Food poisoning, especially in summer, can affect anyone. If you don't want diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting and nausea, pay attention to what you eat. Salmonella, staphylococcus, botulinum toxins, E. coli, yersinia and listeria like heat and sunshine and are happy to multiply in poorly stored food.
Ofood poisoningit's not difficult. When eating, for example, slightly thawed ice cream, we often eat the bacterial insert. Once it reaches the stomach, hydrochloric acid (a component of gastric juice) is usually effective in dealing with it. But not always. If the bacterial landing is too high, it is not difficult to get food poisoning. In summer, the most common causes of food poisoning are salmonella, staphylococcus, botulism, E. coli, yersinia and listeria.
Salmonella poisoning
Salmonella ( Salmonella enterica , paradur sticks) has a fondness for animal products: eggs, meat, milk and its products. Salmonella can also be transferred from product to product by rodents and flies - so if we do not protect food against them, we will increase the risk of infection. Already 8 hours after eating a meal contaminated with Salmonella, you may experience abdominal pain, headache, vomiting, increased temperature. Diarrhea can also tire you.
When you get poisoned: usually a diet for several days is enough, taking medicinal charcoal (10-12 tablets dissolved in 1/2 cup of boiled warm water, and then until symptoms disappear 6 dissolved tablets every 4 hours) or Smecty (1- 2 sachets dissolved in water 3 times a day). If symptoms persist for 2-3 days, your doctor may recommend an antibiotic.
How to protect yourself?
- keep raw meat, poultry, fish and eggs in the refrigerator away from ready-to-eat products;
- do not eat ice cream or cream that has not been well chilled, especially thawed and re-frozen products;
- Before putting in the fridge, scald the eggshells with boiling water for about 10 seconds;
- forget about tartar - raw meat and eggs are a double danger;
- do not eat undercooked or undercooked food;
- do not buy meat of unknown origin.
Useful preparations if you have diarrhea:
- with a lighter one - the following are helpful: Smecta, Healing charcoal, Salotannal, Carbosal, Enterosol, Aloe 12 Dagomed, Taninal.
- constipation preparations for more severe diarrhea: Laremid, Stoperan, Imodium, Enterol 250.
- after diarrhea, the natural bacterial flora of the digestive tract will help to renew: Trilac, Lakcid.
Staphylococcal poisoning
Hard to find a place where staphylococcus won't be found. These ubiquitous bacteria, however, are not too harmful to us, until they find the right conditions and begin to emit poisonous enterotoxins. Although the favorite substrate of staphylococci are carbohydrates (cookies, ice cream, creams, fruit jellies), they also do not avoid meat or fish. Symptoms of staphylococcal poisoning - severe abdominal pain, vomiting, sometimes diarrhea, fever, chills - appear quickly, up to 6 hours after eating a product contaminated with staphylococcus.
When you get poisoned: usually it is enough to take painkillers, antispasmodics and anti-diarrheal drugs (e.g. medicinal charcoal, Smecta, Stoperan). It's worth following a diet and drinking a lot (nothing sweet!). When that doesn't help within 2-3 days, your doctor may recommend an antibiotic.
How to protect yourself?
- smell the food before you eat it. Infected foods often smell suspiciously. Do not eat fried fish or grilled meat that is sprinkled too heavily with spices. In this way, dishonest sellers often camouflage the stale food products;
- if someone close to you is infected with staphylococcus, be extremely careful during meetings.
When a doctor suspects food poisoning with salmonella, staphylococcus or other bacteria that are harmful to the gastrointestinal tract, he usually orders two tests. The first is made from a blood sample and the second is made from your stool. The type of bacteria depends on the type of therapy and the recommended diet.
Sausage venom is a dangerous toxin produced by bacilliClostridium Botulinum . They live in the ground, poorly prepared and stored canned meat, fish or vegetables. Usually, botulism infection occurs after eating contaminated canned food (including vegetable) as well as smoked and cured meat. The symptoms of poisoning mainly affect the nervous system: after 18 hours, dizziness, double vision, drooping eyelids, difficulty speaking, and drooling appear. Vomiting is accompanied by severe abdominal pain.
When you get poisoned: see a doctor as soon as possible to administer antibotulin serum. If help is not delivered in time, death may result.
How to protect yourself?
- check the dateshelf life of the canned food and store it in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Throw away those with bulging lids and those that hiss when opening;
- smell the food - those contaminated with venom often smell of rancid fat;
- when preparing preserves, keep perfect cleanliness and pasteurize everything;
Berries to the rescue
If you have diarrhea and irritated intestines, you can try blueberry decoction. It has an astringent and disinfecting effect. Pour a glass of warm water over a tablespoon of dried, frozen or fresh (but washed!) Berries over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Strain and drink the hot stock for half a cup 2-3 times a day.
Food poisoning: Escherichia from meat
The Escherichia coli bacterium (E. coli bacterium) likes undercooked and undercooked meat. However, since it is carried by flies and rodents, there is hardly any food that cannot be inhabited. Several hours after eating an infected dish, we may have diarrhea, sometimes vomiting. They can be accompanied by a severe headache and even urinary retention.
When you poison yourself: it is best to force yourself to vomit and then take medicinal charcoal or smecta. We also need to drink plenty of warm fluids, such as slightly s alted boiled water. If your symptoms don't improve within 2-3 days, see your doctor who usually prescribes an antibiotic.
How to protect yourself?
- do not eat undercooked and undercooked meat
- wash fruits and vegetables and peel them thinly
- protect food from flies and rodents
- always wash your hands before and after eating
- do not eat at roadside barbecues
Food poisoning: Yersinia from the water
This bacterium inhabits products of animal origin (e.g. meat, milk), but also likes to swim in well water. All we have to do is drink a cup of water straight from the well and… the infection is ready. The temperature rises quickly, there is a right-sided abdominal pain (as in an appendicitis) and diarrhea (sometimes with an admixture of blood). Sometimes the poisoning is accompanied by arthritis and a minor rash on the legs.
When you get poisoned: it's best to quickly report to a doctor who will prescribe an antibiotic. If this is not possible, we can take painkillers and antipyretics (e.g. ibuprom, pyralginum), anti-diarrheal drugs (e.g. medical charcoal, smecta) and go on a diet (rice in water, rusks, grated apple, cocoa in water).
How to protect yourself?
- do not drink unboiled water and also milk straight from the cow
- do not use shallow wells
- stay hygienicwhen preparing meals
- wash your hands before and after eating
- keep food in the fridge
Food poisoning: Listeria from the fridge
Listeria monocytogenesdoes nothing about low temperatures, which is why it often inhabits products in our refrigerators. He likes milk, cheese, ice cream, vegetables, sausage, poultry, meat and fish. Symptoms of infection with this microorganism are reminiscent of flu: fever, pain in joints and muscles, cough. The symptoms appear 4 hours to several days after eating an infected product. Poisoning is dangerous, especially for pregnant women - it may damage the fetus.
When you get poisoned: you have to go on a diet and drink a lot. If symptoms persist for 2-3 days, see your doctor who will usually prescribe an antibiotic.
How to protect yourself?
- wash the fridge once a week (and every time something spills, for example)
- segregate all products placed in the refrigerator and put them in separate containers
- do not drink raw milk and do not eat raw, undercooked or undercooked meat and fish
- do not eat "suspicious" ice cream
- crisp the vegetables washed and thinly peeled
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