Excessive thirst (polydipsia) is a natural feeling that occurs, for example, in hot weather or after intense exercise. Then, adequate hydration is necessary to restore the water and electrolyte balance and regulate the homeostasis of the whole organism. However, sometimes increased thirst can be one of the many symptoms of the disease. Check what are the causes of excessive thirst and what diseases may be indicated by the constant desire to reach for large amounts of fluids.
Excessive thirst( polydipsia ) is the desire to drink plenty of fluids.There are different reasonsfor this. Usually, reaching for a dose of fluids higher than recommended by doctors (about 2 liters per day) can be explained by a hangover, improper diet or heat.However, prolonged thirst may be a symptom of an illness. Then a visit to the doctor is necessary.
Excessive thirst (polydipsia) - causes
In he althy people, thirst is most often caused by high ambient temperature or increased physical exertion. In both of these cases, the body overheats and a significant amount of water is lost in the form of sweat to cool it down. To avoid dehydration, you should quickly replenish your fluid and electrolyte deficiencies.
Here you will learn how to effectively replenish your fluid and electrolyte deficiencies!
A diet rich in s alt or frequent consumption of spicy foods can also cause increased thirst. Capsaicin contained in them affects pain receptors (nociceptors), causing a burning sensation in the mouth, which can be "quenched" by drinking large amounts of water.
Excessive thirst can be observed in people who do not hydrate improperly, e.g. drink sugary drinks or spring water instead of mineral water. In the former case, the body needs water to dilute the excess blood sugar. In the latter, stronger thirst is associated with the lack of electrolytes necessary for the functioning of the body.
Do you know the difference between mineral water and spring water?
The cause of increased thirst may also be alcohol abuse. Alcohol reduces the amount of vasopressin, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that tells the kidneys to absorb water. Waterif not retained in the kidneys, it flows into the bladder, from where it is eliminated from the body. As a result, the body becomes dehydrated and the feeling of thirst increases.
Excessive thirst combined with a feeling of dry mouth may develop when taking certain diuretics, i.e. diuretics (water tablets) that increase the volume of urine output, e.g. certain antidepressants, narcotic pain relievers and sedatives. In this case, you should see your doctor and consider changing your medication with him.
Thirst in hot weather - what can you drink?
Excessive thirst (polydipsia) - what diseases does increased thirst indicate?
Fever diseases
Increased body temperature (which helps the body fight infection) in the course of a cold or flu causes excessive sweating to cool the body down. Due to the fact that increased temperature is accompanied by intense sweating, the body tries to retain water by accumulating it in the subcutaneous tissues. The consequence is s alt retention in the body. Then the osmoreceptors (receptors sensitive to changes in the osmotic pressure in the body) are activated, which results in the feeling of thirst that must be quenched in order to prevent dehydration of the body.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
- prolonged vomiting or severe diarrhea can quickly lead to dehydration. The increased thirst will be accompanied, among others, by dry mouth, increased heart rate and drop in blood pressure.
- peritonitis - a disease process in the peritoneal cavity, most often caused by a bacterial infection. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are fever and vomiting - hence the feeling of thirst.
- stricture of the esophagus and pylorus
Endocrine diseases
- diabetes - the body needs water to dilute sugar in the blood, and then excretes the excess with urine;
- diabetes insipidus - a disease caused by insufficient secretion of the hormone vasopressin by the posterior pituitary gland. Symptoms are excessive thirst combined with pollakiuria (up to 25 liters of urine per day). Dry skin is also a characteristic symptom;
- hyperparathyroidism, or disorders in the economy of calcium;
- acromegaly - a disease that occurs when the pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone;
- primary aldosteronism, orConn's syndrome , is a state of excessive secretion of aldosterone (a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal cortex) leading tosodium retention and potassium excretion from the body, which is manifested, among others, by increased thirst.
Storage diseases
This is a group of genetically determined diseases, the cause of which is the lack or insufficient activity of various enzymes. This type of metabolic defect leads to the accumulation of various substances in the lysosomes.
Kidney failure
Kidney failure causes that we urinate less and less. The consequence of water retention in the body is an increase in s alt levels, which causes an increased feeling of thirst.
Neurosis can be manifested by excessive fluid intake which leads to excessive urine output .If the patient does not get enough water in a short time, he will feel signs of dehydration, i.e. increased thirst.
As a result of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency anemia the body loses valuable mineral elements, the lack of which must be replenished by hydration.
Excessive thirst in pregnancy
Excessive thirst during pregnancy (intake of more than 3 liters of fluid a day) may be a symptom ofgestational diabetes.It appears in women who had no problems with blood sugar levels until they became pregnant .The symptoms of gestational diabetes are quite distinctive: increased thirst, frequent urination, and a constant feeling of fatigue despite avoiding exercise.
Excessive thirst in the evening or at night
Increased thirst in the evening or at night may be a symptom of any of the above-mentioned diseases.
Excessive thirst in children and babies
If a young child is eager to eat only fruit juices, you should consider whether he is not doing it to satisfy his hunger. Juices are very filling. Then you should limit the amount of drinking juices (not only because they can reduce the appetite, but also because they promote the development of caries). If your baby continues to experience excessive thirst, it could be a sign of one of the above-mentioned problems. diseases. In the case of young children, we can also deal with the so-called habitual drinking, when a bottle or a spill becomes a favorite toy, and drinking replaces the closeness of parents.
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