Frequent bowel movements may not always be a symptom of an illness. If your stool is normal, soft, roller-shaped and the color is light or dark brown, don't be alarmed. In such cases, the cause of frequent visits to the toilet may be, for example, bad eating habits. Find out what are the causes of frequent stools.
Frequent bowel movementsdoes not always have to be a symptom of an illness. According to doctors, defecation 3-4 times a day is within the normal range. If the consistency, shape and color of your stools are normal, and your bowel movements are not accompanied by abdominal pain or weakness, don't be alarmed. However, if your stools are loose or watery, it is likelyacute diarrheaorchronic diarrhea(if lasting longer than 4 weeks). Thenfrequent, loose stoolsmay be a symptom of the disease.
Frequent bowel movements - causes
Caffeine contained in coffee irritates the walls of the large intestine and may cause increased intestinal transit. Therefore, frequent drinking of coffee (especially on an empty stomach) may provoke bowel movements.
Diet rich in fiber
If you do not have digestive problems (e.g. bowel movements), but still follow a diet rich in fiber (especially insoluble), you may complain of frequent faeces. Whole grain cereals, coarse grains, and raw fruit and vegetables promote intestinal transit and may increase the frequency of bowel movements.
Excessive consumption of fermented milk drinks
Fermented milk drinks such as kefir, yoghurt or buttermilk stimulate intestinal peristalsis. Therefore, consuming them in doses greater than the recommended (more than e.g. 2 yoghurts a day or 2 glasses of milk a day) may contribute to frequent bowel movements.
Overuse of hot spices
Spicy and spicy spices stimulate circulation, thus accelerating digestion and enhancing intestinal passage.
Frequent defecationmay be the result of a malfunction of the autonomic system, dysregulated by the stress hormones - cortisol,adrenaline and norepinephrine (then specialist tests should be performed to exclude this possibility).
Another factor that contributes to frequent bowel movements is stress. You can then try home remedies to calm down (e.g. drink lemon balm tea) or buy diarrhea stopping pills. If such treatments do not help, see a psychologist as soon as possible.
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Smoking Tobacco can irritate the walls of the large intestine and provoke bowel movements. Taking certain medications A side effect of taking certain medications (e.g. chemotherapy drugs) can be frequent faeces and even diarrhea. Eating meals at large intervals Long breaks between meals cause gastric juices to irritate the mucosa of an empty stomach, and consequently disrupt the functioning of the entire digestive system. Therefore, it is best to eat small meals 5-6 times a day and never forget about breakfast. Frequent bowel movements during your period may be related to endometriosis. According to studies, as many as 60% or more of women with this condition may have at least one of the gastrointestinal symptoms: cramps or painful bowel movements and frequent bowel movements, diarrhea, and alternating constipation and diarrhea. During pregnancy, most women change their diet, which is dominated by vegetables and fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. And these enhance the intestinal transit. The reason for frequent visits to the toilet may also be vitamins for pregnant women, which soften the stool. Consequently, frequent bowel movements during pregnancy are normal (provided the stool is of normal consistency, shape and color). You should be worried about passing loose, semi-liquid stools more than 2-3 times a day. You should be concerned about passing loose, semi-liquid stools more than 2-3 times a day. It is assumed that breastfed babies can excrete 5-6 stools a day, and even 7-8 times a day, which is twice as much as babies fed with formula. If this is the case, please don't worry as it is normal. Over time, as breast milk changes, the frequency of passing stools decreases.Frequent bowel movements during periods
Frequent bowel movements in pregnancy
Frequent bowel movements in children and babies