Diarrhea may be one of the symptoms of COVID-19. Sometimes it appears as the first symptom of a coronavirus infection or only some time after the onset of other COVID-19 symptoms. When can diarrhea be a symptom of coronavirus infection? How to relieve diarrhea with COVID-19 at home?
Diarrhea with COVID-19is one of the less obvious symptoms of coronavirus infection. Much more common symptoms are fever, cough, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, and tiredness. Therefore, problems with the digestive system usually do not arouse concern - many people associate them with banal poisoning or another infection, e.g. rotavirus infection.
Meanwhile, as shown by more and more studies, diarrhea and accompanying other symptoms from the digestive system, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain or anorexia may occur relatively often. Based on a review of data collected in the medical databases Pub-Med, EMBASE and Web of Science, researchers estimate that diarrhea occurs, depending on the country of origin and the stage of the disease, in 2 to 50% of patients. patients with COVID-19.
Interestingly, diarrhea was less common in patients in China (5.8%), and more often in patients in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Japan and the USA, where it was reported even in 18%. patients admitted to hospital due to coronavirus infection.
The analysis of 35 studies, including 9,717 patients in total, showed that in 7.9% Diarrhea was an initial symptom of COVID-19 in patients.
What does diarrhea look like with COVID-19?
Diarrhea with COVID-19usually has a watery character and a yellowish color, and - according to various studies - lasts from 1 to even 14 days, so in extreme cases much longer than the diarrhea accompanying poisoning or rotavirus infection. Affected patients have a bowel movement 2 to 10 times a day (usually 3 to 9 loose stools).
Laboratory tests revealed the presence of leukocytes in the stool, and occasional occult blood. So far, a change in the nature of diarrhea from watery to bloody diarrhea has been sporadically reported.
In one of the analyzes, after endoscopic examination of a patient infected with coronavirus, the features of haemorrhagic enteritis were found, and computed tomographyshowed swelling of the entire large intestine in this person.
Could diarrhea be the only symptom of COVID-19?
So far, it is uncertain whether diarrhea may be the only symptom of COVID-19. In two studies carried out in China, the occurrence of diarrhea without accompanying respiratory symptoms was found in 3.2 and 6%, respectively. patients.
A growing body of research, however, suggests that diarrhea associated with COVID-19 is one of the few symptoms of infection. For example, a large US study found gastrointestinal symptoms were found in 31.9% of adults. patients suffering from COVID-19, but in no patient they were the only symptom of coronavirus infection.
How to relieve diarrhea with COVID-19? Do you have to call the doctor?
Diarrhea with COVID-19 should be relieved in a similar way to other diarrhea: by replenishing electrolytes and maintaining the proper level of hydration to prevent dehydration and water-lipid disturbances.
This is especially important if you have a fever in addition to diarrhea. If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, drink the cooled liquids in small portions - this way you can reduce vomiting.
It is advisable to eat an easily digestible diet and contact a doctor - in some cases the GP may recommend probiotics or anti-diarrheal drugs, and if diarrhea is accompanied by abdominal pain, also spasmolytic drugs.
Some studies have shown that diarrhea associated with COVID-19 resolved with the use of antiviral drugs, but so far such drugs are not a standard part of therapy.
Diarrhea with COVID-19 and household members: can they get infected with the coronavirus?
Although the coronavirus spreads primarily by droplets, numerous studies have confirmed that the so-called fecal-oral route of infection: coronavirus is detected in the stools of people suffering from COVID-19.
To reduce the risk of infection of the household members, the water in the toilet should be rinsed only after the seat is lowered (because it limits the transmission of the virus), and each time the toilet bowl, door handle and other surfaces in the toilet should be disinfected.