Anaplasmosis is, like Lyme disease and babesiosis, a disease that is transmitted by ticks. In 2/3 of cases, it is asymptomatic, but in some people it can lead to serious complications, including circulatory failure, and further to multi-organ failure and garbage. What are the causes and symptoms of anaplasmosis? How is her treated? Who is most at risk of developing severe disease?
- Anaplasmosis - Causes
- Anaplasmosis - how does an infection get?
- Anaplasmosis - symptoms
- Anaplasmosis - diagnosis
- Anaplasmosis - treatment
Anaplasmosis,or exactly human granulocytic anaplasmosis, istick-borne disease . This means that the infection occurs through a tick bite. Anaplasmosis is a very rarely diagnosed disease - in Poland until 2004 there were only 3 cases. Othertick-borne diseases are more frequently diagnosed- Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis.
Anaplasmosis - Causes
The cause of the disease is an infection with Gram-negative bacteriaAnaplasma phagocytophium . However, it does not enter the human body directly, but through other organisms - the so-called vectors that are carriers of this bacterium. In the discussed case, vectors are ticks (usually of the typeAmblyommaandIxodes ).
Scientific research shows that in Europe, infection of ticks with bacteriaA. phagocytophilumranges from several to several dozen percent.
Anaplasmosis - how does an infection get?
The infection occurs through a tick bite, and nymphs (a transitional form of ticks) are more often attacked than adults. The nymphs need human blood to turn into a mature form. Otherwise they won't survive.
Nymphs climb grasses and shrubs to a height of only 10-15 cm, because they do not have the strength for more (adult ticks can climb up to 70 cm) and are practically imperceptible because they resemble a small black dot . The infection most often occurs from May to July.
Anaplasmosis - symptoms
After entering the body, the bacteria travels with the blood to the bone marrow, athere in neutrophils (or neutrophils, or white blood cells) it begins to multiply. In 60 percent. cases, the disease is asymptomatic.
In the rest, there are non-specific symptoms that resemble flu symptoms:
- high temperature
- headaches
- feeling unwell
- sweating
- cough
- joint and muscle pains
Gastrointestinal symptoms are observed in some patients:
- nausea
- stomach pains
- diarrhea
as well as pneumonia with impaired breathing or kidney failure or neurological symptoms (including seizures).
Ticks - how to outsmart them?
ImportantAnaplasmosis can kill
The course of infection and the severity of symptoms may vary from asymptomatic to very severe forms. In the latter case, intravascular coagulation may occur, which causes the closure of the vessels, and hence - blockage of blood flow, and then multi-organ failure and death. This risk increases especially in people:
- elderly,
- with autoimmune diseases,
- with reduced immunity.
Mortality ranges from 2 to 10 percent.
Dr Piotr Gryglas: Ticks carry, among others, anaplasmosis
Source:ń Dobry TVN
Anaplasmosis - diagnosis
Serological tests that detect the presence of antibodies against bacteriaA play a key role in the diagnosis of anaplasmosis. phagocytophilum.Blood tests also show thrombocytopenia (thrombocytopenia) and leukopenia.
The test of choice is the indirect immunofluorescence test, which detects specific IgG antibodies.
Anaplasmosis - treatment
The patient is given antibiotics from the tetracycline group (e.g. doxycycline or tetracycline), which act very quickly.
- Dangerous tick-borne diseases
- Home remedies for ticks
- Tick-borne encephalitis vaccine
Anaplasmosis - how to prevent it?
- it is best to avoid contact with ticks, i.e. walks in the woods, etc. However, if you decide to do so, wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants and covered shoes. You cannot forget the headgear;
- it is necessary to use tick repellants (appropriate repellants);
- after a walk in the forest, the body should be checked, especially in the bendsjoints, head, arms, legs, groin;
- in the event of a tick bite, remove it from the skin quickly and properly.
CHECK>>How to remove a tick step by step