Babesiosis develops most often after a tick bite - it is caused by protozoa inhabiting its salivary glands. Babesiosis, due to the similarity of the symptoms of the severe form of the disease to malaria, is called northern malaria. Check what are the symptoms and how to treat Babesiosis?
Babesiosisis one of the tick-borne diseases. The number of cases of babesiosis is not high, but it is growing every year. Babesiosis is often associated with Lyme disease.Treatment of babesiosis is necessary- until babesiosis is cured, Lyme disease therapy will not be effective.
Babesiosis: Symptoms
Babesiosis in some people is asymptomatic,or gives symptoms similar to a cold. The first symptoms, i.e. fever, chills, malaise, occur from one week to 6 weeks after the infection, and may also appear much later.
People at high risk have high fever with shaking chills and symptoms of severe hemolytic anemia. There is spleen enlargement and / or liver enlargement, and blood counts show anemia, leukopenia and thrombocytopenia.
See how to properly remove a tick:

Babesiosis: when is it particularly dangerous?
Babesiosis may be particularly severe in patients with impaired immunity.
The highest risk group includes:
- newborns
- elderly people
- people after spleen removal;
- people infected with HIV / AIDS;
- people suffering from diseases of the immune system
- transplant recipients
- people after chemotherapy
Babesiosis: treatment
Treatment of babesiosis consists in administering antimalarial drugs(antiprotozoals): quinine, atovaquone and some antibiotics (clindamycin, azithromycin), usually in combination therapy. Patients may require blood transfusions.