People who spend the day in a sitting position often complain of swelling of the legs. The cause of the legs and feet swelling may also be cardiovascular diseases. Swelling of the lower limbs may also indicate diseases of the urinary system. Therefore, to effectively get rid of swelling, you need to see a doctor. How to reduce symptoms yourself? One method of relieving swelling is to avoid s alt in the food.
Swelling of the legsis a symptom that should not be taken lightly.Swelling of the legsis a result of the seepage of water from the blood into the tissues through the vascular wall. The cause of edema may be heart failure, venous and lymphatic circulation disorders. Swelling of the legs is a condition that is also favored by a reduced concentration of proteins in the blood serum, which accompanies kidney disease or malnutrition.
Swelling of the legs - causes. Deep vein thrombosis
The essence of the disease is the formation of blood clots within the vessels, mainly in the lower limbs. The first symptom of deep vein thrombosis is a sharp spasm of the muscles. But unlike ordinary spasm, the pain not only persists, but also increases when you bend the foot and press against the sole. There is also swelling:
- suddenly appearing
- resistant to pressure
- one-sided
- usually lower limb
- occurs most often around the ankle, sometimes all over the lower leg or thigh, but always below the clot
Sometimes there is redness, excessive warmth and tenderness. It is the result of inflammation of the vessel and increased blood flow in the capillaries. Sometimes there is a low-grade fever, but fever can also reach 40 degrees C and be the only symptom of the disease. A serious complication is blockage in the pulmonary artery caused by pieces of a thrombus from the lower extremities.
It is worth knowing that people who are over 40 and lead a less active lifestyle are exposed to thrombosis. With age, the risk of the disease increases. Women who take oral hormonal drugs are also at risk.
Swelling of the legs - causes. Chronic venous insufficiency
In the course of chronic venous insufficiency, blood remains in the veins, stretching them and making it difficult for them to function properly. They appear:
- leg pain
- feeling of heavy legs
- edema - unilateral or symmetrical chronic swelling of the limbs
- brown skin discoloration, skin ulceration
- is often accompanied by varicose vein dilatation
Edema is a frequently ignored symptom of venous insufficiency
Swelling of the legs - causes. Lymphedema
Lymphoedema, also known as elephantiasis, is tissue swelling caused by lymph stasis due to congenital defects or acquired damage to the lymphatic vessels. This swelling is so advanced that it can even lead to amputation of the limbs where it most often develops.
Lymphoedema usually develops gradually, which is caused by the gradual overloading of the lymphatic vessels. When the edema takes an advanced form, i.e. elephantiasis, the following appear:
- huge swelling that keeps getting bigger
- hardened skin
- lumpy growths
- bumps
- dull feelings of heaviness
- problems with moving the limb
- pain (rarely)
Swelling of the calves
My legs, especially calves, have been swelling for some time. I have a sedentary work - could this be the reason? I don't wear high heels very often. Is it true that leg swelling may be related to the kidneys or their abnormal functioning?
Dr. Krystyna Knypl, internist: There are many reasons for lower limb edema - these may be issues related to a weakened heart rate, abnormalities in the work of the kidneys or insufficiency of the venous system. Staying in a compulsory position with lowered legs for many hours contributes to the condition of venous insufficiency. Wearing high-heeled shoes is unlikely to be related to the situation described. It is helpful to limit s alt in the diet and avoid foods preserved with sodium ion (cold cuts, cheese). However, the most important thing in your case is going to your family doctor or internist to find out the cause of the edema .
Relief of leg swelling
To get rid of leg swelling, it is necessary to treat the underlying disease. However, before the therapy starts to work,
- sit with your feet on a stool
- reduce s alt intake (retains water)
- take diuretics (after consulting your doctor)
An elderly person with leg swelling should be encouraged to walk and take simple exercise so that the muscle pump can drain blood from the legs towards the heart. Tight socks that prevent free drainage should be avoidedblood, increasing the swelling. Hot baths are inadvisable, because at high temperature the veins widen and blood is stuck in them.
Ailments related to swelling of the feet and legs can also be soothed with gels containing horse chestnut and arnica extract or oral preparations with diosmin, which reduces the permeability of blood vessels and improves their tone.
This will be useful to youSymptoms of leg swelling. How to test?
Large swelling of the feet and legs is impossible not to notice. In order not to miss a smaller one, it's worth doing a simple test: press your finger against the skin on the tibia. If the resulting dimple persists for a few seconds, it is a sign that the leg is swollen.