Appendicitis usually comes on suddenly, so it is difficult to predict when it will start. If the abdominal pain persists for more than four hours and does not diminish - you need to call an ambulance or go to the emergency room. What are the causes and symptoms of acute appendicitis and how does the surgery work?
Appendicitishappens at all ages, although it most often affects children and adults between the ages of 10 and 30. Regardless of the cause of the discomfort, any abdominal pain that lingers on or gets worse over time should not be taken lightly.
In the event of an appendix attack, the bowel loop may stick to the cecum and form abscesses. Moreover, leaving a sharp appendage without surgery leads to the spread of inflammation to the peritoneum. And this is already a life-threatening condition.
Appendicitis - causes
According to some doctors, appendicitis occurs more often in people whose diet is insufficient in fiber. The risk of developing the disease also increases after bacterial or viral infections of the gastrointestinal tract.The appendixcan also become clogged with the contents of the intestine or pressed from the outside by a piece of tissue, e.g. after another surgery.
Appendicitis - types
Doctors divideappendicitisinto 4 types:
- acute simple inflammation
- pyoderma
- gangrenous inflammation
- ridge perforation
Appendicitismay be chronic, but eventually become acute.
Before this happens, for several months the patient experiences abdominal pain (even very strong), has problems with passing stools and complains of malaise. In such a situation, an attack can be anticipated, although similar symptoms may appear in many other diseases.
Appendicitis - symptoms
In most patientsappendicitisbegins with malaise and pain around the navel, in the epigastrium. The pain is rapidly increasing and is concentrated in the lower abdomen, on the right side, at the hip level.
Worsens when coughing or moving, and soothes when the patient is lying on his left side with his legs tucked up. Then there is usually nausea, vomiting, a temperature increase, and a faster heart rate. Diarrhea (more common in children) or constipation (more common in adults) may appear.
Where is the appendix and what does it look like? Check!

Appendicitis - before diagnosis
If the pain persists for more than 4 hours and does not diminish, you need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital for emergency surgery. When the pain is accompanied by constipation, laxatives must not be given as they may indirectly cause appendicitis to rupture.
Another caveat relates to painkillers and antibiotics. We do not provide them as they may obscure the image of the ailments. You must not eat or drink anything until the diagnosis is made.
Appendicitis - diagnosis
The doctor examining the patient presses the area of the right iliac fossa, because it is the most painful place in the case of appendicitis. In acute inflammation, it hurts more when the doctor takes his hands off the abdomen than when he puts pressure on it. He may also ask you to bring your right leg upright - the pain increases. In the case of an atypical location of the appendix - e.g. behind the bladder - ailments from the urinary system may predominate, e.g. pressure on the bladder, frequent urination.
Appendicitis - treatment
The only way to deal with appendicitis is surgery. In the first two stages of inflammation, doctors sometimes start with laparoscopy, but it is often necessary to open the abdominal wall anyway.