Pain in the navel area can have many causes - from too tight clothes to serious diseases that require immediate intervention by a surgeon. The source of pain in the navel area may be the small intestine (i.e. the terminal section of the ileum, caecum, ascending colon), the appendix or the right half of the large intestine. In women, pain around the navel can also occur during ovulation. What diseases can be accompanied by pain in the navel area?
Pain around the navelcan be sudden and stinging or chronic, sometimes resembling colic. Before you start to worry about it, think about when you feel discomfort - perhapsthe causes of pain in the navel areaare very mundane: too tight clothing that causes pressure often causes pain in the cavity abdominal. It also happens, and not only in the case of allergy sufferers, that the strap with the metal buckle causes painful swelling and an itchy rash.
Pain in the navel area: this is how appendicitis begins
Pain that increases with coughing and pressure around the navel is one of the first symptoms of acute appendicitis - only with time this pain moves to the lower right part. Lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting and fever are characteristic. If you suspect appendicitis, go to the hospital as soon as possible.
Pain around the navel with swelling
If pain in the navel area is accompanied by swelling, it may be because:
- umbilical hernia - confirmation is obtained after palpation and ultrasound
- boil - it is necessary to apply the antibiotic topically and also orally
- abscess - it usually needs to be incised and drained, antibiotic use
Pains in the area of the belly button during pregnancy
In pregnancy, abdominal pain around the navel, often radiating to the sides and, according to many women, resembling pins or colic, is caused primarily by the expansion of the uterus, which compresses the intestines and bladder.
Pain in the navel area in women
Women can feel pain in the navel area for two reasons:
- rupture of Graaf's follicle - ovulatory pain that occurs suddenly between the 10th and 16th day of the menstrual cycle on the right or leftnavel, can be quite sharp, lasts from a few seconds to several minutes
- inflammation of the appendages - sudden cramping pain on both sides of the navel, which intensifies during intercourse, may also radiate to the groin and thighs; it is accompanied by weakness, fever or low-grade fever, sometimes also nausea, vomiting (due to irritation of the peritoneum) and diarrhea
Pain in the navel area caused by intestinal catarrh
Bowel disease, usually caused by bacteria or viruses, and inflammation of the intestinal lining, often manifests as colic-like pain around the navel.
Pain and palpable heartbeat around the navel
Many slim people complain of such symptoms, but in their case they are rarely pathological, they are rather the norm. However, it is always worth visiting a doctor, because such symptoms may accompany an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Sudden, stabbing pain in the navel area for no reason
If the research does not indicate any disease, then neuralgia should be taken into account - it is a common condition in emotionally hyperactive people.
Pain in the navel area - what could it mean?