Pale skin, most commonly a pale face, can be caused by various factors. The diseases for which pale skin is most often suggested are anemia. However, in some cases, pale skin along with other symptoms, such as blue lips, dark circles under the eyes and dark circles under the eyes, can indicate a much more serious medical condition. What causes pale skin? What diseases does it indicate?

Pale skin , most commonlypale face , is a symptom of a change in skin color. Pale skin can be caused byreasons .Diseasesmost often suggested by pale skin are anemia. However, in some cases, pale skin accompanied by other symptoms, such as blue lips, dark circles under the eyes and dark circles under the eyes, pale conjunctiva, puffiness, may indicate a much more serious medical condition. The pale skin of the entire body is particularly disturbing.

Pale skin - causes. Anemia

Pale skin most often suggests anemia. Anemia is a disease where the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) or the level of hemoglobin in the blood (when the number of red blood cells is normal) falls below normal. Iron deficiency anemia is most often diagnosed. Her symptoms are:

  • weakness
  • feeling of tiredness and weariness that does not go away after rest
  • dizziness
  • pale and prone to dry skin and pale mucous membranes. You can see it on the lips getting paler, and even better on the conjunctiva of the eyes. When we open the lower eyelid, we should normally see a vivid red interior.pale conjunctivasuggest anemia
  • dry, brittle, falling out hair
  • problems with memory and concentration
  • sleepiness
  • tendency to depression

Pale skin - causes. Hypoglycemia

Hypoglycaemia, or low sugar, means low blood sugar (glucose) - below 70 mg / dl. Symptoms of hypoglycaemia appear gradually as blood sugar levels fall. Initially, these are:

  • strong feeling of hunger
  • nausea and vomiting
  • anxiety
  • irritability and nervousness
  • weakness
  • pallor
  • wet sweats
  • accelerated heartbeat
  • moderate pressure increase
  • dilated pupils

Later they joindifficulties with association and thinking, orientation disorders, speech and coordination disorders, memory disorders, convulsions.

Pale skin - causes. Hypothyroidism

Pale and dry skin can also be a sign of hypothyroidism, especially if it is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • wet sweats
  • irritation
  • strong feeling of hunger
  • problems with concentration
  • sleepiness

The constant feeling of cold (even on hot days) is also characteristic. Frequent constipation, muscle stiffness, joint pain, menstrual disorders are symptoms that may also suggest hypothyroidism.

Pale skin - causes. Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia)

The visible symptom of anorexia is emaciation, but there are also other symptoms, including pale skin, which may indicate a deficiency of iron and other minerals in the body. A sick person eliminates other products from his diet, so he does not provide the nutrients that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body. She is often overly mobile and trains intensively in secret, which also contributes to the loss of mineral elements.

In turn, in a person suffering from bulimia, the loss of vitamins and minerals is the result of constant vomiting, the use of laxatives or diuretics. Injured oral mucosa and damaged tooth enamel caused by stomach acid are additional effects of the disease. They are accompanied by disturbances of the heart rhythm and menstrual cycle, abdominal pain, flatulence, constipation, nausea, dizziness.

Pale skin - causes. Shock (e.g. cardiogenic, hypovolemic)

Cardiogenic shock occurs when the heart has been damaged so much that it cannot pump enough oxygen-rich blood to the organs of the body. As a result of impaired ejection function, blood pressure begins to drop and the process of multi-organ failure begins, which is a direct threat to life. One of the symptoms of cardiogenic shock is pale, cool skin (watch out for cold extremities), often with a bluish tinge, caused by subcutaneous vasoconstriction (blue lips and ears are characteristic, and after pressing a fingernail / fingertip it takes longer than 2 seconds). In addition, profuse cold sweats and rapid breathing appear. Normally, a person should breathe at a frequency of about 12-20 breaths per minute, but in a shocked state this value may increase (it is best to estimate it by counting the number of breaths per minute). It is also characteristic of a shockgeneral weakness.

In turn, hypovolemic shock is caused by a relative or absolute reduction in circulating blood volume. Losing more than 20 percent (one fifth) of your blood or fluid volume is a life-threatening condition. Its main symptoms are weakness, thirst, pallor, systolic blood pressure<90 mmHg, tachykardia, przyspieszenie i spłycenie oddechu (tachypnoe), zimna, wilgotna skóra, zmniejszone wydzielanie moczu, splątanie, lęk

Pale skin - causes. Oat

Pale skin may be one of the symptoms of pinworms. If the disease lasts a long time and is not treated properly, the consequences can be manifold - from chronic fatigue resulting from lack of sleep or insomnia, to pale skin, bruises and bags under the eyes, to problems with concentration and hyperactivity. This may result in teeth grinding and bedwetting (in children)

Pale skin may be a symptom of pinworm


Pale skin - causes. Leukemia or other neoplastic disease

In the course of leukemia, pale skin is the result of diseased cells displacing those which develop into red blood cells. Then symptoms of anemia appear: constant fatigue, pale skin, mucous membranes in the mouth or conjunctiva, deterioration of exercise tolerance, weakness and a feeling of breathlessness.

Other possible causes of pale skin include lack of sleep, intense pain (e.g. migraine attack), frostbite.

Due to the shortage of blood platelets responsible for clotting, there are bruises, nosebleeds, bleeding gums, and red dots on the skin.

Leukemia is also indicated by repeated infections - leukemia contributes to lower immunity, therefore the patient is easily infected, especially viral infections. Often there are also mouth ulcers, angina, fever and low-grade fever of unknown cause. There may also be bone and joint pain associated with the proliferation of cells in the bone marrow. The enlargement of the lymph nodes, liver and spleen, resulting from the infiltration of leukemic cells, should also pay attention.

Pale skin - causes. Albinism

Albinism, or congenital albinism, is a defect consisting in the lack of pigment (pigment) in the eyes, skin and hair, which is melanin.

In the case of generalized albinism, small discolored patches are initially visible on the body of the newborn. Over time, vitiligo spots grow in size and begin to merge with each other, occupying an area of ​​the entire body.

People with congenital vitiligo may also have white or white-yellow hair and, very rarely, pink or red irises of the eye (in fact, the iris of the eye is most often colorless, onlyblood vessels shine through it - hence the color).

Pale skin - causes. Emotional reactions

Emotional reactions, anxiety, fear, shame, panic attack may also be responsible for pale skin.

According to an expertBohdan Bielski, MA, psychologist

Pale skin and extreme emotions

I'm almost 18 years old. I have always been very sensitive ( although sometimes I can hide it very well), the first thought was always: what would others say. I'm also very emotional - I can laugh hysterically at something and cry after 5 minutes because I don't like something about myself.

Despite all this, I am very popular, sociable, I have a lot of friends and a boy who cares about me a lot.

For several months, for example, my ribs occasionally hurt (sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right), there is a stinging sensation in my heart, increased pressure or a feeling of no pulse, pale face (sometimes I am also pale when it is all is well, and yet people ask if I'm not feeling faint) […]

Answer mgr Bohdan Bielski, psychologist : Thank you for your letter. It is difficult to answer such a question. I would start the diagnosis with a visit to the family doctor and blood tests, hormone levels, etc.

But then - when we know that there is no disease behind pallor, weak pulse etc. - a psychologist to understand the background of this emotionality.

Many emotional problems can arise from endocrine disruptions or other "organic" causes. It's important not to wait with it.
