Tick-borne encephalitis is, next to Lyme disease, another very serious disease transmitted by ticks. Tick-borne encephalitis is a disease of the nervous system that can take up to a year to heal. Fortunately, the vaccine protects us against TBE. What are the symptoms of TBE? What are the complications of TBE?
- Tick-borne encephalitis: causes
- Tick-borne encephalitis: symptoms
- Tick-borne encephalitis: research. How to detect TBM?
- Tick-borne encephalitis: treatment
- Tick-borne encephalitis: complications
Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)has been endemic in Poland since the beginning of the 1950s. - It is a very severe and acute disease of the central nervous system caused by viral infection. To introduce the virus into the human body, all you need to do is prick the tick larvae, which is about a millimeter long. It is very difficult to counteract this, especially since our outdoor activities in the summer and light clothing are conducive to tick attacks - says Dr. n. med. Ewa Majda-Stanisławska from the Department of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology, Medical University of Lodz. - Diseases occur, although rarely, also after eating unpasteurized products made of milk obtained from goats infected with the virus.
Tick-borne encephalitis: causes
The tick-borne encephalitis virus isflavivirus , belonging to the familyFlaviviridae(they also include other pathogenic viruses, e.g. hepatitis C, Yellow Fever, Dengue, West Nile Fever, Japanese Encephalitis).
There are three known subtypes:
- European,
- Siberian,
- Far East.
All virus subtypes are closely related. The European subtype of the virus is mainly transmitted by common ticksIxodes ricinus , while the Siberian and Far Eastern subtype by ticksIxodes persulcatus .
Effective remedies for ticks
Tick-borne encephalitis: symptoms
- Fever, chills, muscle pain, typical symptoms of the flu. However, when they appear in a child or an adult in the period of 7 to 14 days after being bitten byticks, can mean something completely different, namely tick-borne meningitis (TBE) - says Dr. Ewa Maria Duszczyk, MD.
- The next stage of the disease can be much more turbulent. Affected by the virus, he develops a fever, vomits, has a headache, has nausea, may lose consciousness. In this case, hospital treatment is only a matter of relieving symptoms. And yet we have an effective vaccine for tick-borne meningitis - he adds.
Dr. Piotr Gryglas: A bite by ticks can cause tick-borne encephalitis
Tick-borne encephalitis: research. How to detect TBM?
Blood tests are performed to determine the presence of TBEV (tick-borne encephalitis virus) IgM antibodies.
Tick-borne encephalitis: treatment
- Treatment is carried out only in hospital conditions and may last for weeks, even a year, explains Dr. n. med. Ewa Majda-Stanisławska. There are no drugs that could quickly improve the patient's he alth or affect the prognosis by destroying the TBE virus. Treatment is only symptomatic. However, we do have a vaccine that, given early enough, preferably in spring, leads to the development of immunity and protects against disease after exposure, i.e. bite by an infected tick - he adds.
Worth knowingPoles have been taking vaccinations against tick-borne encephalitis in increasing numbers for several years. Last year (2015), 27.8 thousand people were vaccinated in Poland. people. This is over 2,000 more than the year before. This is the result of social campaigns conducted in the media and on the Internet to make people aware of the dangers of ticks.
Detailed information on vaccinations against TBE can be found on the website of the National Institute of Public He alth of the National Institute of Hygiene and on the website szczucersiewiedza.pl.

Tick-borne encephalitis: complications
Severe tick-borne encephalitis can have serious consequences:
- paresis
- depression
- muscle wasting
- constant headaches