Sodium is an element necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Thanks to it, as well as other electrolytes, the heart can work efficiently, and blood pressure is at an appropriate level. Check what other functions sodium has in the body and what its excess and deficiency can lead to.
Sodiumiselementwhich, together with potassium, magnesium and calcium, belongs to the so-calledelectrolytes . They are substances that are present in all body fluids as positive (cations) or negative (anions) ions. Sodium is present as a cation (Na +) in the body's extracellular fluids. The amount of sodium in the adult human body is about 92 g, half of which is present in blood and other fluids, more than 1/3 in bones, and the rest inside the body's cells. The amount of this element in the body is regulated by hormones - natriuretic peptides (e.g. ANP), which increase sodium removal (this happens when the blood levels of sodium increase), and aldosterone and vasopressin, which stop it (this happens when his blood level drops).
Sodium in the body - what are its functions?
- is responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular systems - together with potassium, it regulates muscle tone (also of the heart) and affects the conduction of stimuli in nerve cells;
- regulates the body's water balance - it retains water in the body and is responsible for its proper distribution in the body;
- is involved in maintaining the appropriate pH, i.e. the acid-base balance of the body;
- participates in the active absorption of many nutrients, for example glucose and amino acids;
Sodium - sources
Sodium is supplied to the body with food. The main source of sodium is table s alt and products and drinks containing it (these are mainly processed products - marinades, cold cuts, broths, powdered soups). It's good to know that 1 g of sodium is equal to about 2.5 g of s alt.
CHECK>>Sources of sodium in food. What foods contain the most sodium? As experts from the Food and Nutrition Institute argue, the amounts of sodium necessary for the proper functioning of the body have not been clearly defined. Individu althe demand for this ingredient depends, among others on age and physical activity. The amount of sodium you consume should be proportional to the amount you lose through sweat, urine and faeces. In this way, you can make up for its deficiency. As a result, the need for sodium increases, for example, in people who exercise regularly (due to the loss of electrolytes along with a lot of sweat). Experts in the US and Canada believe sodium intake for he althy adults should be1,500 mg (1.5 g) / day . They also emphasize that the amount of this element should not be lower than 700 mg / day, as it may adversely affect blood lipids and insulin resistance. The need for sodium does not change during pregnancy and lactation. The normal concentration of sodium in the blood ranges from 136 to 145 mmol / L. Sodium deficiency in the body (hyponatremia) contributes to the dilution of the blood and indirectly also to dehydration. Then there is dry skin and mucous membranes, lowering blood pressure and headaches, concentration disorders, loss of appetite, muscle twitching, problems with memory. In turn, excess sodium in the body (hypernatremia) causes water retention in the body. However, the most dangerous consequence of such a condition is an increase in blood pressure and narrowing of blood vessels. According to the research of scientists, too high sodium content in the diet, especially if it persists for a long time, is a significant risk factor for the development of arterial hypertension. High s alt intake may also be associated with the occurrence of strokes and may lead to an increased risk of developing stomach cancer. GOOD TO KNOW>>Low-sodium diet will protect against atherosclerosis and hypertension
Bibliography:Nutrition standards for the Polish population - amendment , edited by Jarosz M., ed. Food and Nutrition Institute, Warsaw 2012 Sodium is most abundant in rennet ripened cheeses. Fish, grain products and dairy products are also high in sodium. Meat, vegetables and fruit have a lower sodium content. In contrast, the least amount of sodium is found in nuts, seeds and grains.Sodium - demand and consumption standards
Sodium - the effects of deficiency and excess
Sources of sodium in food
ripened rennet cheeses sodium content mg / 100 g of product
cheese, parmesan 1860
cheese, rokpol full-fat 1368
"Feta" type cheese 1100
cheese, full-fat camembert 966
cheese, ementaler full-fat 909
cheese, fat gouda 898
cheese, full-fat brie 880
cheese, tilsit fat 861
cheese, Tilsit full fat 744
cheese, hunting full fat 674
fat Edam cheese 618
cheese, full-fat cheddar 598
cheese, full-fat salami 585
fish sodium content mg / 100 g of product cereal products sodium content mg / 100 g of product dairy products and eggs sodium content mg / 100 g of product
herring, s alted 5930 corn flakes 1167 skimmed milk powder 480
smoked salmon 1470 french baguettes 710 natural cheese from the "Fromage" type 396
cod, smoked 1170 wheat flakes 644 grain curd cheese 380
mackerel, smoked 1170 toasted and graham bread 543 whole milk, powdered 357
sardine, fresh 120 bread crumbs 503 edible buttermilk, 0.5% fat 60
hake, fresh 100 milky rye bread 470 whole chicken eggs 141
meat sodium content mg / 100 g of product vegetables sodium content mg / 100 g of product fruit sodium content mg / 100 g of product
pork kidneys 205 root celery 86 marinated green olives, canned 2400
veal, leg 128 celery 62 figs, dried 44
beef liver 117 chard 56 dates, dried 35
turkey drumstick meat with skin 92 beetroot 52 melon 22
meat from chicken thighs, with skin 85 parsley, root 49 raisins, dried 21
beef, roast 78 peas, dry seeds 30 avocado 10
nuts sodium content mg / 100 g of product seeds and grains sodium content mg / 100 g of product
coconut shrims 28 pumpkin, seeds 18
peanuts 16 cocoa 16%, powder 17
almonds 14 blue poppy seed 6
pistachio nuts 6 sunflower seeds 3