There are many species of ticks. Ticks can be found not only in the forest. Some of these parasites live in the city center and pose the same, and sometimes even greater, threat than those found in grasses and bushes. Check which species of ticks are the most dangerous and where they occur.
It is commonly believed thatticksonly occur in the forest. Meanwhile, these parasites can even be found in the city center. Sometimes they can be more dangerous than those from the forest, because they not only transmit tick-borne diseases, but can also cause paralysis that prevents breathing, and even potentially fatal anaphylactic shock.
The most dangerous species of ticks: fringes of pigeons (pigeons)
Pigeon rim( pigeons ) ( Argas reflexus ) is a tick that is hosted by pigeons and other birds, incl. swallows, sparrows, and even poultry.
Therefore, they can be found in henhouses, lofts, as well as in attics or attics of apartments in the city center.
When no natural host is available, hungry parasites can enter houses and attack people. Their characteristic feature is that they forage in whole groups, usually at night.
The bites of these ticks are very painful, itchy and take a long time to heal. Skin changes may persist for up to 1.5 years.
CHECK>>A tick bite - first aid. How to properly remove a tick?
Edgings are most often hidden in the cracks of floors, door frames, under window sills, thresholds and wallpapers, in the crevices of furniture and places to sleep. Recently, they attacked the police station in Poznań, but the presence of these ticks has already been recorded in Warsaw (in Praga, Szczesliwice and Mokotów), as well as in several Silesian cities - Katowice, Chorzów, Siemianowice and Bytom. In the past, the edges attacked, among others, hejnalists on the tower of St. Mary's Church in Krakow. In order to protect yourself against them, plaster the gaps near the windows and doors. You should also remember to plaster cracked walls inside and outside the building. CHECK>>Pregnant woman bitten by a tick. Can something threaten the child?
In the case of parasite infestation, acaricidal preparations canturn out to be insufficient. It may be necessary, among others removing wallpapers, carpets or parquets. Dangerous edges Rims are very dangerous not only because they transmit tick-borne diseases (including Lyme disease and Q fever). These parasites can also cause sensitization, and in sensitive or prone to allergies - even potentially fatal anaphylactic shock, as their saliva is a very strong allergen. In addition, the edges are very dangerous when they bite around the face. Then they can cause tick paralysis, making it impossible to breathe. The rim bite can also result in inflammation of the lymphatic vessels. Meadow tick( Dermacentor reticulatus ) occurs mainly in north-eastern Poland. Only exceptionally, its presence to the south and west of this part of the country was shown. Dermacentor reticulatuscan be found in meadows, for example in the Warsaw district of Wawer, and on the outskirts of the Kampinos Forest. He likes bushy pastures, lake shores, swampy forests because he likes humidity. These ticks attack animals more often than people (larvae and nymphs mainly rodents, and adult ticks larger mammals, including dogs). If they choose people, they usually pierce the scalp (because it is the hairy). The meadow tick season is in March / April and September / November. CHECK>>Lyme disease in children - symptoms and treatment
Common tick( Ixodes ricinus ) feels best in places with high humidity. It can be found all over Poland, especially where there are deciduous and mixed forests, as well as coniferous ones, but with dense undergrowth. In addition, he is also a resident of city parks, lawns and plots. It is a parasite for which humans are a very good source of food, therefore they are eager to attack them. It is this tick that most often transmits tick-borne diseases, incl. Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis, anaplasmosis or babesiosis. Dangerous nymphs and larvae The nymph is the stage between the larva and the adult tick. Although it is not fully developed yet, it poses a greater threat to he alth than adults. Some tick-borne diseases (e.g. tick-borne encephalitis) can also transmit almost invisible onestick larvae.See the gallery of 5 photos
How to protect yourself from ticks?
The most dangerous species of ticks: the meadow tick
The most dangerous species of ticks: common tick
How to get rid of a tick