Stress hits the stomach. The first symptoms are pain, burning sensation, sometimes diarrhea or nausea. You can soothe them with gastric medications. If we do not eliminate the real cause of the ailments, i.e. we do not control the stress, the troubles will return with a double force.

When we are nervous or scared,the braintransmits this information to all tissues and organs. It's kind of an alarm: get ready to repel the enemy! The blood levels ofadrenaline , noradrenaline and cortisol rise. At the same time, the demand of cells increases, so fuel reserves are released, and thus the concentration of glucose increases. All this to survive. If the threat does not last long, such mobilization of the organism leaves no trace of it. The situation is different when we constantly live instressand we are unable to control it. Due to the persistent elevated levels of adrenaline and cortisol, the body's immunity decreases, muscle tension increases, blood pressure increases dangerously and the risk of heart disease increases. But the stomach is the first to feel the effects of stress. The mucosa lining it becomes very sensitive to the action of digestive acids, which are released in greater amounts under the influence of adrenaline. That is why we feel a burning sensation in the dimple, heartburn. The longer the stress lasts, the more likely you are to experience ailments that occur occasionally. It may then lead to gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, mucositis, irritability of the large intestine, chronic constipation.

When you are nervous, your stomach hurts and you have diarrhea - why is this happening?

This is the result of adrenaline. Under its influence, more digestive acids are produced in the stomach, intestinal cramps occur and diarrhea occurs. There is also another cause of this ailment. When we are relaxed, food stays in our stomach for about half an hour and then travels to the intestines. Stress interferes with digestion and causes food to remain in the stomach for up to 48 hours, which can cause diarrhea and gas.

Ailments of a neurotic nature

Neurosis arises in our head, but it can manifest itself with ailments from various organs, including the intestines and stomach. To be sure that stress is responsible for our suffering, we need to eliminate the diseases they causesimilar symptoms. So it is worth contacting a specialist who will order the appropriate tests.

Learn natural and simple ways to relieve stress

Stress problems with the stomach and medications to calm and relax

A relaxing tablet will help temporarily, but it will not solve the problem. If your symptoms worsen, you should go to an internist who will do a series of tests to make sure that the symptoms are really caused by stress and not some disease, such as an overactive thyroid gland. After consulting a psychiatrist, the doctor will select appropriate sedative medications, in severe cases even psychotropic medications. If mental factors have already led to permanent changes in the stomach, duodenum or intestine, you will also need measures to alleviate the symptoms.

Nervousness causes stomach pain - how to eat properly so as not to harm yourself?

As with peptic ulcer disease or gastritis - eat often, but in small amounts. This will neutralize the acids and at the same time will not overburden the stomach. However, there is no one-size-fits-all diet. You just have to point out which dishes are harmful to you and cross them out of the menu. You should definitely limit yourself to easily digestible products and give up e.g. fried ones.

Stress and appetite

Due to stress, an excessive amount of gastric juices is released. Then eating brings relief. because it neutralizes their action. It works like a tablet for acidity - reduces sucking, burning and pain. Often, however, the muscle tension, and thus the stomach muscles, is enormous. The stomach shrinks and we don't feel like eating.


Under the influence of strong emotions, e.g. a serious accident, the so-called stress ulcer. The level of adrenaline rises sharply, and with it the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which damages the lining of the stomach and causes the ulcer to form.

This will be useful to you

Soothing vitamins

Some foods that are he althy for your stomach also help fight stress. These include those containing vitamins from groups B, C, D and E, e.g. bananas, cocoa, nuts, soybeans, buckwheat. On the other hand, strong coffee and tea, alcohol and animal fats are stressful and harmful to the gastrointestinal tract.

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