Nicotine has been designated a drug by the World He alth Organization. Its effect on the body is similar to that of heroin and cocaine - nicotine increases the production of dopamine, giving a feeling of pleasure and contributing to the development of addiction. When combined with tobacco smoke, this substance increases the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Check what other effects nicotine has on the body.
Nicotine workson the body just like any psychoactive substance - by stimulating specific receptors in the brain, it has a stimulating or calming effect on the nervous system. It is an easily accessible booster that, on the one hand, relaxes, relieves stress, and on the other, improves thought processes. Theeffect of nicotinemay seem beneficial on the surface, but the way it enters the body (cigarette smoke) and its addictive properties make it a harmful substance.
Check how nicotine works and what is its impact on human he alth.
Nicotine - properties and occurrence
Nicotine is a neurotoxin, which means that in high doses it impairs the functioning of the nervous system of living organisms and leads to death. For this reason, nicotine is often found in the toxic insecticides used in agriculture. It occurs naturally in tobacco leaves used in the manufacture of cigarettes and other products intended for smoking. One cigarette contains usually 0.8-1 g of tobacco leaves, of which 2% is pure nicotine (this corresponds to 6-11 mg of the substance). 1-3 mg of nicotine penetrates into the smoker's body. Its highest concentration in the blood is observed when the cigarette is put out - then it is 20-30 ng / ml. It remains at this level for 10 minutes, after which its level begins to decline. After 1-2 hours, the nicotine is removed from the body.
Nicotine effects
In low doses, nicotine has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. It speeds up the heart rate, increases blood pressure, dilates the pupils, stimulates the digestive system. Shallow puffing of cigarette smoke activates the brain to work, improves memory and concentration. Scientific research has shown that smokers achieve better results in solving tasks that require intellectual performance than non-smokers. In addition, nicotine affectsfor increased dopamine secretion. This neurotransmitter, commonly known as the happiness hormone, conditions well-being, gives energy and is responsible for feeling pleasure. It is believed that it is dopamine that plays a key role in the mechanism of addiction to psychoactive substances. Nicotine, like drugs, causes dopamine to be released into the brain and makes you feel instantly better. However, its concentration drops just as quickly, which causes the need to reach for the next dose of the drug.
With higher doses of nicotine, the smoker feels relaxed. Inhaling cigarette smoke deeply has a calming effect and reduces stress. Psychiatrists even talk about the therapeutic effect of nicotine - addicted people reach for cigarettes when they feel increased nervous tension. Thanks to the stimulant, they are able to function better in society, they are more composed, they do not succumb to emotions easily, and thus they focus more easily on the tasks entrusted to them.
The effect of nicotine on he alth
There is still no definite answer to the question of whether nicotine contributes to the development of cancer. Until the end of the 20th century, it was believed that the substance itself had no effect on neoplastic processes in the body, and inhalation of tobacco smoke was responsible for the increased risk of disease. In recent years, some scientists have started to challenge this view, but there is still debate about the harmfulness of nicotine.
It is certain that the most popular form of nicotine addiction - smoking - has a very negative effect on he alth. Tobacco smoke contains a number of substances with a carcinogenic effect, incl. tar that accumulates in the respiratory tract over the years and can cause tumors of the lungs, larynx, throat and esophagus. It also includes toxic carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and phenols, which impair respiratory function and increase the incidence of chronic lung diseases and tuberculosis. Smoking also has a very negative effect on the cardiovascular system - it contributes to the development of heart diseases, including heart attacks, hypertension, atherosclerosis, aneurysms and strokes. Smokers are more likely to suffer from gastric and duodenal ulcers because nicotine overstimulates the digestive system and increases the production of gastric juices. Symptoms of nicotine addiction are also visible on the outside - addicted people often have brown coating on their teeth, their skin is not moisturized, dry, sallow and ages faster due to collagen and elastin deficiency.