rectum and anus (e.g. haemorrhoids and anal fissures). The presence of food debris is also conducive to inflammation of the large intestine, the formation of fecal stones, which can cause bedsores and ulceration of the intestine, and even its obstruction.

Defecation problems often accompany hormonal disorders (hypopituitarism, hyperparathyroidism) and electrolyte disorders, nerve and muscle disorders (after spinal injury, MS). The causes of problems may also be a disease of the intestines (e.g. obstruction of the intestine by a polyp, fecal calculus, post-inflammatory narrowing), as well as medications (e.g. antidepressants).


  1. Ways to deal with bowel problems
    • Don't stop your bowel movement
    • Take care of a proper diet
    • Enjoy your food
    • Pij lots of water
    • Move more
    • Relax
    • Use pharmacological agents

Ways to deal with bowel problems

To deal with habitual constipation, it is usually enoughfollowing a few rules. Here are simple ways to deal with bowel problems:

Don't stop your bowel movement

The large intestine is most active in the morning, so this is the best time to "sit" in the toilet for a long time. Unfortunately, rushing in the morning often causes bowel movements to stop, so after a while this reflex disappears.

How to fix it? To get your body used to regular bowel movements again, you need to spend more time in the toilet every morning. It is worth starting the day with a glass of lukewarm water with lemon or water in which prunes were soaked overnight - it stimulates the intestine to work.

Take care of a proper diet

Diet is important and is often the cause of constipation. Heavy meals with a lot of animal fats and carbohydrates (white flour) persist in the stomach and intestines for a long time, which makes it difficult to defecate. Like fiber deficiency, which stimulates the digestive tract to work, increases stool volume, absorbs water, softening the stool and making it easier for it to pass through the intestines.

Limit the amount of products that slow down bowel emptying, including white bread, rice, semolina, puddings, chocolate, cocoa, strong black tea, red wine.

However, introduce more products into the diet that stimulate the intestinal peristalsis (vegetables and fruits, wholemeal bread, groats, fermented milk products - curdled, kefir, yoghurts).

Remember that you need to introduce high-fiber foods gradually, get your body used to them - changing your diet too abruptly can cause abdominal pain and bloating.

Enjoy your food

Irregular meals eaten in a hurry lead to problems with bowel movements. Food which is not thoroughly chewed and chewed is digested more slowly. When it stays in the intestines, it becomes over-fermented, making it difficult to transport and excrete it.

How to fix it? The solution is to eat your meals at regular times, chew them slowly and carefully.

Pij lots of water

One of the causes of constipation is too little fluid intake. By defending itself against dehydration, the body absorbs water from the intestinal contents, and then the intestine remains dry and hard mass that is difficult to excrete.

How to fix it? During the day, the body should be provided with about 2.5-3 liters of fluid. This amount also includes soups or juice found in vegetables and fruits. In addition to meals, it is best to drink weak tea (supports digestion) and still water.

  • Constipation: causes, symptoms, treatment
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  • What causes frequent stools?

Move more

A sedentary lifestyle weakens the abdominal pressure muscles responsible for proper defecation.

How to fix it? Daily walk, cycling, swimming or regular, not too strenuous exercise can bring improvement.


Stress affects the functioning of the so-called the vegetative nervous system that regulates the functioning of all internal organs. Long-term stress or mental stress may therefore contribute to digestive disorders and constipation.

How to deal with it? A walk, a good movie, yoga exercises or a warm aromatic bath - you need to find the best way to calm down your emotions and relax your muscles.

Use pharmacological agents

You can use laxatives, but only if other approaches fail. Remember that you have to use them very carefully. Their long-term use makes the intestines lazy, which may have a problem returning to their proper pace of work after discontinuing the preparation.

  • Preparations containing plant fibers, swelling in the intestine, increase the weight of the stool. However, they are carminative and can cause flatulence. However, in order to give the desired effect, you need to use them regularly for 1-2 weeks.
  • Intestinal irritants act faster: plant or synthetic. But overusing them can lead to water and electrolyte disturbances, damage the mucosa of the large intestine and impair its mobility. When used, these drugs increase the tendency to constipation.
  • Liquid paraffin inhibits water absorption and coats the intestinal mucosa, which softens the stools and facilitates defecation. Unfortunately, it often impairs the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and medications.
  • Castor oil is irritating, causes colon congestion.
  • The safest are products containing lactulose - synthetic sugar. It hydrates your stools, makes your stool softer and your bowel movements easier.

Ask the pharmacy for suppositories that will facilitate defecation.Choose those that solve the problem of constipation in the lower digestive tract, in the rectum. Choose those that do not absorb and do not chemically cleanse.

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