Do you think that giving birth is completely natural and that your instincts will tell you how to behave in this important moment? Do you think that somehow it will be and you put aside thoughts about childbirth as far as possible? Or maybe you want to give birth consciously and carefully prepare for this extraordinary event? Answer our questions and everything will be clear - you will find out if you are prepared for childbirth. Note: There is only one correct answer to each question.
You are pregnant. You carefully observe your changing body. On the one hand, you look forward to hugging your baby. On the other hand, you wait for the moment of delivery with fear. It's understandable.
You've read a lot about it, asked your gynecologist, maybe even attended birthing classes. Will you be able to recognize the moment when it will be time to go to the hospital? Will you miss an important detail from your distraction?
This quiz will show you how much you know about childbirth.
If you have doubts or questions about pregnancy and childbirth, it is best to speak to your pregnancy gynecologist or trusted midwife.