Mineral water - you sometimes meet it on the shelves while shopping. Do you really know what is the difference between mineral water and spring water? And good mineral water - what should it be composed of? How to choose the right one for you? Can you give mineral water to children? And what's the information on the water label?
- Mineral water: spring water good for drinking and more …
- Mineral water: content of bioelements
- Mineral water: bicarbonate in water
- Mineral water: sulfates in water
- Mineral water: carbon dioxide in water
- Mineral water: who is the sparkling water for?
- Mineral water: important information on the label
- Drinking water produced in Poland
- Mineral waters: what they help
"Mineral water" so colloquially, though imprecisely, it is said about natural waters from underground sources. But not all water sold in a bottle is mineral water. And not all mineral waters are suitable for common consumption.
You mustn't overdo it with drinking highly mineralized water. Their daily supply may cause a dangerous accumulation of bioelements in the body and lead to, for example, kidney stones. In addition, these waters usually contain significant amounts of sodium chloride - a s alt that causes an increase in blood pressure and edema (it retains water in the body).
Therefore, we should use the benefits of mineral waters carefully. If the mineralization is over 1500 mg / l, we can drink water from time to time, preferably in justified cases, e.g. to replenish the loss of elements when we sweat profusely. It can also be recommended in case of constipation, because it stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and accelerates worm movements. Let us not give such water to children. It cannot be used to prepare baby food, because milk formulas already contain optimal amounts of minerals. Also, do not use it for cooking, because a lot of limescale precipitates from it.
Check also:Is tap water he althy?
Mineral water: spring water good for drinking and more …
The most universal are natural spring waters, low mineralized. They can be drunk without restrictions by people of all ages, he althy and sick, pregnant women and especiallynursing mothers who need an extraordinary amount of fluids.
Spring water can be used for cooking porridges, purees, soups for children, making herbal infusions, as well as hot and cold drinks. If we know that tap water is of poor quality, use spring water for cooking or even washing. We should use it whenever we are not sure about the microbiological purity of tap water - for drinking, brushing teeth, washing fruit and vegetables, and for making ice cubes.
Mineral water: content of bioelements
Drinking water may affect the content of bioelements in the human body. They occur in an ionized, easily digestible form. Among them are cations (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, strontium, iron) and anions (bicarbonate, sulfate, fluoride, chloride, iodide) and carbon dioxide. The most important of them are calcium and magnesium ions, due to their importance for the proper functioning of the body, and significant deficiencies in the diet.
Drinking water satisfies from several to several dozen percent of the daily requirement for calcium (8-24 percent) and magnesium (4-20 percent), so it plays an important role in the prevention of many diseases, incl. hearts. Minerals dissolved in water regulate the course of many processes in the body: the entire metabolism, water and hormone balance, and reduce the toxicity of heavy metals (lead, manganese). But - attention! Their excess is fatal, e.g. too much calcium, zinc, manganese, iron can block the absorption of other elements.
ImportantThe name "soda water" has nothing to do with sodium. It was established in the 18th century, when people learned to obtain carbon dioxide from soda and carbonic acid and began to add it to water.
Mineral water: bicarbonate in water
Water with a bicarbonate content of more than 600 mg / L is referred to asalkaline water . They are especially recommended for people prone to acidity. They neutralize gastric juice and have anti-inflammatory properties. They promote digestion because the intestines need an alkaline environment. They are also beneficial in the early stages of diabetes - they lower blood and urine sugar levels, reduce acetone production, and have a positive effect on insulin secretion.
Warning!Alkaline waters are not recommended in cases of acidity, exacerbation of gastric ulcer disease and acute gastroenteritis.
Mineral water: sulfates in water
Water with a high content of sulphates (250-650 mg / l) is recommended for constipation and indigestion, as it stimulates the secretory functions of the liver and accelerates intestinal peristalsis. They should be eaten systematically beforemeals. They can have a laxative effect in high doses.
Mineral water: carbon dioxide in water
Carbon dioxide, which is a natural component of water, has a positive effect on its chemical composition and acidity. The label says the natural content (or natural) CO2 .
Naturally carbonated water is often degassed for technological reasons - because the pressure could damage the production line; so it is more convenient to remove the gas first and then add it to the water. Then the label informs that the water is "enriched" or "saturated with gas from the source", "saturated with CO2of natural origin", "naturally saturated with CO2". But this does not apply to medicinal waters, which should maintain a completely natural composition. The gas can also be forced into the water from a source other than the underground deposit. It must be suitable for food. The description indicates that the water has been "saturated with CO2 ". The saturation can be:
- low, up to 1500 mg / l,
- medium, 1500-4000 mg / l,
- high, over 4000 mg / L.
Mineral water: who is the sparkling water for?
Carbon dioxide has a bacteriostatic and preservative effect - extends the life of the water. It gives a sour taste that is refreshing. Thanks to CO2 , even bland waters, such as those with a high content of bicarbonate, taste better. It facilitates digestion, because by irritating the gastric mucosa, it increases the secretion of juices.
One-time consumption of more water with gas accelerates the movement of the food content in the intestines. Mechanical pressure on the walls of the stomach and intestines causes hyperemia, which promotes the absorption of food. The presence of carbon dioxide is therefore beneficial from time to time, especially after eating too much, and also for people with low acidity. However, it can exacerbate the symptoms of hyperacidity and peptic ulcer disease. Waters highly saturated with CO2are also not recommended for people with cardiovascular and respiratory failure, and for young children.
You must do itAll water should be kept in a cool (2-12 ° C) and dark place, out of direct sunlight. The shelf life for carbonated water is 12 months, and for non-carbonated water for a maximum of three months. We should not drink from the bottle, so as not to contaminate its contents with bacteria. And let's not forget about twisting it.
Mineral water: important information on the label
The producer is obliged to provide the place where the water is extracted, as well as his address and telephone number. It also refers to compliance with Polish and even international standards and the obtained recommendations of scientific or medical institutes.
Deposit and its evaluationThe suitability for the production of bottled water is made by the National Institute of Hygiene. This information is provided on the label, where the manufacturer lists all minerals (cations and anions) and gives their sum, i.e. total mineralization. Low is below 500 mg / L, medium - 500 to 1500 mg / L, high - over 1500 mg / L.
Apart from that, the description contains various additional features of water or lists the processes it was subjected to, for example:
- Szczawa - this is a very valuable and tasty water with a natural content of carbon dioxide (carbonic acid), pinching the tongue.
- Low-sodium - water with low sodium content, not more than 20 mg / l. Important information for people suffering from hypertension and edema.
- Hypoosmotic - water with a concentration of minerals (mainly sodium) lower than in body fluids, i.e. with low mineralization. The lower the concentration, the faster the water is absorbed.
- Decantation - separation of the sediment from the clear part. Permitted for the production of mineral waters, with the exception of medicinal waters; Medicinal water labels usually contain the information "sediment is a natural phenomenon".
Drinking water produced in Poland
- Natural mineral waters- come from a single deposit, have a constant and stable composition. They must contain:
at least 1000 mg / l of total minerals
or at least 250 mg / l of CO2of natural origin
or not more than 20 mg / l sodium.
At least one mineral component (calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, chlorides, sulphates or bicarbonates) should significantly supplement the deficiency of this component. - Healing mineral waters(according to PN - Z-11001-1) - this is a special category of mineral waters. They cannot be treated. At least one specific component should have a therapeutic or prophylactic effect. You can drink them systematically only after consulting a doctor. They must not be given to children or people suffering from high blood pressure or kidney disease.
- Natural spring watersconstitute approximately 75% of all drinking water. Compared to mineral ones, they come from shallower aquifers. A small degree of mineralization (up to 1000 mg / l, most often 150-500 mg / l) means that they are for everyone, without restrictions, they can be given to young children, and also used in the kitchen to prepare meals.
- Table water- it is a mixture of modified composition, therefore it does not qualify as "natural". They are produced from natural spring waters, to which mineral-rich waters are added or enriched with the same mineral s alts according to the recipe to obtainproperties similar to natural mineral water.
Mineral waters: what they help
Water name | Place of origin | Mineralization in mg / l | Diseases for which it is worth drinking mineral water |
Celestynka | Rymanów Zdrój | 8500 | cholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, catarrh of the digestive system, respiratory tract |
Dąbrówka | Szczawno Zdrój | 1803 | urinary system, kidney stones, metabolic disorders, diabetes, pancreatic function |
Franciszek | Wysowa | 16441 | hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hangover |
Galicjanka | Rope Maker | 2345 | cholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular system, osteoporosis, catarrh of the digestive system, catarrh and intestinal inflammation, liver failure, depression, neurosis |
Henryk | Wysowa | 5091 | catarrh of the digestive system, biliary tract, diabetes, pancreatic function |
Jan | Krynica | 663 | cholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular system, urinary system, kidney stones, gout |
Jan | Szczawnica | 4261 | cholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, circulatory system, osteoporosis, gastroenteritis, obesity, ischemia, respiratory tract |
Józef | Wysowa | 773 | urinary system, kidney stones, gout |
Kinga Pienińska | Krościenko | 512 | cholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular system, hypertension, kidney stones |
Klaudynka | Rymanów Zdrój | 8247 | cholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular system, urinary system |
Kryniczanka | Krynica-Żegiestów | 2774 | excess of toxins, heavy metal poisoning, depression, neurosis |
Marysieńka | Cieplice | 638 | urinary system, kidneys, nephrolithiasis, gout, osteoporosis |
Mieszko | Szczawno Zdrój | 2934 | metabolic disorders, catarrh of the digestive system, respiratory tract |
Milusia (Muszyńska) | Muszyna | 4360 | hypertension, hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, catarrh and intestinal inflammation, diabetes, pancreatic function, obesity, anemia |
Muszynianka | Muszyna | 1868 | hypertension, disordersmetabolism, hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, catarrh and intestinal inflammation, diabetes, work of the pancreas |
Ostromecko | Ostromecko k. Bydgoszcz | 695 | urinary system, catarrh and intestinal inflammation, diabetes, pancreatic function |
Piwniczanka | Piwniczna Zdrój | 2530 | hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, catarrh and intestinal inflammation, diabetes, pancreatic function |
Słotwinka | Krynica | 4039 | catarrh of the digestive system, allergies, excess toxins, heavy metal poisoning, depression, neurosis |
Staropolanka | Polanica Zdrój | 1005 | cholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular system |
Tytus | Rymanów Zdrój | 8496 | cholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular system, urinary system, kidneys, metabolic disorders, respiratory system |
Wielka Pieniawa | Polanica Zdrój | 4075 | catarrh of the digestive system, hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, biliary tract, liver failure, anemia, hangover |
Wysowianka | Wysowa | 607 | kidneys, metabolic disorders, hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers |
Zuber | Krynica | 24386 | hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hangover |
Drink after consulting a doctor
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