Hiccups are usually a harmless but troublesome symptom of irritation of the diaphragm. This happens, for example, when we eat too greedily. Sometimes, however, it foreshadows serious he alth problems. Hiccups can be caused by diabetes, hepatitis, or a brain tumor, for example. What are the causes of hiccups? What is the treatment for hiccups?

Hiccupcomes on suddenly and is very tiring. Everyone has their favoriteremedies for hiccups , but if you have frequent hiccups that last a long time, see your doctor because hiccups may be a symptom of a serious illness.

Hiccup: causes

As we inhale the air, the diaphragm contracts and lowers. As a result, the chest increases its volume and the lungs are filled with air. When you exhale, your diaphragm relaxes. Its movement is controlled by the phrenic nerves leading from the spinal cord in the neck area. If the endings of the phrenic nerves become irritated, they send signals to the muscle that provoke the so-called spasmodic contractions. The diaphragm does not work rhythmically, so we do not breathe evenly.

When you inhale sharply, the glottis and vocal cords close and shut off the flow of air, that is, breathing it in. Then comes out of the mouth a well-known sound - hiss!

Adult hiccups can be triggered by any irritation of the diaphragm. It will be a reaction to greedy 'dry' eating, overeating causing the stomach to stretch and constrict the diaphragm. It can also be irritated by the throat or stomach with very hot or cold liquid. The same reaction will be caused by excess alcohol (poisoning the body with alcohol) or uremia, i.e. the retention of metabolic products in the body. It is difficult to list the full list of causes of hiccups, because - as doctors say - it can be triggered by any event.

  • Yawning is he althy - reasons for yawning
  • Proper breathing - techniques and methods

Diseases that may be causing hiccups

  • Neurosis: it is diagnosed on the basis of an interview and specialized neurological examination.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: neuritis, brain tumor, multiple sclerosis. They may be accompanied by visual disturbances, balance, coordination of movements, fainting. A brain tumor is diagnosed on the basis of tomographycomputer or magnetic resonance imaging; if MS is suspected, specialist neurological examinations and examination of the cerebrospinal fluid are ordered.
  • Irritation of the eardrum, e.g. from a foreign body. The ENT doctor examines the ear with a speculum; sometimes it is enough to rinse the ears to solve the problem.
  • Injury to the abdominal cavity or chest (e.g. a broken rib). To determine the cause, a chest X-ray and an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity should be performed.
  • Diseases of the throat or larynx diseases: in addition to the physical examination, the diagnosis is made more precise by a smear and endoscopic examination.
  • A metabolic disorder such as diabetes, which may also include weakness, hunger (blood glucose levels need to be checked) or uremia, which may include irritability, loss of appetite, nausea, numbness in the extremities and headaches (diagnosis is based on blood tests, kidney ultrasound is also ordered, fluid and urine monitored).
  • Hiatal hernia: Chest pain, trouble swallowing, heartburn may indicate the disease. Endoscopic examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract, X-ray, manometry, computed tomography and exercise ECG should be performed.
  • Subphrenic abscess: additional symptoms include abdominal pain, vomiting, high fever, chills. The diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray of the chest and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
  • Pneumonia or pleurisy: other symptoms include cough, shortness of breath, fever. Diagnosis can be made with a chest X-ray.
  • Pericarditis: typical symptoms are chest pain radiating to the shoulders, back, abdomen, dry cough, shortness of breath, fever. The doctor can diagnose the disease on the basis of typical murmurs by auscultating the patient with a stethoscope; additionally, ECG and echo of the heart, chest X-ray, blood C-reactive protein concentration and ESR are ordered.
  • Myocardial infarction: manifests as increasing pain in the chest radiating to the shoulder and arm, often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, shortness of breath; the diagnosis is confirmed by the EKG.
Don't do that

Do not lie on your right side

The diaphragm works all our lives without a single break. The efficiency of the respiratory system depends on its activity. It is made of two domes: the left one and the right one slightly higher. They separate the abdominal cavity, which includes, among others, stomach, away from the chest, where the lungs and heart fit. It is worth remembering that, for example, after overeating, do not lie down on your right side, do not additionally knead the diaphragm and do not cause problems with breathing.

Hiccups to the nerveshappens more often

It is known to occur frequently in young people with symptoms of neurosis. French researchers have even suggested that one of the neural circuits in our brain is responsible for the hiccups.

This nerve cell complex inherited from the ancestors made it possible to control gill ventilation. In modern amphibians, it regulates the closure of the glottis as water is pumped through the gills so that it does not enter the lungs. This reflex stops when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the water increases. But man doesn't have gills.

It's true, but the only scientifically proven method to stop hiccups is to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the air you breathe. The easiest way to do this is by inhaling and exhaling air from a paper bag. Another group of scientists suggests that in mammals, hiccups are a reflex that teaches babies to suckle the breast. It appears before the baby leaves his mother's belly. And then, in the first few months of life, babies have hiccups after virtually every meal.

Regardless of the theory of hiccups, however, when it lasts several hours, it often recurs, signaling that something is wrong with the internal organs. Then you must see a doctor.

When hiccup treatment is needed

Some people get severe hiccups before meeting with strangers or going to the office. If your doctor thinks stress is to blame, he or she may suggest you take some sedative or relaxant medications. When stress is excluded from the group of suspects, more careful research is necessary.

Ailments may be caused by diseases of the central nervous system or diseases that increase intracranial pressure, e.g. chronic renal failure, diabetes.

Hiccups can also be the result of peritonitis, intestinal obstruction, and hepatitis.

People suffering from lumps in the chest and neck area, but also with enlarged goitre or acute inflammation of the chest, will have similar symptoms.

Hiccups also haunt people with brain tumors - the tumor irritates the vagus nerve that runs through the neck to the chest and diaphragm. The same reaction will occur when this nerve is irritated by the parasites nesting in the ear.

It happens, however, that subsequent tests do not allow to determine the cause of the ailments. If sedatives or antispasmodics do not help, hiccups are considered an endogenous condition that must be learned to live with. In extreme situations, a surgical procedure is sometimes performed, which involves cutting the phrenic nerve.

You must do it

Go to the doctor if you have hiccupsaccompanied by:

  • severe abdominal pain
  • flatulence, belching, lack of appetite, loathing to eat meat
  • acute diarrhea
  • chest pains, shortness of breath and spitting blood
  • severe headaches or dizziness, visual disturbances

The following situation also requires consultation:

  • when the hiccup occurs after taking a new drug
  • when adult hiccups last longer than 8 hours, in children - 3 hours

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