Chronic Lyme disease (chronic, late phase) is much more difficult to treat than the early form of the disease. It is even more difficult to recognize because it causes very non-specific symptoms. Find out how to recognize chronic (chronic) Lyme disease and how to treat it.
Chronic Lyme disease (chronic, phaselate ) is much more difficult to treat than the early stage of the disease.It is assumed that Lyme disease - if has been going on for a while - it somehow weakens the immune system.
Perhaps it is the decline in vitamin D levels, which is commonly seen in long-term illnesses, but there may be other reasons as well.
It is also known thatchronic Lyme disease has many diverse and non-specific symptoms, therefore it is difficult to diagnose . Certain criteria for the diagnosis of chronic Lyme disease were developed by Dr. Burrascano (director of ILADS - International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society). In his opinion, the late stage of Lyme disease is when:
- the disease has been present for at least a year
- there are chronic severe neurological or joint disorders
- bacterial infection is still active despite previous antibiotic treatment
Chronic Lyme disease (chronic, late phase) - symptoms of Lyme disease after years
1. general symptoms
- fever
- poty
- chills
- general weakness
- fatigue
- weight change
2. joint-muscular
- pain in tendons and muscles
- joint pain, swelling and stiffness
- neck stiffness
3. neurological
- tremors
- paresis
- progressive encephalitis
- sensory disturbance
- concentration, memory, mood
- irritability
- personality changes
- pronunciation and spelling problems
The loss of feeling of "socks / stockings" and "gloves" is characteristic, i.e. the patient does not feel the parts of the limbs that are covered by gloves and socks / stockings
4. on the part of the organeyesight
- double vision (the image is blurry, there are spots)
- photosensitivity
5. on the part of the sense of hearing and balance
- ringing in ears
- earaches
- sound sensitivity
It may also worsen motion sickness, dizziness and loss of balance, spatial orientation disorders
6. skin
for late Lyme disease, atrophic skin changes calledacrodermatitis chronica atrophicans- this is a thinning of the epidermis with visible blood vessels, and excessive hair loss may occur.
Chronic Lyme disease can be latent for many years and do not give any symptoms, only to attack unexpectedly at some point in a dangerous form, e.g. diseases of the nervous system
Chronic Lyme disease (chronic, late phase) - what tests?
To determine if an infection is "old", CD57 testing is suggested. In the case of chronic Lyme disease, there is a decrease in the CD57 index, which is considered an indicator of self-immunity against this disease.
Chronic Lyme disease (chronic, late phase) - how to treat it?
ILADS specialists advocate long-term and multi-drug therapy for Lyme disease, also chronic.
On the other hand, doctors affiliated with the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) - the American Society of Infectious Diseases, do not recognize chronic Lyme disease.
They believe that the symptoms that persist despite the treatment of Lyme disease are post-Lyme disease, which is not an indication for antibiotic therapy. They give the patient medications to relieve symptoms, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for joint pain.
DONE TO KNOW:Lyme disease treatment - IDSA and ILADS method