Frequent, loose stools, which are passed more than 3 times a day, can be cause for concern. Frequent diarrhea is usually a sign of illness, especially if there is blood, mucus or fat in the stools. In such a situation, you should give up home treatment and see a doctor as soon as possible. What diseases may be indicated by frequent, loose stools, what are the causes of frequent diarrhea?

Frequent, loose stoolsmay accompany chronic diarrhea (akafrequent diarrhea ) or pseudo-diarrhea. In the former case, large volumetric (semi-liquid) stools containing traces of blood, pus or mucus are passed more than 3 times a day. Pesudobiegunka, on the other hand, is the need to pass small amounts of loose stool (also with blood or mucus) several times a day. A characteristic feature of pseudo-diarrhea is the constant feeling of needing to have a bowel movement. Both conditions can occur alternately and be a symptom of many serious diseases.

Frequent, loose stools - causes

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

IBS is a chronic disease and symptoms can last a lifetime. In addition to slightly looser stools (where blood is rarely seen), there is also unexplained weight loss (despite eating a balanced diet) and feeling tired. Often the need to pass a stool occurs at night.

  • Colorectal cancer

The disease causes changes in the cells of the mucosa of the large intestine. This causes a loose stool which may contain some blood (due to tumor bleeding). Often the only symptom of a developing tumor is a change in bowel habits: diarrhea and constipation. It's good to know that the symptoms of colorectal cancer vary depending on the location of the tumor.

CHECK>>What are the symptoms of colon cancer?

  • Ulcerative colitis

The disease consists of chronic inflammation of the mucosa of the anus or the large intestine. Its symptom is, among others frequent passing of loose stools mixed with blood. The disease is very serious because its complications may include liver failure, colon perforation, and evencancer.

  • Crohn's disease

It is an inflammatory disease of the large intestine of unknown etiology, which leads to the destruction of the intestinal wall. The inflammatory process initially affects the mucosa, eventually affecting all layers of the colon wall. Symptoms of the disease are often loose stools, weight loss and perianal lesions (ulcers, abscesses, fistulas).

  • Celiac disease

Celiac disease, or celiac disease, is an inflammatory disease of the small intestine, the essence of which is gluten intolerance. People who struggle with this type of malabsorption develop inflammation as a result of contact with gluten. The consequence is slow damage to the mucosa of the small intestine. A characteristic symptom of the disease are loose, pale, foul-smelling and large-volume stools.

  • Hyperthyroidism

Excessive production of thyroid hormones accelerates the patient's metabolism, resulting in more frequent loose stools. At the same time, body weight is reduced, even though the patient's appetite has been stimulated.

  • Typhoid

It is a disease that can be caught while in tropical countries. It is caused by bacteria of the genusSalmonella . During the first week, fever and abdominal pain appear. In the second, severe headaches and a dry cough are observed. It is not until the third week that loose stools appear.

  • Cystic Fibrosis

Passing loose, foul-smelling and fatty stools is one of the hallmarks of this genetic disease. On the part of the digestive tract there are other ailments: enlargement of the abdominal volume and obstruction of the salivary glands with thick, sticky mucus.

Other causes of frequent loose stools

  • taking medications-many medications, such as metformin used in diabetes, laxatives or antacids, can cause frequent, loose stools as an undesirable side effect of taking them. If you suspect medications are causing your chronic diarrhea, stop taking them and see your doctor;
  • consuming large amounts of sweeteners (sorbitol, mannitol or xylitol).
