Strong itching around the anus is a condition that affects more than 5% of of the world's population. Statistics show that anal itching is more common in men than in women. For most people, the ailments worsen in the summer. The feeling of itching, burning, burning in the anus makes it impossible to work, rest, interrupts sleep and is often the cause of emotional disturbances. The patient has low self-esteem and limits social contacts. How do you cure anal itching?

Anal pruritusis diagnosed without the need for laboratory tests. It is enough for the doctor to talk to the patient and look at the perineum - the skin in this place is red or very bloodshot, thickened, often oozing serous fluid.

The more difficult task is to identify the pruritus provoking factor. This usually requires a lot of general and specialist research to look for the potentialcauses of itching .

During diagnosis and treatment, the internist should refer the patient to a surgeon, gynecologist and dermatologist for consultations.

Anal itching: causes

There is an ongoing dispute in the medical community aboutwhat causes anus itching .

Some doctors say this ailment is more common in people who consume large amounts of chocolate, cheese, citrus, alcohol, coffee, hot spices, beer, cola drinks, and milk. It is said that itching is also favored by a deficiency of vitamin A and vitamin D.

However, this does not exhaust the list of possible perpetrators of the ailment. It is really long. So, in order to facilitate diagnosis and treatment, the causes of anal pruritus have been divided into local and systemic.

Local causesare all diseases that provoke increased anal moisture, e.g.

  • anal fistula
  • anal fissure
  • hemorrhoids
  • inflammatory diseases of the colon
  • cancer
  • prolapse of the anal mucosa

The local causes also include:

  • hygiene negligence
  • excessive sweating
  • dermatitis caused by an allergy to soap or bath liquids, washing powders, deodorants, synthetic linen

In this group there are also female diseases with profusevaginal discharge and infections around the anus, e.g. mycosis.

Systemic causes of anal pruritus :

  • diabetes
  • jaundice
  • allergies
  • psoriasis
  • gout
  • chronic liver disease
  • chronic kidney disease
  • endocrine disorders of the thyroid gland, pancreas, ovaries, including hormonal disorders (e.g. related to menopause)
  • diseases of the hematopoietic system (leukemia, Hodgkin's disease)
  • diseases caused by parasites, e.g. pinworm, scabies, head lice

However, it is not always possible to establish the cause of ailments. When, after all possible examinations and tests, the ultimate cause is unknown, it is called spontaneous pruritus. It is difficult to treat. Nervous pruritus is likewise difficult to identify.


What could mean persistent itching elsewhere?

  • Itching of the genital areasoften results from improper hygiene, allergies, as well as dermatological diseases, genitourinary diseases and diabetes. In men this can be seen as itching of the scrotum. In the case of a dermatological infection, both partners must undergo treatment.
  • Vulva pruritususually appears on a hormonal or nervous background. It is also caused by diseases of the reproductive organ or systemic diseases. Hormonal pruritus is common in the period of puberty and menopause. Another reason is inflammation caused by vaginal mycosis or vaginitis caused by trichomoniasis.
  • Whole skin itchingusually associated with aging. It is caused by atrophic changes in the epidermis and dermis, dry skin is sometimes caused by reduced sebum secretion and faster growth of the stratum corneum.

Anal pruritus: treatment

If the cause of anal itching turns out to be a systemic disease, such as diabetes, it must be treated properly.

Perimenopausal women will find relief from hormone replacement therapy.

When the causes are local, anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers in the form of ointments or gels are usually given.

When itching is psychological, you need to take sedative medication.

In extreme cases, a procedure involving the cutting of small skin nerves located around the anus can be performed.

Another method of abolishing the feeling is to inject this area with ethyl alcohol.

Anal itching - what to do?

8 rules that all people should followsuffering from anal itching:

  • Keep your anal area clean, wash yourself after each bowel movement, and also in the morning and evening hours.
  • Do not use plain soap, sponges or sponges. Wash yourself under running water, preferably with your hand or a piece of soft cloth such as tetras. Dry the perineum (do not rub) with a soft terry cloth or disposable paper towel. If you can afford it, lie down with your legs apart after showering to dry (ventilate) your skin well.
  • Use a gentle tissue to wipe the bottom (like for babies) that is soaked in lanolin.
  • Avoid getting the anal area wet during the day. Do not wear too tight underwear, especially underwear made of synthetic fibers, as this promotes overheating and sweating of the anus area. It is forbidden to wear thongs. Avoid clothes that are tight-fitting and containing Lycra.
  • Do not use powders or talcum powder to protect against abrasions and burns.
  • Use only the ointments and creams recommended by your doctor for the irritated area. Do not apply (of your own choice) ointments with steroids, as they may cause redness or atrophy of the skin around the anus.
  • Take care of your regular bowel movements. The stool should be soft so that its passing is done without excessive effort and pressure. To achieve this, your diet should be high in fiber, vegetables and fruits. Eat grated, raw apples with yogurt or kefir. After consulting your doctor, you can use stool relaxing preparations.
  • Once the itch symptoms have resolved, continue to eat a proper diet and do not neglect hygiene. First of all, remember not to mechanically irritate the sensitive skin of the anus, e.g. with rough toilet paper. Also, avoid scratching yourself. If the itching gets worse, apply a cool compress to the anus for relief.
  • Anus: structure, functions, diseases
  • Anal cancer - causes, symptoms and treatment of anal cancer
  • Vaginal itching - causes. How To Cure Vaginal Itching?

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