Hangover remedies have been known for as long as the alcohol itself, that is for over 5000 years. Our ancestors tried to prevent the effects of its abuse for centuries, unfortunately, to no avail. The cure for hangovers has not been invented to this day, and it does not seem to be happening anytime soon. We are left with the use of old, proven methods of alcohol poisoning. Find out which ways to deal with a hangover are the most effective.
Hangover remediesworth knowing, because you never know when you will have to use them. An innocent meeting with friends. You loosen up and carelessly sip drink after drink. And in the morning… headache, stomach ache and muscle pain, nausea, dry mouth, trembling hands, lack of appetite, mental and physical fatigue. In a word -hangover . What causes a great evening to end in a terrible morning?
Where does a hangover come from?
It's by enzymes produced by the liver (aldehyde and alcohol dehydrogenases) that convert alcohol into acetaldehyde and acetic acid. The first one makes your blood pressure rise, your heart rate increases, you feel warm, your face turns red, and in the morning your head breaks and you feel nauseous. The latter is bad for your stomach.
There is no cure for hangovers, because so far no substances that would neutralize their toxic effects have been discovered. Fortunately, each of us has our own proven prescription for "Day Two Syndrome". Surprisingly, most of them, even the famous wedge, have a scientific justification. Therefore, it is worth forcing yourself, despite the resistance of matter, to do a few things that will speed up your return to the living.
Hangover remedies - before you start drinking alcohol
You can't make your liver work faster, but you can delay ethanol absorption a bit. For this purpose, you need to eat a meal one hour before the party. Ideally, it should be fatty, because the fat will create a protective layer on the walls of the stomach and duodenum that will slow down the penetration of alcohol into the bloodstream.
- Get some sleep, because alcohol attacks the tired faster.
- Cook a sour soup "for the morning" (cabbage soup, sour soup or cucumber), which will provide the body with vitamin C, because it will demand it.
- Have a meal before leaving the house - this will slow down the absorption of alcohol ( although some believe that it may, ifalcohol, increase hangover).
- You can also reach for vitamins in tablets or, if you believe in them, of course, preparations reducing the effects of intoxication
- Make up your mind about what you will drink, because mixing the drinks can lead to a huge hangover.
- The most difficult - if you smoke, try to reach the packet twice as often from the morning - nicotine increases alcohol poisoning.
Hangover remedies - while drinking
- Take twenty-minute breaks between drinks - on average, this is how long the body needs to absorb one serving of alcohol.
- Do not hold the alcohol in your mouth - it has the same effect as drinking through a straw - alcohol stays in contact with the oral mucosa for longer, penetrating easily through them and immediately, shortcuts, "goes" to the head.
- Do not mix alcohol, do not wash down vodka with beer or champagne, because the carbon dioxide contained in them accelerates the absorption of alcohol.
- Having a choice, choose pure, strong alcohols, because heavy, quality drinks contain more methanol and, as scientific research proves, their hangovers are much greater.
- The optimal solution is to drink a glass of non-carbonated water after each serving of alcohol, but if you find it difficult to force yourself to do so, any non-alcoholic liquid will be fine, although specialists advise against drinking carbonated, artificially colored ones.
- Do not forget to drink at least two glasses of water before going to bed - alcohol accelerates diuresis, i.e. the expulsion of water from the body - hence morning unbearable dry mouth.
- You can also take a pill of aspirin (if you tolerate it well and have no contraindications) or a painkiller (but do not reach for paracetamol tablets - these in combination with alcohol are really deadly for the liver and kidneys) and vitamin C .
- Open the window at night.
Hangover remedies - the next morning
- Force up and get out of bed to take a shower - you will revitalize your body and mind, and cleansed skin will breathe better.
- Drink a lot to hydrate the body - the best are: still mineral water (replenishes minerals and microelements), isotonic drink (ion bomb - check how to make at home), coffee (narrowing blood vessels, it will help fight headaches)
- When it is very bad - reach for the wedge, a small dose of diluted alcohol will help the cells return to normal, but be careful not to drink too much, because acetaldehyde will be formed again - the culprit of the misfortune.
- Take a break and eat something- scrambled eggs, broth or broth will do you good, because they contain substances that your body needs.
- Take care with medications - they are easy to overdose in this state, besides, the stomach, tired from previous madness, may react badly to them.
- Get a grip and go for a walk - a large dose of oxygen will get you on your feet and relieve your headache.
- Feeling anxious, having trouble concentrating or being irritable, you just have to wait it out.
Common hangover mistakes
- Drinking drinks with carbonated drinks (e.g. vodka with Coca-Cola) and through a straw. Already 20 percent. Alcohol is absorbed in the mouth, so when it drains and is kept in your mouth, it hits your head faster. Carbon dioxide contained in carbonated drinks accelerates the absorption of ethanol. For this reason, you should also not drink carbonated drinks.
- Mixing alcohol. The ones with bubbles work faster, and if you drink champagne after wine or vodka - you'll absorb the one you drank earlier. If you have a choice, decide to drink well-chilled plain vodka. According to scientists, colored alcohols are especially conducive to hangovers.
- Drinking on an empty stomach and not eating while drinking.
- Frequent reaching for another glass. Only 10 percent. alcohol is eliminated from the body undigested (through urine, sweat and breathing). The liver has to deal with the remaining 90 percent. And it does, but at its own pace. It typically processes 8-12 g (depending on the weight of the drinker) of alcohol per hour. This is the amount of ethanol in a glass of 12 percent. wine, a half-liter glass of 4 percent. beer or 25 g glass of vodka.
- Smoking cigarettes. Nicotine, like alcohol, is metabolized in the liver, and the liver cannot deal with two stimulants at the same time.