Inflammation of the retina of the eye (and sometimes also choroiditis) is a disease whose symptoms may not alarm patients. In the course of retinitis, the eye does not hurt and externally remains unchanged. There are only visual disturbances. If they are ignored by the patient, inflammation in the retina can lead to irreversible changes in the eye and, consequently, to blindness. What are the causes and symptoms of retinitis? What is the treatment?
Ocular retinitisis an inflammation of the inner layer of the eyeball wall that is essential in the process of vision. Ocular retinitis most often occurs in the course of various diseases, which may be caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites or fungi. These can travel through the bloodstream to the retina and the adjacent choroid, causing inflammation.
Eye retinitis - causes
Diseases in the body that can cause retinitis include:
- chickenpox and shingles
- tuberculosis - sometimes tuberculosis can spread beyond the lungs and affect the eyes
- syphilis - this sexually transmitted disease can affect any of the eye structures (including the retina and choroid) and be the only symptom of an ongoing disease. Ocular symptoms in the course of syphilis may appear at any time of its duration
- toxoplasmosis - choroidal retinitis is one of the three symptoms (along with hydrocephalus and post-inflammatory intracranial calcifications) of congenital toxoplasmosis (which occurs shortly after the baby is born). Retinitis can also be one of the symptoms of infection in children and adults
- cytomegalovirus - CMV retinitis may present as a congenital infection following an intrauterine infection or postpartum. However, it is a rare cause of retinitis in newborns. In adults, cytomegalovirus causes inflammation of the retina most often in people with weakened immunity (including patients after organ transplants, treated with immunosuppressants or corticosteroids, with certain neoplastic diseases, patients with AIDS, people after long-term use of antibiotics)
- herpes (type 1 of the virus, the so-called labial herpes) - herpetic inflammationretina most often occurs in people with weakened immunity
- candidiasis - mycosis retinitis and choroiditis also affects people whose immune system is weakened
- pneumocystosis - pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is one of many infectious respiratory diseases in HIV-infected people ( although it can also affect other immunocompromised people), caused by the pathogenPneumocystis jiroveci , classified as a mushroom. It can also lead to retinitis
- cryptococcosis - belongs to systemic mycoses and can cause retinitis in people with weakened immunity
Eye retinitis - symptoms
The symptoms of retinitis depend on where the inflammation has damaged the retina and choroid. If the inflammation affects the macula (the central part of the retina), the following appear:
With retinitis, externally the eye remains unchanged, it does not hurt. Symptoms of retinitis include various types of visual disturbances.
- spots in the field of view
- flashes in the eye
- color vision disorders
- change the shape of viewed items
However, if the inflammation occurs in the peripheral parts of the fundus, you may not notice any symptoms. Then the ophthalmologist accidentally detects inflammatory scars.
In addition, symptoms typical of the disease causing retinitis may appear.
ImportantRetinitis can lead to blindness!
Inflammation in the retina gradually damages it. If the patient does not see the doctor, they may develop post-inflammatory scarring of the retina, which often irreversibly damages the eyesight.
Eye retinitis - diagnosis
The diagnosis can be made by an ophthalmologist after examination of the fundus and after performing (if necessary) eye function tests, such as visual acuity, visual field defects, adaptation, electroretinography, etc.
Ocular retinitis - treatment
Treatment is primarily causal, and also general treatment aimed at combating inflammation. Sometimes the drug is given by retrobulbar injection. For example, treatment of cytomegalovirus retinitis involves the use of antiviral drugs in general (ganciclovir and foscarnet). Your doctor may also decide to inject ganciclovir into the vitreous.
ImportantRetinitis - the use of eye drops is pointless
The use of eye drops during retinitis is pointless as the drug does not reach the retina if administered in this way.