A bloated stomach and gas are a problem that sometimes affects all of us. What is the cause? A bloated stomach and gas usually indicate eating too quickly or other nutritional mistakes. Sometimes, however, they are a symptom of more serious diseases. It is good to know which ones, in order to take care of your he alth, start treatment as soon as possible.
A bloated stomach and gas are a problem that affects approximately 30 percent of the total population. Women suffer from flatulence more often. The most common causes of gas arepoor diet, stress and rush . But there are times when excessive gas build-up is a sign ofgastrointestinal disease . Find out what could be causing your stomach bloating and gas.
Bloated stomach and gas - reason1: excess protein in the diet
If all meals are high in protein and animal fat, too much carbon dioxide is produced in the gut, resulting in belching. With such a diet, hydrochloric acid and fatty acids cannot balance the amount of bicarbonate in pancreatic juice and bile.
SOLUTION: reduce protein and fat intake, drink plenty of still mineral water, eat less but more often.
Bloated stomach and gas - reason2: swallowing air
Swallowing air is associated with eating or talking too quickly. In this condition, apart from flatulence, there is an increase in the circumference of the abdomen as the day goes on.
SOLUTION: Eat your meals calmly, slowly, chew each portion of your food carefully, avoid talking and drinking soda during meals.
Check out home remedies for stomach ache!

Bloated stomach and gas - Cause3: Irritable Bowel Syndrome
In this condition, flatulence occurs together with abdominal pain, alternating with diarrhea or constipation. Nausea, lethargy, fatigue, headaches and anxiety may also occur. If such symptoms occur, see a doctor.
SOLUTION: avoid eating foods that aggravate ailments, provide your body with more fiber, eat less and more often, exercise regularly, and reduce stress.
Bloated stomach and gas - Cause4: Lack of lactase enzyme
If your stomach aches, bloating and nausea after consuming dairy products, this may indicate thatthe body is deficient in lactase - the only enzyme that facilitates digestion, among others lactose - disaccharide found in cow's milk.
SOLUTION: do not eat cow's milk and its products.
Read more: Lactose intolerance - causes, symptoms, treatment
Bloated stomach and gas - Cause5: Pancreatic Enzyme Deficiency
If you have winds and fatty diarrhea next to flatulence, it may be a sign of a pancreatic enzyme deficiency. There are not enough enzymes to convert the food into nutrients and its undigested remains ferment and gas builds up in the intestine.
SOLUTION: test pancreatic enzyme levels.
Bloated stomach and gas - reason6: excess bacteria
Symptoms are gas and gas with an unpleasant smell. If we overload our digestive tract with hard-to-digest foods, for example peas or beans, the bacteria present in the large intestine must work harder to cleanse the intestine - they accelerate fermentation processes, which results in excess gases.
SOLUTION: Avoid excess legumes in your diet.
Bloated stomach and gas - reason no.7: gluten intolerance
The effect of gluten intolerance is celiac disease. Bloating is accompanied by a feeling of overflow and rumbling in the abdomen, excessive wind, fatty diarrhea, weight loss, anemia.
SOLUTION: A visit to the doctor is necessary.