Irritable bowel syndrome can be the cause of your ongoing abdominal trouble. Gas, gas, cramps. You have diarrhea or constipation all the time. Check that the irritable bowel is not responsible for these ailments.
Irritable bowel syndrome(IBS), irritable or hyperactive, as it is called, affects every fifth person. It teases women 2-3 times more often than men. People aged 30-40 suffer most often, butirritable bowelcan also happen to teenagers and seniors over 70.
It belongs to the chronic functional diseases, which in this case means that the troublesomesymptomsare associated with disturbances in the digestive tract, or more precisely, with its end part, i.e. the colon. It is not caused by bacteria or viruses, and has nothing to do with, for example, ulcers, gall bladder stones, appendicitis or cancer.
Although the digestive system is built properly and performs its function properly, i.e. digestion and absorption are normal, for some reason the harmonious work of the intestinal muscles is disturbed.
Rather than contracting rhythmically, moving the fecal masses towards the anus, part of the intestine moves too quickly or too slowly, causing chronic or alternating diarrhea or constipation.
People with SJN complain of a rumbling belly, pain or severe cramps in different parts of the abdomen, bloating and a feeling of fullness. It is characteristic of the disease that the discomfort subsides or lessens after passing the stool. But the feeling of the so-called incomplete bowel movements.
Irritable bowel syndrome - causes
The causes of IBS are still not fully understood. The disease is closely related to visceral hypersensitivity (i.e. an increased sensitivity of the sensory receptors in the gut) to normal physiological stimuli related to the digestive process, such as contact of the intestinal wall with moving food or gases.
But it is not known why during normal digestion, some people experience a sudden tightening of their walls or contraction of the smooth muscle in their gut and not others. Scientists have noted that irritable bowel syndrome often has a nervous background.
That's whycomplaints worsen in the period of high emotional tension - stress, nervousness, depression or anxiety due to the exam, even a test. But they can also accompany pleasant experiences, such as a date, meeting with friends or going on a desired vacation.
Stress and infections as causes of irritable bowel syndrome
One hypothesis is that food poisoning sometimes leads to intestinal oversensitivity, and the risk of disease increases when infections are accompanied by high stress. According to another theory, the disease may result from antibiotic therapy, overuse of laxatives and hormones, as well as abdominal surgery. Or it is triggered by certain foods, such as milk, cheese and eggs, by triggering a non-food immune response that leads to visceral hypersensitivity. In some women, the causes of complaints are cyclical hormonal changes. In this case, the symptoms of IBS intensify during menstruation and are the result of an increase in the level of sex hormones in the blood. In addition, scientists are also talking more and more often about a family predisposition to the disease.
Irritable bowel syndrome - difficult diagnosis
The problem is that the symptoms typical of IBS can accompany many more serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. inflammation of the intestinal mucosa or appendicitis, gallbladder disease, celiac disease, infections, lactose intolerance, food allergy, colorectal cancer, stomach, pancreas), as well as thyroid and coronary diseases. In addition, there is no study that would unequivocally confirm ZJN. Therefore, a doctor can only make a diagnosis after excluding other diseases.
Problem- 30-50 percent of all people treated in gastroenterology clinics are patients with IBS
- 14-50 percent patients do not report to the doctor at all
Irritable bowel syndrome - interview first
Usually the doctor starts with a thorough interview and examination of the patient. He asks about the type of ailment, how long it lasts, and about diet, lifestyle and disposition. If abdominal pain and discomfort occur for at least 3 months a year (not necessarily constantly), they decrease after defecation, and at the same time do not appear at night, the patient has no blood in the stool, does not lose weight or fever, an experienced gastroenterologist may suspect WITH JN. But the results of laboratory and imaging tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Irritable bowel syndrome - research
Regardless of the dominant symptoms - diarrhea or constipation - blood counts, ESR and a fecal occult blood test should be done. Doctorhe can also perform per rectal examination (he checks the condition of the rectum just above the sphincter) or rectoscopy (he inserts a speculum into the rectum, through which he can see about 20 cm of the end of the large intestine to detect changes). If you suffer from diarrhea, you will need to have your stools tested for culture and for parasites. Sometimes it may be necessary to test the level of TSH in the blood to rule out an overactive (with diarrhea) or an underactive (with constipation) thyroid gland. The basic imaging test is ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. If pains occur in the lower abdomen, women should also have a checkup at the gynecologist. In case of doubt, the doctor may also recommend, for example, gastroscopy or colonoscopy. A colonoscopy is usually performed in people over 50 and genetically burdened with colorectal cancer. Correct results of all tests show that the cause of the trouble is an oversensitive intestine.
ImportantThe relationship between mental disorders and irritable bowel syndrome has been studied for many years. In 54-86 percent People suffering from IBS have various types of psychosis, anxiety and depression. It is still unknown, however, whether they cause intestinal dysfunction, or vice versa - failure to deal with chronic or recurring ailments of the digestive system is the cause of mental problems.
Relief of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms - more exercise
Unfortunately, there is no drug to deal with the disease. However, you can alleviate its symptoms. Often the improvement occurs when … we find out what the ailment is about and stop being afraid of the worst. But you usually have to change your lifestyle as well. It is very important to increase your physical activity. Daily walks, regular swimming, cycling or exercising in the gym will improve the overall condition of the body and strengthen the nervous system. In addition, they will distract us from ailments. And then they will probably stop harassing us (because if we think maniacally about not getting diarrhea, then it will hit us). You also need to learn to deal with stress. Sometimes a warm bath with essential oils is enough, listening to your favorite music, yoga or tai-chi. Other times, the help of a psychologist is needed. A properly selected diet brings a significant improvement. As a general rule, people with diarrhea should avoid foods that contain high levels of fiber. On the other hand, for those who have constipation, it is recommended to gradually introduce dishes containing it to the menu. But treatment with a diet is based on constant experimentation - observing the reactions of the digestive system andchoosing dishes depending on your well-being. Because what is good for some people may not serve others.
Irritable bowel syndrome - medications
Pharmacological treatment consists in administering antispasmodics and drugs that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: anti-diarrhea or laxatives. Some people also need to take anxiolytics or tranquilizers. However, no preparations should be taken on your own.
You must do it- Keep a diary for 2 weeks - write down what you eat. This way, it will be easier for you to eliminate foods that are harmful to you from your diet.
- Eat 5 meals a day at fixed times and in small portions. Overeating can make your symptoms worse.
- Limit coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, avoid spicy spices and fatty foods.
- Drink at least 2 liters of fluid a day. In the case of IBS in the form of diarrhea, it is best to boiled water between meals. Drinking water while eating will speed up your digestion. In case of constipation, still mineral water is recommended.
- Choose lean white meat or fish, cold cuts - ham or sirloin, lean curd (if you are not obese on lactose). Avoid milk and milk drinks during diarrhea, during constipation, you can drink milk containing 0.5-1.5 percent. fat, kefir, yogurt and buttermilk.
- If you have diarrhea, you can eat white bread and pasta, white rice. Among fruits and vegetables - citrus, bananas, peaches, apples (stewed without peel), watermelons, mashed stone fruits (strawberries, currants, raspberries), potatoes, carrots, lettuce, radishes, asparagus, peeled tomatoes and peppers, cucumbers (under provided that you tolerate them well).
- During diarrhea, cook the food in water or steam, bake it in foil or stew it without fat.
- In constipation, whole grains are recommended, all fruits and vegetables, especially high in fiber (cabbage, beetroot, Brussels sprouts, green beans, kohlrabi) - preferably raw.
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