Salicylates are primarily esters of salicylic acid, classified as beta-hydroxylic acids. Physically, they are a colorless, crystalline substance which, although we do not realize it, is quite common in nature. What are the properties of salicylates? What are the indications and contraindications for their use?

Salicylatesare preparations used in medicine, made on the basis of a solution of salicylic acid and its derivatives, which show a fairly wide spectrum of activity, for example:

  • antipyretic
  • painkillers
  • bacteriostatic
  • antifungal
  • anti-inflammatory

On the other hand, cosmetic products containing salicylic acid allow, for example, to exfoliate the top layer of the epidermis, which is used, for example, in the production of acne-fighting preparations - they are available in the form of creams, masks and peels.

Salicylates - salicylic acid

Salicylic acid ( acidum salicylicum ) was first obtained from willow, and more precisely from its bark. Therefore, this substance is considered a plant hormone. It guarantees the proper development of plants because it affects photosynthesis and mediates the defense against all pathogenic microorganisms.

Willow bark and leaves as an analgesic and antipyretic agent has always been known to mankind. Their properties are already described by Egyptian scrolls from around 1550 BCE. It was also a therapeutic agent recommended by, for example, Hippocrates.

W1853 French chemist Charles Frédéric Gerhardt obtained the first, yet imperfect, synthetic form of acetylsalicylic acid, but did not discover its structure. In 1859, H. von Gilm obtained a derivative of salicylic acid in a crystalline form. And in 1869 A. Schröder, A. Prinzhorn, and K. Kraut followed the acetylation procedures of the two scientists mentioned earlier to establish that the end product of both reactions was acetylsalicylic acid.

On an industrial scale, salicylic acid was synthesized only in 1897 by the German chemist Felix Hoffmann. Only the formula discovered by him was suitable for use in medicinal and production. It was the first drug obtained synthetically and not isolated from plant materials. Hoffman's discovery is believedalso for the beginning of the pharmaceutical industry.

Currently, acetylsalicylic acid is one of the most common non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used to relieve pain of various origins, as well as inflammation and fever. After taking acetylsalicylic acid, enzymes involved in the production of prostanoids, i.e. mediators of the inflammatory reaction, are inhibited.

Moreover, what is very important in modern medicine, acetylsalicylic acid has antithrombotic and antiplatelet properties. This means that it inhibits the aggregation of platelets and prevents the formation of blood clots, which is used in the prevention of diseases such as:

  • stroke
  • heart attack
  • other cardiovascular diseases

Acetylsalicylic acid is also used in the treatment of psoriasis: it relaxes the stratum corneum, thereby improving the absorption of corticosteroids and other substances.

Salicylates - types

Choline salicylate(Latincholini salicylas )

Organic chemical compound from the group of salicylates, consisting of s alts of salicylic acid and choline. It has an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. It is well tolerated by the body. Thanks to choline, the acid does not irritate the gastric mucosa, which is why this drug is often used in pediatrics. This compound also has a weak local disinfectant effect.

Indications for use:

  • mouth erosions and ulcers
  • inflammation of the oral mucosa, gums and periodontium, throat, also chronic
  • sore and swollen throat accompanying inflammation in the course of both bacterial and viral diseases
  • acute inflammation of the external auditory canal, inflammation of the middle ear and eardrum

Interaction with other drugs:

  • enhances the effects of sedatives and sleeping medications
  • weakens the effect of other drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used simultaneously
  • enhances the effect of anticoagulants and antidiabetic drugs, which may lead to uncontrolled bleeding in the first case, and drops in blood sugar in the second case

Methyl salicylate( Methylis salicylas )

Methyl salicylate is an organic chemical compound from the group of esters, methyl ester of salicylic acid. It is a yellowish or colorless liquid with a characteristic and strong odor. Methyl salicylate is also classified as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug and, like other drugs in this group, has an anti-inflammatory effect.analgesic and anti-inflammatory. It occurs naturally in, for example, the herb of the tricolor violet, the frog's root or the meadowsweet flower. It is available in the pharmacy in the form of ointments and gels.


  • pain and stiffness in muscles and joints caused by osteoarthritis, injury or overload
  • pain in the sacro-lumbar region of the spine

Diethylamine salicylate( Diethylamini salicylas )

Diethylamine salicylate also belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It strengthens the anti-inflammatory effect of escin, which is why it is very often combined with it. Diethylamine salicylate is used with escin as an auxiliary, topical application to relieve traumatic ailments such as: hematomas, contusions, joint or muscle injuries.

As with other salicylates, the use of diethylamine salicylate is contraindicated in people who are hypersensitive to NSAIDs. Preparations with diethylamine salicylate should not be used on open wounds or on mucous membranes. Do not use the drug in women in the first trimester of pregnancy, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. People who have problems with the digestive system, for example with gastric ulcer, should also exercise caution.

Salicylates and pregnancy

Acetylsalicylic acid in high doses is not recommended at any stage of pregnancy. Research conducted so far has shown a relationship between its use by pregnant women and the occurrence of cleft palate, heart defects and lower birth weight in newborns. Salicylates are also associated with a risk of perinatal complications.

Low doses of acetylsalicylic acid for pregnant women are used only in justified cases, preceded by in-depth diagnostics:

  • when there is a risk of developing pre-eclampsia with all its complications, which are dangerous for both the mother and the baby. Acetylsalicylic acid helps to restore balance in the woman's body.
  • small doses of acetylsalicylic acid are also administered in the prophylaxis of blood clots.

However, it should be remembered that acetylsalicylic acid may be taken during pregnancy only when, according to the diagnostician, the potential benefits for the mother outweigh the risks for both her and the baby. The condition of the mother and the fetus should then be regularly monitored.

Salicylates and breastfeeding

Acetylsalicylic acid can be used by lactating women, but under certain conditions. It can only be taken on an ad hoc basis and in the smallest amountpossible doses.

Studies show that it passes into breast milk, so the best time to take the drug is right after feeding, so that as much time elapses between taking the drug and the next feeding of the baby.

Nevertheless, you should carefully monitor the child for allergic reactions and report any disturbing symptoms to a doctor immediately.

Salicylates in food

Salicylates are found not only in preparations available at the pharmacy, but also in products that we consume practically every day. Most of us should not worry about it, but the situation changes when someone is allergic to salicylates and even a small amount of them causes allergic reactions - we are talking about allergy to salicylates.

Vegetables rich in salicylates include: radishes, green olives, chicory, chilli peppers.

In addition, salicylates in a very high concentration are found in: dried dates, dried apricots, red currants, raspberries, raisins, plums, mustard, vinegar, cumin, oregano, tarragon, turmeric, thyme, anise, celery, fenugreek, ginger, licorice, mint, sage, rosemary, cardamom, as well as in vegetable and fruit juices. So it is very difficult, life is for people who have to avoid salicylates, also in the diet.

Use of salicylates in children

Children up to 12 years of age, and according to the recommendations of some doctors up to 16 years of age, in the case of pain, inflammation or fever, paracetamol or ibuprofen is recommended, but not acetylsalicylic acid.

The latter may lead to the so-called Reye's syndrome, which in the vast majority of cases ends in the child's death.

In addition, in children, allergic reactions to salicylates may occur more frequently and with greater intensity. You should remember this when you want to give your child a medicine without consulting a doctor.

When should you be careful with salicylates?

Although salicylates have a fairly broad spectrum of activity, they cannot always be used. Be vigilant in the case of:

  • people with gastrointestinal inflammation, gastric and duodenal ulcer disease - due to the fact that acetylsalicylic acid irritates the gastric mucosa
  • children under 12-16 years of age - in this case, the indications for the administration of salicylates should be established and monitored by a doctor due to the possibility of Reye's syndrome
  • pregnant and breastfeeding - then it can only be used if you are overwhelmednecessity when the anticipated benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus or the nursing infant and only in small doses
  • the first administration of the drug - in this case, you should pay attention to whether the patient has an allergic reaction, e.g. dyspnoea, rash, migraine headaches, constipation or flatulence, and in the event of alarming symptoms, discontinue the drug and report it see a specialist.

Although preparations containing salicylates are available at the pharmacy without any problems, you should show common sense when taking them. If in doubt, consult a specialist. Use them according to the doctor's instructions or according to the leaflet, because, like all preparations, also salicylates taken improperly may pose a threat to our he alth and life.
